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myOtaku.com: AmiGouchi

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

I'm home! Lovely. Boring really after my mom gets me up at 5 in the morning to go to the mall after I go to bed at 1... Oy. Got all I wanted for Christmas of course. My aunt got me the 72 set of the Prismacolor pencils instead of the 24 like my other aunt. ^__^ I'm happy, it's what I did my anthro picture in. That and the colorless blenders. Then, my favorite one is my new 'slimmer' PS2. Sadly it's the first PS I've ever owned, but I love it. I have Soul Calibur 2 and Kingdom Hearts(which I'm playing constantly... Is that healthy?) but I should get more soon. Hope everyone had a really good time. ::hugs everyone:: I know I did!

Hurm... Just because I can say it, that picture of the Anthro I think I'm going to use in a roleplay with one of my good friends ::cough:: DARIAN ::cough:: just to make the rp difficult... SHH! Don't tell him! LOL XD
Toodloo for now!
~Ami ::dancing with a giant whisk:: ((you can buy those you know ^.^;))

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