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myOtaku.com: amogoi

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Guestbook Entries:

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FlawedPerfection (07/16/05)

hey...thanx for stoppin by and visiting =D. its been a while since ive seen a new message. =P. haha my named site has an origin based back when i was playing gunbound...it goes way back..as for ur site its awesome!!...just like everyone else i am mezmorized by ur background image that moves...continuously..0_o. so great to look at..new friends are good to have even better is a bounty hunter. =] i didnt know aodtr666 was brought back to life. thats craziness =D i can see how he uses that for his poems...i like ur poems as well, ther awesome. =O

Kaze Shi (07/16/05)

Hey there! Thanks for signing my gb! I love your background! The rain is so soothing. I'm also adding you as a friend.

EndlessDarkness (07/16/05)

thanks for signing my gb...
your bg is really kewl
and yeah i've never seen a bg that actually moves lol
well I hope you don't mind me adding you as a friend ok?

well bye now


Detective Jay (07/14/05)

Wow! A blue site! I'm addin you as a friend. You like cowboy bebop, too? That show is awesome. Hm...how is ur BG like that? I've never seen a motion BG before. Hope you come by sometime.
*You take away everything
*You take away hurt
*You take away pain
*For you I give anything
*To take away pride
*And keep me insane

dark angel 2009 (07/14/05)

Hey I really like your site and you bg is awesome! thanx for comin ta my site i will add you as a fried as well! aight ttyl!

Dead and Alone (07/14/05)

Thank you for signing my guestbook! I'll add you to my friends list, too. O.o you caused death to Angel(aodtr666)!?!? Noooooooo!!!! Your not aloud to do that, hehe. *pokes your forehead* I'll kick your butt, and you wouldn't hit a girl, now would you? I'm just kidding though.

darkheart13 (07/14/05)

thanx for signing my GB. yer site is soo awesome. i luv the blus and the greens. they rock. im gunna add u as a frend too.

BlAiZeD (07/13/05)

u have very dark poetry. i like it. i cu are friends with aodtr666. he is a good poet 2. i like ur bg. the rain. u have a lot of the same faves as i do when it comes to anime. well cool site. ill cya

anarchysnowflake (07/13/05)

hey, thanx for signing my gb. your site is kick ass, i like the raindrops. ill add you as a buddy too. ttyl sometime.


ChibiIchigo (05/25/05)

hihi! ooo I like you bg little ripp,es form the ran drops ^^ thats cool oh and you are also very good poet well I have to go now latetrz!

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