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GRAVITATION! Oh, Saiyuki too!
To create a team of super friends at Eagle High and to start the band the Catchphrases!
Drawing, sports (but only if they're REAL ones, they can't be pansy sports either), listening to music, trying to touch Alen in the halls
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Friday, May 27, 2005
Oooh... Almost forgot about this thing!
I've been dedicating my time to MySpace, which I have become throughly decent in.
Argh... My dogs are making me very mad... THEY WON'T STOP BARKING! I just want to smack and lock them in the crawlspace. Uh, yeah... In the words of Mt. Horning "Let this be a lesson, DON'T make Catherine mad." Or I chuck softball at you.
I've become totally obsessed with this little camera I found... It makes such cool pictures and I've been on a photo spree! *points to icon*
Other than that, not much has been going on in my boring old life.
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Friday, May 13, 2005
STFU I'm Buddah
Now, raise your hands in the air people if you have ever been between a bunch of hormone driven boys and an issue of Sports Illustrated? Well, those who haven't are very lucky fellows...
I'm very thankful it's Friday, that week was taking forever. Ooh... I had a lot of fun in Science, I drew this mean picture of that blasted Christina... I showed it to a couple friends and pretty soon 3-4 people were working on it at a time. If I can get HTML to work, here it is...Hope it's not TOO humongous.
Yep, it's my special way of being mean.
I should totally pimp my aesthetically pleasing pictures.
Bah, nothing else to talk about!
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Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Do you ever have those days when...
...when you just feel like doing a bunch of incredibly stupid things? @_@ I'm having one of those days. I think it's from when I got kicked in the head at lunch. My legs kept doing weird stuff, like CROSSING UNNECESSARILY! (GASP)
I had these stupid "chicky runs" (new vocab. word from Rebel Without a Cause!) with my friend at lunch. We'd just run at eachother head on and whoever bailed out was the chicken... Uh, none of us bailed out, so we were just having fun ramming into eachother... o_O;
Now, there's a beer in the fridge and I REALLY want to drink it... I don't know why, I hate alcohol (except Pina Coladas... <3) and I know I'll get in trouble... BUT! >___< It's so tempting...
I need to do something to take my mind off of ..."wrong-doing". Hopefully one of my loser (just kidding, keep cool my babies!) friends calls me to talk about something, nothing, whateva! *loves the hootchie mama spelling*
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Monday, May 9, 2005
Like Frosted Flakes, I feel GRRRRREAT!
^_^ Today has been a fun day.
First, Robert was back at school today after taking a nasty spill on his bike. He even got a concussion last week. I called him Scabby McScabScab, because I love that name and always look to use it.
NEXT! I actually CLEARLY understood what we were talking about in science. LYK OMFG!!!!1one it's a miracle!
Lunch time = Fun time. I was goofing off with Alyssa. We always pretend to have dramatic mood swings around eachother, and today was no exception. We had this little fake arguement, which went a little somethin' like this:
Alyssa: You know what? YOU'RE ARROGANT!
Me: WHAT?! I am not!
A: Yes! You're arrogant!
M: Oh... well! YOU'RE BULBOUS!
A: ...WHAT?!
M: You heard me!
It went back and forth like that until I proceeded to call her ugly like a cow with a sow for a brow, which we both found described neither of us. Instead, we said it described Amber and went off to annoy her.
We got to play an actual softball game, and even though the ground was all muddy and crap... I still kicked ass.
Oooh! Jordan is moving close to meeeee. That will be awesome! I wish he would've moved earlier, because then he could have gone to Sawtooth... BUT IT'S NOT ENTIRELY OUT OF THE QUESTION...! (Common Sense: Yes, it is.) Alexis moved to a different school last Thursday! Ooooh, I dun like Alexis... Uh, bad example...
Oh well!
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Friday, May 6, 2005
Well, shut my mouth.
Ergh... I had an awkward conversation with my mom a few minutes ago. She was laughing at my attempts at sexual education. Er, that sounded weird... But anyway, last summer, my friend's little sister would not stop bugging me to tell her how babies are made... Um, yeah. So, I showed her an example with the cardboard part of the paper towels and a stick... I told her not to tell her mom, but sure enough, she did. >_< I'm never telling anyone anything like that again.
Hmm... Let's see... Oh, the most frustrating thing happened today. Christina finally got on my last nerve, and when she totally butt her way into our group and acted like she was "der regular", I said, out loud: "NO! You can't join in our group. God, I hate you, why won't you leave me ALONE?" And you know what? She didn't hear me. >___< Graaaah...
I am throughly pissed at le parental units at the moment. They once again pulled the knowledge is its own reward. CRAAAAAP! I mean, look at my progress report!
Pre Algebra: A
Health: A+
English Honors: A
Science: A
Newspaper: A
Challenge: A
P.E.: A+
Dude, shouldn't I get SOME kind of reward for that? It's evil, I tells ye!
Ah, but time for good news. Alexis Lasher FINALLY moved, so Amber can sit by me, and now Alen sits where she used to, and now we're all close together <3 Tis awesome.
Somehow, I think I'm starting to like running laps o_o I felt really good after running a mile in 9 minutes! I even did another lap in only 2 minutes. I feel empowered! We also get to do a real sport in PE, softball! I love softball. Mr. Horning's PE is awesome, he's very funny, in a sarcastic, goofy way.
I hate mayonaise >_< Did you know that?
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Tuesday, May 3, 2005
OMFG, Rob Thomas is such a man-slut.
I only bring such a thing up because that "Lonely No More" (that is one of the greatest music videos <3)song was in a dream I had last night! I rarely dream, so the ones I have I usually remember! This one really made no sense but... then again, not much of what I say does.
