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• 1989-05-31
• Houston, Texas
Member Since
• 2003-08-01
• Sorry, don't have one.
Real Name
• Wouldn't you like to know?
• Well, I collected a shitload of manga and anime (and still collecting), and i also collected a bunch of games!!!
Anime Fan Since
• Since I was 8 yrs old.
Favorite Anime
• How about all of them? Except all that Dragonball crap and Reign, of course.
• To collect an Anime stack as tall as my house! Oh, and i want to be a doctor when i get a job!
• Well duh, haven't you guessed by now? Anime and Manga collecting, of course!
• I am a very good writer (though it doesn't show through my writing here...). And...ummm...oh yeah! i can spit pretty far too! ^_^
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Guestbook Entries:
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Blue Hawk (10/15/03)
Just stop by to say hi,HIIII!!!!!!!,and you have a fun site,gotta go now
FreyaB01 (10/14/03)
I've seen several people post their results of that Hellsing vampire quiz, and every one of them had the Modern Vampire.I think I'm the only Classic vamp here.Didn't you get your pic from the Ragnarok manga?
Nitz (10/14/03)
Cool picture and i see you like megatokyo ye its awsome but can you speak l33t its the language largo-san and piro-san use in the comics ( i bought the manga a few days ago in stores ) so yea well later.
moletta (10/13/03)
Wow, your site is fun. Nice site, come by mine if you like.
Sciros Darkblade (10/13/03)
hey, thanks for signing my guestbook. disgaea is a cool game, yeah. i haven't played it, just watched a friend play it at his house, but it looks cool. like fire emblem, but maybe more depth. anyway, you should put up some fanart or writing for us all to enjoy ;-).
Wolfy (10/13/03)
hey! that is so awsome! thanx much! ^_^ i will try that..:D thanx agaiN! XD
Juggalo Son Pan (10/13/03)
Yeh hey! thanks 4 ya comments and stuff...then pic u got up in ur otaku life are coooool...especially helling pic..
~*Juggalo Son Pan*~
Seifer sama (10/11/03)
Thankyou so much for signing my guestbook. ^^ I really appreciate it. ^^ *bows* And thank you for the kind compliments.
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