myOtaku.com: AmethystMoon
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This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 08/13/07:
Result Posted on 08/12/07:
Which YYH boy would you date? (9 Detailed Results+Pics)
 Minamino Shuichi! Lucky you...This guy is the human form of Youko Kurama (see all possible results) Similar to his demon form, he is calm, intelligent, and able to use plants for any purpose, but there also are differences. For instance, he is sweet, gentle, warm-hearted, and considerate. However, that doesn't mean he gives in easily to foes. If you're in any type of danger, watch him protect you and outwit the enemy! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/12/07:
Result Posted on 08/12/07:
Result Posted on 08/12/07:
You Could Definitely Be a Vegetarian
You would make a great vegetarian - if you aren't one already.
You're adventurous enough to try all sorts of new veggie foods...
And your commitment to animal welfare will motivate you to stay meat free!
Result Posted on 08/12/07:
Result Posted on 08/12/07:
Result Posted on 08/12/07:
Result Posted on 08/12/07:
whos your naruto boyfriend girls only(i no there are a million of these but)
 your name:annuli(means girl who brings happyness)age:same as everyonebf:none but all the guys are in love with you(heehee)bff:most everyonepersanality:your always happy(not in the iratating way though) you know when to just let someone be sad and when and xactly how to cheer someone up.ever since you were little whenever you touched some one you were able to sense there emotions.you want to be a medical ninja and you hate seeing ppl in painwat ppl think of you:gaarashe...she...my heart dosent hurt around her...she xepts me for who i am and treats me like a person not a monster...i would do enything for her i...love...her sasukei like her..oops.. i mean shes ok... she the only girl ive met who i can have a conversation w/ w/out her swoonng over menarutoshes prettyer than sakura!chojishe never calls me fat and we go to lunch all the time she is so funshinoum shes ok*is secretly in love with you eversince he saw you standing in a field with a dragon fly on your nose*shikamarushes quiet so shes not such a drag.. i like waching the clouds with her*blushes*nejihmm*deep in thoughabout destiny and wether he can go against destiny and if he cant is his destiny to be with u...*lee*heart eyes*kankuooh hmf*if i say what i really feel gaara will kill me*tamarienyone who can keep gaara from randomly killing ppl is fine w/ me sakura& ino*dont like u cus sasuke likes u*hinatashes really great... she helps me talk to n-narutotentenshes really fun to train withkakashishe has much promisgaiso much youth!tsunadeim going to ask her to be my apprntice she has much talent she will be a great healer Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/12/07:
Who would be your Naruto Boyfriend??[[GiiRlz]]
 You got Sasuki!he is your perfect match and you guys belong together obviously.Tommorow he will hold your hand and ask you out.And youll find out what an awsome guy he actually is.=] Take this quiz!
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