Anyway, I had a dream I was eating tofu with a friend and I was singing "Lonely No More" (the only one who'll eat tofu. You know who you are...!) But then my friend Amber came up and cut my hair, and it looked really cool! ^.^ Then I woke up to find my stupid flippy hair still intact. >_<
Anyway... We had a party in English today. Ugh, there was too much candy/cookies/chips/other crap there though! I didn't get have any because I spent the whole time talking >.< A girl gave me some chips later, but lordy, were they greasy! I threw them away, but Morales tried to knock them out of my hands first. Good thing I had such a, and I quote, "...firm grasp on these chips!"
ERRRGH! Christina is really pushing it now. She said Phil from Boondocks talked to her (when she didn't even know he existed until last Monday) but he hated her. Pffft, like he'd even talk to her in the first place. I swear...
I just read this really funny article by one of the funniest guys alive, Michael Ian Black. Since I feel like it, I'll post some quotes from said article on... why nobody asks celebrities if they eat babies.
"Are you really going to tell me that bad-boy Colin Farrell has never once dined on chicken-fried baby? My IQ may be 87, but I'm not stupid."
"Believe me, I am not saying that all these fabulous people eat babies. Chances are better than fifty-fifty that they don't. All I'm saying is that if babies are being downed like so many Dunkin' Donuts Munchkins, it's probably the richest and most powerful among us who are doing the downing. After all, poor people can't afford black-market babies. Not in today's economy."
"Inevitably, the question will be asked: "Michael, you're a celebrity. You've been to more than your fair share of glamorous Hollywood barbecues. Have you ever eaten a baby?" And when that time comes, when Katie Couric finally gets the guts to ask me that question, I will take a deep breath and answer the only way I know how: "No comment."
Tee hee...
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Sunday, May 1, 2005
Will Smith is right, parents just don't understand...
Bah, don't mean to turn on the "teen angst" again, but my parents made me mad at dinner, GRR. It all started with the usual, make fun of the way Catherine eats. My mom gets really annoyed when I tell her I'm not going to eat something with milk stuff (because it's guh-ross). I don't understand why though...
Then the topic shifts to me wanting to dye my hair black and get it cut in this totally cool way (like Phil's almost! =D). After that, my mom, for no reason, decides to bring my friend into the conversation. "Oh, well, BLANK got their hair dyed black and it looks stupid." GAH! Why does she feel the need to tell me this? >___< (Besides, their hair is KICK-ASS!) But anyway, I was surprised at my mom for saying that, she's usually so nice.
Ah, but me being the quick-witted (Ha!) chap I am, quickly told my parents they had no say in hair after my mom's horrendous dye job (she tried dying her head red and when she didn't like it and took it out, she had PINK hair!) and my dad just dyed his today. (TO GET RID OF GRAYS, 24 YEARS OLD MY ASS!)
Anywoo... I REALLY wish tomorrow was no school. >_< We only have a month left, but I want it done nowww...
Now, to go make my lunch for tommorow, toodle-o! ^.^
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LYK OMFG!11 Sk00ls almost outtt!
Ahh... I feel so nice tonight. Maybe it's the soymilk, but I'm just sitting at my desk with the dumbest smile on my face. I really want to laugh, but I don't want to look retarded by laughing at empty space...
Hrmmm...Dilemmas, dilemmas.
I started writing a literary analysis paper today, and even I don't have a clue what I said in my paragraph. HAHA! My vocabulary is getting so broad that even I don't understand it.
I watched 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame' on the Disney channel today. Gawd, I felt so OLD! That movie's almost 10 years old and I still remember seeing trailers for it! I didn't believe my dad when he told me how to pronounce 'Dame' so I called it 'Damn' for a couple years. *le sigh* Ah, memories.
But forget about that stuff, SKOOLS ALMOST OUT! Yes, yes, YES! Only 1 month to go! This year has gone by so fast, and I'm loving it. I have this SUPER COOL list of things to do this summer, it's going to be SWEET!
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Friday, April 29, 2005
Grahhhh, I lost a good half my dignity today.
It's TRUE! Today was our Author's Study Presentations in front of a bunch of other classes. It was an hour and a half of pure hell. I felt like such an idiot. I had to act like a Safari man in front of a bunch of people I knew! The worst part was when Alen had to do paper work for the library RIGHT BESIDE my presentation. ARRRRGH!!
Ah, at least it's Friday. Sweet, sweet Friday. Oh, and another good thing! My scanner stopped being such a bitch and now has allowed me to print my picture of my buddies at Boondocks in the appropriate colors. ^_^ Though it was really weird, there's no red eye on our camera, yet Alyssa STILL managed to have it. Hrmmm... She WAS acting weird on Saturday, maybe she was POSSESSED!
I feel like changing my icon to a funny Simple Plan one. They're such an annoying sounding band and I'm not a big fan, but... I totally heart Pierre and David. They're so gay for eachother <3.
Alright, I'm quite done now.
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Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Ah, I got to miss school today because I finally got my tin teeth. I never thought my teeth were THAT bad, but now I have little green bands to show me the error of my ways. I don't know why people say they hurt after you get them, I'm just fine!
I get to miss school tomorrow too, YES! I'm going with my dad to his work, because its take your son/daughter to work day. I get orange juice and get to try on stuff like bulletproof vests. But the best part is I don't have to go to school, SWEET!
I got this cool t-shirt today that is like the shirt Frankie from MCR wore in the "I'm Not Okay" video. I love it to bits.
We had a creative writing class in Newspaper, so I decided to write about Phil (I think we were supposed to write a scary story though...). We are all spreading the word of Phil, he has more fans than he will ever know.
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