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On earth... maybe...
Member Since
Junior High Student
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I can speak just about half the japanese language, and I am a straight As honor roll student
Anime Fan Since
I was 4, and Sailor Moon was on Cartoon Network
Favorite Anime
Utawarerumono, Karin, Princess Princess, Negima!, Full Moon, Gentlemen's Aliiance Cross, Naruto, Bleach, Pani Poni Dash, and many others.
To become a great manga artist, and work with computers, maybe a graphic artist.
Drawing, watching anime, reading, biking, swimming, and having sleepovers with my friends.
I think I'm a pretty good artist, and I do well academically, and I'm good at being a dork, according the my friend PrincesKairi
Sunday, August 6, 2006
hello everyone! i have deemed today national burning napkins day! today is dedicated to my dear friend Kr4zY s4SukE! i'm going to have a random day today! i hope you all enjoy my story!
me: *burns napkin* bwahahahaha!
GN: uh, you proly shouldn't do something like that...
me: yes i should! *burns more napkins* *napkins catch bed on fire*
GN: see, i told you so!
Kr4zY s4SukE: but burning napkins is so fun! *burns some more napkins*
night shade2 and tsu-san join in
night shade2: yes burn napkins!!!
tsu-san: *burns a big pile of napkins*
LB: um..did no one notice asuka-chan's bed is on fire???
*cricket cricket*
everyone: *screams at top of lungs*
me: nooo! my beautiful bed! T.T
lost puppy: well, maybe we can still save it!!!
me and Kr4zY s4SukE: you guys go ahead! we burn more napkins! bwahahaha! *they continue to burn napkins*
angel zakuro: *starts to hose down bed*
me: nejisgirl, you and neji should join in!
nejisgirl: my neji wouldn't be as stupid as to burn napkins!!!
neji: *burns napkins* but burning napkins is fun! you should try it!!!
nejisgirl: nooooo! the only sane person in my life has succumb to burning napkins!! *starts to form tears*
neji: there there *hugs nejisgirl*
me: you guys sure are lovey-dovey!
neji and nejisgirl: *blush*
GN and LB: um.. did you guys forget that the bed is still burning?
everyone: *screams again*
bored teenager: don't worry, for i have come to save the day!!! what am i saving you guys from?
everyone: the burning bed!!!
bored teenager: ah yes! okay.. um... how should i do this?
mr.cookie: *steps in* leave this to me! for i am the invinclible mr.cookie! *puts bed fire out*
night shade2 and tsu-san: so dreamy! *.*
mr.cookie, night shade2 and tsu-san fly away*
lost puppy: um...okay...
serenity453: watcha guys doin'?
me and Kr4zY s4SukE: *turns around with evil grins* burning napkins! *they burn more napkins* -insert evil laugh here-
serenity453: okay, sounds like fun! *joins in*
E.E.L.: noo! the poor napkins!!! what did they ever do to you?!
everyone: umm...
E.E.L.: see! you're doing this for no good reason and that's just mean! >.<
me and Kr4zY s4SukeE: *puts napkins and lighter in E.E.L.'s hand. you know you wanna!!!
E.E.L.:yeah, i do! *burns napkins*
The End!
i hope everyone liked my story! and if i accidentially didn't put you in my story and you wanna be in it, just tell me in your comment! ^^ and if i put you in my story and you don't wanna be in it, then tell me! ^^ but do tell me what you think! and Kr4zY s4SukE, thanx for inspiring me! ^^ how long is this post anyways?! well, i think every sunday i will add another burning napkins story! well, ttygl! ^^
a.k.a. kiba-kun's girlfriend! >.<
p.s. oopsie! sorry cleas and faithmaker67! you too mirelle5 and everyone who i forgot to put in meh story! i meant to add you but i didn't! i'll add you next time! ^^
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