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myOtaku.com: Angel Asuka

Friday, September 1, 2006

   shoutouts and boredom!
hello peoples! today i'm gonna do some shoutouts! yay! and the only way that you wouldn't be in my shoutouts would be if you don't comment or you haven't dropped by lately, or i just forgot ya! ^^; i hope that doesn't happen! well, here they are!

angel zakuro- thanx for always commenting when you can! whenever you can come, you're here! and you're a really good friend too! thanx for always being here! *huggles you*

cleas- did i spell that right? lol. thanx for always commenting. you're here almost everyday! i think i've gotten the most comments from you! thanx! *hugs*

tsuaksa.yuki- i've known you for like the longest out of my friends! when you were "souske sagara" you were like an older brother! and i still think of you that way! ^^

phoenix soul- dunno if i spelled that right... ^^; lol. well, you're one of my newer friends, but it feels like i've known you for a while now! *glomps ya!*

Kr4zY s4SukE- well... um... just what your name implies! you're crazeh! lmao! but i always looks forward to your randomness each day! thanks! ^^ *glomps ya!*

nightshade2- boy have i known you a long time! lol! you're almost like an understanding older sister! thanx for always being there! ^^ *hugs you*

sasukeisMINE- and you're like my sis! i don't have an actual sister, but you seem like a sister to me! and you're interested in the same anime as me too! ^^ so thanx! *hugs*

kycio- you're another one of my new friends, but so far, you seem really nice! and you're always understanding too! like an older sis! ^^ *huggles you*

prettykitty1013- wow, i've known you for a long time, huh? and you've got the same avatar! lmao! well, you're like a sister. you seem so kind and... wild! lol! yep. that's what i think of ya, old buddy. ol' pal! lol. but thanx for always being here when you can! *hugs you*

hatakekakashi101- you're a new friend, but you're like my best friend! you and kakashi, and orochi. lol. well, thanx for being here! ^^ *glomps you* lol

E.E.L.- another friend that i've known forever! i'm glad that you became my friend. you're so kind and nice! ^^ *huggles you*

XxkawaiixX- yet another new friend, but you're always at my site, it seems like i known you for a long time! thanx for being here! you seem like an older sister to me! ^^ *huggles you*

well, if i forgot anybody, i'm sorry. and for those of you that i know for real, mr.cookie, serenity453, PrincessKairi, Al Bhed Rikku, mirelle5 and amandamariegrab, sorry i didn't put ya, just i didn't want to make this post any longer than it is, so sorry you guys! and sorry for the people i forgot, cause i'm sure there'll be a few a forgot, so sorry!

well, i'm pretty bored right now, but i think i'm gonna start watching fruits basket on youtube. i've watched all the naruto episodes they have though. T.T if anyone knows any place like youtube that you can watch videos on, please tell me! cause i wanna watch some naruto episode that i haven't seen! i've seen up to 199! so please tell me if you know any!

today i don't think i'm gonna do anything but lay around since i have no school(holiday)and none of my friends can do anything i don't think. i still have to clean my room though.. T.T

well, this was a long post huh? time to make it longer! here's an AMV of fruits basket and the DDR song kissy kissy! enjoy!

i hope you like it! well, i guess it time to end this! i've visited everyone that updated and i might be able to visit sites later! so ttygl! ^^


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