Okay, so since the start of the week, it's been kind of sad. We got our yearbooks and everyone's all mushy-gushy and junk in their signings. I watched LOTR III last saturday so I kept writing, "Don't ever go where I can't follow," it
was so much prettier when Samwise the Brave said it. x3 Go Sam! <--Pippin is cool, too. And Aragon, when his hair isn't combed.-->
It's been burning up! And I've been thinking of all these sad and retarded songs. o.o Anyhow, I almost cried today at piano. I dunno why. O.O I think it's from the fact that it's the last week of school. Plus, the piano and my bed is where I feel very, well, me. I don't even play very well! x3 And I sucked today, too. There was snot dripping down my nose! <--ew, I know.--> I'm gonna miss everyone! I just wish that Cody and Ariel would visit when I am. I'm thinking that when I visit, I'll go back in my lame 4th grade challenger uniform. Not sure.
Oh, and Kim gave me this little fortune telling thing, and I asked, "Is my new school gonna be cool?" And then she did blah blah blah with the cards. And this was basically the answer:
You're in love with a girl and a guy. But the guy loves another guy.
I got really freaked out. But I don't think it's going to be right. In love...WITH A GIRL?? AND A GAY?? not very Andrea-like. O.O lol!! Let's imagine me gay. Okay, it was funny until it turned creepy. ^^" Whoops..
Yearbook Count: 30s. I feel so loved. ^.^
Keep Smiling. ^_______________^
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