Ammunition Child
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Wednesday, November 1, 2006
Current Song: Mama
Current Artist: My Chemical Romance
Current Mood: pretty fine
Been a while has it not? School is such a hassle. People in the back of the bus making noises. haha. Anyways, I'll try to be on but I'm really working on myspace and stuff cuz everyone at my school has one. Haha. Yea josh and I dont talk anymore, Taylor and I are still best friends and stuff. Art class is starting to get on my nerves with all this shit about linear perspective and my friend zakk complaining that his t.v. keeps looking like a microwave no matter how many times he draws it over and over again. I just laugh at him but anyways...
new boyfriend..
hold your mouse over the picture

Philippino Word of the Day: SA PILING MO
Philippino Word's Meaning: WHEN I'M NEAR YOU
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Friday, October 6, 2006
Current Song: Agent Orange
Current Artist: Slapshock
Current Mood: happy
Today is my fifteenth birthday everyone.
Philippino Word of the Day: ULO
Philippino Word's Meaning: HEAD
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Tuesday, October 3, 2006
Break up
Current Song: Spilled Milk
Current Artist: Dir En Grey
Current Mood: okay
Josh and I broke up. I didn't really like him much. I liked Tyler but then he got his classes switched so I ended up dating Josh and now we broke up because he's ignoring me. Now Taylor(not Tyler) is getting pretty flirtatious. WTF is going onn....
Philippino Word of the Day: SIMBAHAY
Philippino Word's Meaning: CHURCH
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Thursday, September 28, 2006
Soda and Fanart
Current Song: Desert Song
Current Artist: My Chemical Romance
Current Mood: laid back
My relationship with Josh is improving. He talked to me today and was amazed by the fact that I CANNOT FINISH AN ENTIRE CAN OF SODA. I just can't no matter how I try. I always drank water. Anyways, new fanart people! It's bleach!!
Philippino Word of the Day: PERA
Philippino Word's Meaning: MONEY
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Saturday, September 23, 2006
I forgot to tell you guys that last thursday was my one month anniversary with Josh. He HUGGED me! I feel so pleased now. And I got a whole bunch of clothes from my aunt as a gift!
I'm fucking sick of ppl being so mean about my artwork. At least the people with a HEART have it in them to say that they're sorry.
Anyways, I will visit sites during the week but not tonite.
Philippino Word of the Day: TRABAJO
Philippino Word's Meaning: WORK
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Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Emotionally Unstable
First there's new fanart guys. and second...
Guys, I'm not doing so well. I've been emotionally unstable...I can't eat...I'm sick right now...and Josh had recently said that I was annoying to him....I feel so heartbroken...
Filipino word of the day:BADING (spelling???)
Filipino word meaning: GAY
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Friday, September 15, 2006
See my fanart. There are some new ones.
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Monday, September 4, 2006
No Sites Today People...
Current Song: To Whom This May Concern
Current Artist: Underoath
Current Mood: deeply sorry
If you have not seen the fanart that I've sent in then go look. I'm sorry I wasn't able to update my computer was acting up. Happy Labor day!!!!! I had a labor day party at my house and psychedelic came over and we partied and had fun and laughed.
Philippino Word of the Day: MALIIT
Philippino Word's Meaning: SMALL
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Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Fanart and Rain
Current Song: Savior
Current Artist: 30 seconds to mars
Current Mood: it rained outside
There's new fanart that I submitted yesterday. Well today it rained and I had to walk outside and Tyler said to me, "Yay! Let's get wet!!" but Joshua was all, "here you can use this bag to cover your head."
I was so charmed....Tyler that dork.
Philippino Word of the Day: SANDALI
Philippino Word's Meaning: WAIT
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Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Like Finally
Current Song: But It's Better If You Do
Current Artist: Panic! At The Disco
Current Mood: Im so happy
Joshua asked me out! Yay! I think Tyler's a little jealous...
Philippino Word of the Day: SAPATOS
Philippino Word's Meaning: SHOES
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