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myOtaku.com: angel drifter

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Hey, long time no talk people. Well it might be late but my birthday has come and gone so I'm 16 now...yeah good story I know. Sorry that I haven't talked to you guys a lot, I'm extrememly sorry. It's still pretty amazing about how many people still visit my site. I'm awesome. You guys are so cool. I still havent had a lot of time to check out any of my new guestbook signings, sorry though, it's only cuz now I have a job and summer is coming up...so much responsibility as a 16 year old. I hope you guys are doing a better job of handling everything than I am. Well to give you all an update. I'm still working on a new layout, since I'm pretty sure this one is wearing thin. Yeah well, it'll come to me soon. Anyways, I just want you guys to know that I appreciate everyone stoppin by. I'm trying really hard to get here more often and update more. Well have fun reading this, sorry...well ttyl

10000 Visits...Thanks Everyone!


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    About Me

    • Name:Mariah
    • Age:18
    • Location:Nebraska US
    • Interests:I love to draw, write books, play soccer =D
    • Hobbies:drawing, playing soccer....lots more but pretty much a snore! ZzZz
    • im the one who fancies myself listening to everyone and being the one no one ever notices(its great though, no attention means more freedom)


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