myOtaku.com: AmethystMoon
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 08/14/07:
Result Posted on 08/14/07:
Result Posted on 08/14/07:
Result Posted on 08/14/07:
.: Where was your heart born from? :.
Result Posted on 08/14/07:
What type of flower do you resemble? (for girls w anime pics!)
 Believe it or not, dead leaves resemble saddness (and of course it can be counted as a flower! hmph!). But you've been hurt and probably have been injured in some mental way that leaves sadness behind in your heart. But thinking everything over, you have to realize the world isn't that bad. There's a time where everyone's felt the same way, but you have to be strong and forget about it. Lift your head up and smile. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/14/07:
..: [ What is your special skill? ] :..
Result Posted on 08/14/07:
What Original Angel Are You? (girls only pleeease)
 You are: The Captured FairyShe is held down by her master. Although she wants to do good, her master is quite evil. She enjoys being flirty and fun, but inside she is scared and timid. She wears a broken smile that no one seems to care about. Positive Things: She's fun and kindNegative Things: She can't speak up for what she believes in Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/14/07:
.:: What are your inner feelings? ::.
 Frustration and anger. You don't show it much, but people are just annoying as they can get. You bury it among yourself and often have a storm swelling up inside, which makes it tough to relax at certain times. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/14/07:
Why do people admire you?
Result Posted on 08/14/07:
What's your female appeal? ( with pics! )
 Virgin! You are pure and innocent... You look into the world with wide open, curious eyes. You love to giggle and play with your friends. If you are honsest, you don't really care about boys. There are more intersting and cooler thinst than the complicatet mens, right? Fact: You're a free spirt! Take this quiz!
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