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puffmama rocker
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i have been an anime fan since 2002 or 2000 around there
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inuyasha/samurai champloo/wolfs rain
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Thursday, July 21, 2005
well not as i planned
well today was the carwash day and i didn't really like it cause like my head my eye and my stomach was hurting and like this girl had like an additude problem today.well anyways when i went there, everyone was washing a car!
then the girl i was talking about in my old site she was staring at me! and i'm like what do you want punk! lol but anyways, then i got soo pissed cause she was kep on staring at me! then i starting taking off the soap that was on the car and like she was drying someparts and then i was near where she was drying and so i hosed her and i was like oops!! sorry it was an accident! (yea write!!!) then we got to have a break and stuff when we can hose people and l kept hosing her! hehehehe n_n! well then we were keep washing the cars and stuff and like after we washed the car, i went to my grandmothers house, which was like write next to the house that i went to to do the carwash,well anyways i went there and i had a really big tomach ache and i felt like throwing up but it always came out to be a small burp.but anyways,...then my aunt said if you want pizza,i said no. she said doyouwant corn,..?i said no.then she said do you want these noodles??and i said ok ill see if i can eat i ate it adn i couldn't eat it if was unconfortable for me to eat it. so then she's like you have to have sugar in ur body. so then she gave me icecream, and i ate it but i still felt a little bad,but then i swam and then i took a nice shower and then i finished. it got all better. whew..., i always think that when i'm sick it's like cancer or something.that's why i don't like to be sick. and then i went home and did nothing
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Wednesday, July 20, 2005
well tomarrow im gong to have a carwash with my friends, and then the next day after that i'm going to washingtonw ith my friends!! it's going to be so awsome!! well if i can i will try to post stuff when i have time when i'm in washington and if someone brings a laptop(brother).
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Sunday, July 17, 2005
well we have this neibor and they have the anoyingest dog int he world! it barks every single time! and somehow now it can come into our back yard and back to his REAL home. man it stinkx! (looks pretty ugly 2)
maaan what else can get worse!
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Saturday, July 16, 2005
Well today was good, but it just feels so anoying! well, we went icescating with all the faimily members and a couple of my cousins cousin because ther not in out side of the family so.. yea well anyways, i had to borrow thos old stinky icescates, but um. well those were freakin uncomfortable!!! and they were sooo hurtful! it would hurt my feet! man it's like weird! well
that is what happenned!
will tell you on the next post. can't concentrate!
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Wednesday, July 13, 2005
happy birthday cousin!
well yesterday it wasn't exactly my cousins birthday, but it we were celebrating it yesterday cause of the stupid stupid hurrican. but we had a blast! we swam and played games in the pool, and her grandmother gave her a baloon that sings it was funny.! well we played a game called pigs,marco polo, color game, and my brother, mybrothers friend we played this thing when we have to tryo to push each other in the pool. the suckies part was when i fell i always got water in my nose. is sucked to
i didn't really like it cause my baithing suit was so anoying!
happy birthday sooyon!
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You are a protector. Yes, you don't like to kill people. That goes against everything you belive in. It's not that you are a coward, but your ideals and morals wouldn't allow it. You are the typical hero, do the righteous things, get the bad guys and do it all legally. But just because you don't kill doesn't mean you can't kick ass. And that is what you do. You use your brain and your strenght to do honourable deeds and protect people you know and love. If an evil guy is going to take over the world soon, it's you who will get involved. You hate watching innocents suffer, and love seeing bad people getting what they deserve. You are probably also happy and optimistic and work pretty good in groups. And the friends you usually make are true ones.
Main weapon: Anything at all Quote: "You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough" -Joe Lewis Facial expression: Smile
What Type of Killer Are You? [cool pictures] brought to you by Quizilla
Yay! i'm not a syco killer!!! n_n
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Friday, July 8, 2005
sorta booring
well i was at my grandmothers house today and i didn't really have a blast because um we have baby cousins and like they aren't really good with me because i am not a real baby person but i try to play with them sometime.(not really good) Well the thing that sucks is that i am supposto let my friends come and have a blast with me and go to the movies and stuff but like i don't get to do it because of the f***in hurrican!! And i was supposto go icescating with my cousin tomarrow to and like i can't now because it's her birthday! well i can't really blame her b-day because it's her b-day!! well things are not going welll for me now and that just reaaaaaaally sucks!!! Man today is just not my day!!!! It is neeeeever my day!!!!
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Monday, July 4, 2005
hey everyone! happy fourth of july! well i hope you guys have a great time looking at the fireworks and stuff!
the bad thing is that i might not be able to go on my otaku but i will tryi my best to go on. i will miss sammyjoe a lot!! well happy fourth of july!!
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Friday, July 1, 2005
Hey everyone i'm like bored like craaaaazy! i need osmeone to please like talk to me and stuff and like just go to my site and like like like do things on it
if you can please do your best! ^_^
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Thursday, June 30, 2005
yes yes yes! high score!! well yesterday was my moms birthday!! Since my dad went to korea, my brother and i had to do a party for her. but we didn't know what to do you know because were just children! well anyways, since my dad owend a restraunt,we decided to give her one of our cakes we had at the restraunt and get some candles and like give it to her. well she didn't even know it was coming. She was soooo surprised!!! I'm just so happy that she got surprised
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