Sacrifice- Hmmm, To many things to say. Forgivness
may not come easy. But out of all of the people
in the world, your type of person should bare
the most hatred against people. Being thrown
away for a cause is something I bet you're used
to. People like this are prolly the ones to
give there whole lunch to a friend that forgot
theirs, or get their lunch stolen from, but do
nothing about it. You may dream of death, or
see yourself (or others may) as weak, but
despite that something inside you is more
valuable then any one else. Most of the time
people like this have a VERY hard time trusting
people, even if they have friends and family,
you never know when they'll betray your trust.
Your reason to live this life time, is to help
others by well..scarificing yourself (just not
by dying) OR by becoming stronger. Heh, the
reson why I prolly wrote the most in this
result is because I can relate waaaay too much.
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