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Member Since
Pig breeder
Real Name
Saw POTO too many times to count! =^.^=*yes folks, she is obssesed)
Anime Fan Since
I think my first was Pokemon. lol=p wow...gald that phase passed. lol.
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Chobits, XXXHolic, Wolf's Rain, Chrono Crusade, Trigun, Full Metal Alchemist, DN Angel think of the others right now. lol. =P
to learn to juggle bananas
| Angel in Hell

Certificate of Marriage
This is to certify that Angel in Hell + Chrono were married on the 12th day of March 2005
~~~~~~ MYFC ~~~~~~ |  |
Monday, August 29, 2005
Whats love got to do, got to do with it...*dances*

Well, today marks the first day of our actual tennis day! *throws confetti* Cant wait, although we're going to start out doing a latter, which is a competition, so, I'll actually have to play. But w/e
And I dont mean for this to be a downer, but my great uncle died this weekend. I'm actually kind of glad. I mean, I'm going to miss him a bunch, but I didnt like that he was suffering there in the hospital. I'd rather not see him anymore than that.
But other news. I found that, blackmail (sp?) Can, in fact, work against my brother Bwahahahah*lightning strikes* ahahaha
I found out this rumor bout my brother. Nothing big, but, he thinks it is. And by he i also mean my parents. So, he was gonna buy me stuff to stay quiet. Tho, my mom said the same thing. ^_~ I love it when a plan comes together.
Lets see, what else? Erm...I think thats it. I'll try to be visiting today, but again, i may be a little late. So, ttul
~Peace and Love~
Angel in Hell

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Monday, August 22, 2005

Hey, its Monday, what do you expect?!
Ne way, Kiralover FINALLY helped me with making a music code! YAY KIRA! This song is called Wanderlust. Not the one I had in mind, but eh, I'm happy ^_~
So tell me what you guys think, and dont worry if you dont like em. In reality, I dont expect much of you to, or ne of you...So ya, tell me what you think.
Lets thing new? Oh, I know, if you know Dark anime kitty, then you know about how I was supposed to meet this chick. If you dont, I was supposed to meet this chick. Shes one of my mom's friend's something...I way, the story is, she just moved and came to our school, and since shes been here, shes just had some trouble making friends. So my mom told her that we would get together and that I would meet her and introduce her to people. We were supposed to do that on Sunday, but she never called me!!! So know I still have no idea who it is, and shes still gonna have to eat alone. *le sigh* But ya, that was my basic weekend.
Along with telling me how you like this song, tell did YOUR weekends go?
~Peace and Love~
Angel in Hell

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Thursday, August 18, 2005
Whoa, no one has updated...

Wow, only Flowerkiss and Musiconlyme has update today...other than me of course ^_~
Wuts wrong with you guys!? Are you in some kind of slump!? If you are...GET OUT OF IT! lol.
Well, in any case, MY SCHEDULE CAME IN!!! I am now out of Ms. Renegar's class for gewd! it is...its so great...IM BACK IN THE TENNIS TEAM!!! *throws confetti*
Ne way, nothing much to say, cept I was wondering something. While searching for cute Chobits pics, I stumbled apon a Fruba(sp?) one...Whats it about ne way? It looks interesting...heh.
And again I ask...HOW DO YOU MAKE MUSIC CODES!!! I mean, Kira can show me, cept I need a SHORT link and all mine are long. Hmpf...
Wow, thats really all i have to say...
Ok, I got it...
Answer this for me...
Whats Your Favorite Fruit, and Why?
~Peace and Love~
Angel in Hell

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Wednesday, August 17, 2005
*Chews Gum*

So sry I didnt get a chance to visit, but I am trying to get to SOME people this morning. I SHOULD be commenting on both days tho. So check your yesterday comments too. Ne way, when I got home, my bro was on the comp as usual, then later when he was off, my mom came home and said that my Great Uncle had a really bad heart attack, so we went to go see him. When we went tho they had to put him too sleep because he kept trying to take his feeding tube out. I dont think he wants to live anymore because hes been depressed ever since hes had to go under dialices (sp?) You know, where they clean your body out with a machine, instead of going to the bathroom. So ya...hes not looking to good right now.
So ya...but no news yet as to my schedule, which is a bummer cuz My evil teacher from Hell is giving a supplies quiz today, and another quiz on Friday. But *crosses fingers* I'm hoping today will b the day!
So I'll visit everyone today! That will be first on my list when I get home!
~Peace and Love~
Angel in Hell

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Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Guh, my pretty kitty decided she loves me again today. *sniffles*
I hate allergies...
Ne whoo...Yesterday was the first day of the new school year. Omg, I LOVED it! MOST of my teachers are kool, cept Ms Renegar, the nazi science teacher. Ok, picture this...a kind of chubby blonde(?) with HUGE arms. And shes a cleaning/organization freak. AKA: The Devil
But the good news is, last year I was on the Junior Varsity tennis team, but stuff happened and I'm not anymore. BUT I talked to coach yesterday, and she says theres still a spot for me if I can change my schedule! Translation, JV is 4th period, Ms Renegar is 4th period...WOOT! I could huggle coach forever for letting me back in. I just hope the school will allow the change. Our High School population has now reached 3000!!! Thats crazy for our little school! And because of the sudden rise in kids, its harder to get out of ur classes. But mine shouldnt be much of a problem.
In other news, a BIG huggle and sry to Kitty who gave me a ride home yesterday (it was supposed to be the other way around). What I found actually happen was, my BROTHER was supposed to pick us up, but ya...then he thought that you were giving me a ride...blah blah ya...I hate a loving way of course.
Speaking of hateful love, JL!!! I WILL GET U BACK FOR THAT "HUG"! *grumbles madly to self*
"All the liars and the theives eat grumble cakes! And those people go to prison...Just ask The Cheat" Aww I love The Cheat! *huggles*
Ne way..gotta get going to school. Ill try and get on later to visit. But if I dont, assume my bro is hogging the comp, and in which case, I'll be a bit late.
~Peace and Love~
Angel in Hell

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