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Lolly Land
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Hospitality Supervisor for Lollipop Land
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Jessica dragged me in. x3
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Fruits Basket
To stay on the Rainbow, wherever it may go.
talking, reading, writing, drawing, hanging out, uh...drawing, talking, hanging out, trying to recover my lost html skills <--I used to actually kbnow the darn thing! x3->
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
WAITTT!! Stop right there. I've got a really long recap to write so here we go...
On Sunday, I saw Myra and it was soososososooooo cool! We like, hung out for only about ten, fifteen minutes, and Rai finally found the perfect wallet ($17) Dang she's picky. Anyhow, Myra and I were like, omg, and talked a lot about Challenger and what's going on. The next dance is in DECEMBER!! Ugh... >< Anyhow, I can't wait for that though! Dude, it was soooo good seeing Myra again. lol. It's weird though because I always see my buddies in uniforms. ^^" lol. Anyhow...
Then in History, Mr. Knight was all like, we're starting an in class competition thing, and blahblahblah. And now, we have to do everything the "Arbiter" or Mr. Knight, says, no matter how ridiculous. So we can't look at him , or talk to him, unless we're Recorders, which each group has. We're having a debate and we're going to have it Friday.
My Angel Island contour map project is due MONDAY!! I haven't even started!
And I showed my mom my progress report. ^^" Big mistake, I can't do anything fun for the next couple weeks. -.- poop. I mean, I have an overall grade as an A. But I got a C (OMG) on one of my quizzes. -.- I'm so ashamed.
I've been avoided Briana a lot, I never knew how possible it was. And I've been talking about her behind her back with a fellow group mate, that's because the whole group wants to CUT HER OFF OUR GROUP. We have do it on the Fourth day of the assignment. LOL!! I feel so evil though. ^^" But that's okay, I hope she SUFFERS. MUIAHAHHAHAHHAH!
I sit with Caitlin and Crew. And I also find them HALARIOUS. But lately I've been coming to school too early so I don't talk to them then. ^^" So now I talk to Davis.
Briana's trying to hook me up with Davis at the dance. EWWWWWWWW!! God, he's my friend, he's not my CRUSH. moron...I've no crush. Humph. She's asking him anyways. Forget it, I'm not going with him, I'm not dancing with him, I'm there to have FUN. poof. Byebye Briana.
Our whole group blew up at Briana today, and she got all huffy puffy. She was soooo retarded. If only she would LISTEN to us, then we'd still be the leading team. DARNIT!! Now, we're third. Great running to Mr. Knight, Briana. Great wasting time. Great arguing making time a useless thing that won't help us get back into FIRST PLACE. humph I don't wanna fail History!!
Straight A's, Babeh!!
I haven't said Babeh forever!!
My brother's on my AIM occassionally, beware of him. If things go funny, it's him. If I tell you it's him, IT'S HIM. BEWAREEEE, You've been forewarned.
I'm almost midway through: Alicia: My Story. It's REALLY good. And I've got her autograph. lol. ^_____________^
I joined rap committee, dunno why. Oh YEAH!! To get away from Briana at lunch. x3
Our class didn't win for banner committee. -.- WE TIED SECOND THOUGH!! x3
And that's about it.
Keep Smiling. ^_______________^
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