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• 1994-07-30
• On earth... maybe...
Member Since
• 2006-07-10
• Junior High Student
Real Name
• Alice
• I can speak just about half the japanese language, and I am a straight As honor roll student
Anime Fan Since
• I was 4, and Sailor Moon was on Cartoon Network
Favorite Anime
• Utawarerumono, Karin, Princess Princess, Negima!, Full Moon, Gentlemen's Aliiance Cross, Naruto, Bleach, Pani Poni Dash, and many others.
• To become a great manga artist, and work with computers, maybe a graphic artist.
• Drawing, watching anime, reading, biking, swimming, and having sleepovers with my friends.
• I think I'm a pretty good artist, and I do well academically, and I'm good at being a dork, according the my friend PrincesKairi
Friday, March 30, 2007
fun fun!
hi everyone! sorry that i haven't updated in a while. i had a lot of homework this past week. well, today was super duper fun! we had a field trip to a skating rink. i didn't skate much though cause i suck at it! and then this kid asked me if i had a boyfriend! o.0 but he was icky, and plus this girl at my school, julie, told me that he asked her out too, so i felt a little better. and there was this crane machine that everyone crowded around. and so many people got these bunnies in it! but every time i got a bunny, i gave it away. i couldn't help it. everyone wanted them, and so i thought that i would be nice and give them to them. but finally i got a bunny for myself, at the very end. lol. and i won this bunny for my friend tyler, to give to our sixth grade teacher, cause he was trying to win the bunny for her, but then i got it, so i figured i would give the bunny to him! ^-^ and i think that the guy that i like at school might like me too! >o< yay!! but i cannot reveal his name because some of my friends at school might read this! well, i'm sooo happy about that! and today we started spring break!! YAY!! i don't think that i'm going to do anything today, but i'm planning lotsa sleepover with my friends!! it's going to be soooo much fun! well, i hope that everyone here has a great weekend, or spring break if you're on it! well, ttygl!
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