sosa (11/10/05)
hey nice art work. i can see that you like love hina as well. stop by my site some time.
DarkWizard (04/09/04)
HI! Nice artwork. Come visit my site sometime!
caitsith77 (02/19/04)
Woo hoo! Nice Naru pic! Never seen the show to tell the truth, but super good fanart! ^-^
vashluver (02/19/04)
hiya angel84!!!i really like your work and your site!!keep it up k? well im gonna friend u later!!!!!
Greendayep (02/19/04)
hey man
Awesome link picture it is awesome. great job. hey when you get a chance come to my site and help me decide which character i should base my site on next month. great pic be sure to drop by.dont forget to sign my guestbook
Zen Origatou (02/19/04)
lohe i loved your link pic it dident eas the pain of haveing an arow stuck throu my heart.....enny wyas i hope you rite me back oo pleas give comments on my poem in the archhives thank you....(zeny ma man)
Gehenna (02/19/04)
Wow, I really like your art... you're really good at drawing. Zelda is by far one of the best games ever, and Love Hina is one of the best mangas. Hope you post up more art!!