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Pig breeder
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Saw POTO too many times to count! =^.^=*yes folks, she is obssesed)
Anime Fan Since
I think my first was Pokemon. lol=p wow...gald that phase passed. lol.
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Chobits, XXXHolic, Wolf's Rain, Chrono Crusade, Trigun, Full Metal Alchemist, DN Angel think of the others right now. lol. =P
to learn to juggle bananas
| Angel in Hell
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Friday, August 12, 2005
I should b asleep...mffff

So sry I havent been around (again -_-") But I came back from Vaca a few days ago. I would have posted earlier, but I'm still REALLY lazy from the trip. Had a good time tho.
Ne way, actually, what inspired me to actually post here, is my fav band of the moment, Nightwish! Ya i know, none of you have heard of em -_-" BUT! I was bored, so I started looking for songs I didnt have of em yet, and I came across one that i REALLY like! I just think its so kool, the lyrics and all. If you read em you might get they are.
(In the sheltering shade of the forest
Calling calming silence
Accompanied only by the full moon
The howling of a night wolf
And the path under my bare feet...
...The Elvenpath)
Hearing music from the deepest forest
Songs as a seduction of sirens
The elf-folk is calling me
Tapio, Bear-king, Ruler of the forest
Mielikki, Bluecloak, Healer of the ill and sad
Open the gate and let me follow the uncarven path
The way to the lands
Where as a hero I stand
The path where Beauty met the Beast
It's the honesty of these worlds
Ruled by magic and mighty swords
That makes my soul long for the past
The moonwitch took me to a ride on a broomstick
Introduced me to her old friend home gnome
Told me to keep the sauna warm for him
At the grove I met the rest - the folk of my fantasies
Bilbo, Sparhawk, goblins and pixies
Snowman, Willow, trolls and the seven dwarves
The path goes forever on
The way to the lands...
As I return to my room
And as sleep takes me by my hand
Madrigals from the woods
Carry me to neverland
In this spellbound night
The world's an elvish sight
In this spellbound night
The world's an elvish sight
^_^ It sounds realy kool when the chick sings it, and once I find out how to make music codes i WILL post it here. But I just think its so kool that they include all these fairy tale creatures and ppl into the song! (they dont have it in the lyrics, but this guy reads over some lines from LOTR too) Idk, maybe its just the nerd in me, but I like the cleverness in the lyrics. The song is called Elven Path by Nightwish if you guys wanna look it up.
But ya, hopefully I'll get to visit today, but idk, I'm still really lazy ^_~
Well, its late here right now, so talk to you guys later.
~Peace and Love~
Angel in Hell

PS: You know all those viruses I've been having? Well guess what? As it turns out, they're all cuz of my brother. AND HE WAS BLAMING ME!!! BAKA!!!
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Monday, July 25, 2005
*Scratches Head*

Just came back from a baseball game. I thought it was going to be boring seeing as I hate watching sports, but we had a box! So me and my mom ended up watching movies the whole time ^_~
But I DID go out when they were throwing things to the audience. But alas, no free swag for Angel...the stupid girl tried to throw a shirt my way, but she missed, and it went over the rail. Hmpf...
Good new is...
A) Im FINALLY going to the movies with my friend Hannah.
B) My charm bracelet is finally getting fixed. (The clasp broke and it has to be fixed at a James Avery store in order to be worth anything , and I think the closest one here is in San Antonio)
So it should, in theory, be a good day. Otherwise, be prepaired for my endless rantings of woe. ^_~
And just because I have nothing else to random pic!

Heh...You wouldnt catch me dead slowly dieing for MY brother. Not if I had a hottie demon to hang with! I think I would find a way to deal with his going crazy...somehow *goes back to looking at Chrno pics* Hehehehe...
~Peace and Love~
Angel in Hell

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Sunday, July 24, 2005

Ugh, today was NOT my day. Ok, this may be...gross...but do you guys realize how horrible it is to have your period AND be sick at the same time?! Omg! I wanted to kill myself! I wanted nothing buy chocolate today, and when I ate it...bleh...
But, the good news is I'm going to get a new theme, and my bro fixed the comp. The bad news is, we now have Mozilla Firefox as a brower, which fixes our problems, but I cant hear any music on your sites! So I'm going to have to do something about that.
Hmmm...lets thing new happen? My life is a sad sad story.
Oh! I know! I was watching my AOD again today. There was a new Fumoffu, and Pretear (horrible plot, but characters=funny)
I LOVE Funoffu! I saw the one where Souske dresses up as Bonta-kun again. Hes so Kawii in that suit! =^.^=
It was also the ep with the haunted Hospital. One word...HILARIOUS!!! Omg, if you see any episode, you have to see that one. Even my bro was laughing, that alone should say something. ^_~
Well, I gotz to go, my dad is kicking me off the comp. Apperently I've been on it all day. *rolls eyes* W/E. He says "it damages your eyes" ok,
A) Everything I can possible do damages my eyes. Reading, watching T.V. playing video games...
B) I have perfect vision ne way (20/15 and proud!)
Well, I'll try to visit today. But if not, so sry!
~Peace and Love~
Angel in Hell
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Thursday, July 21, 2005

Ugh, sry, my pretty kitty is hanging out with me. Her name is Blacky and sadly I'm allergic to her. *sniffles* But aww, shes so cute its worth my suffering. =^.^=
Speaking of cute, my buddy cutechibi made the CUTEST chibi RoyxEd drawings! Aww I love em to death! *huggles*
Oh, ya, and I'm sry i havent been on. My comp hates me, and every time I had time to update, it didnt work, and every time it did work, I didnt have time. So sry I havent been on the net. But if I missed something, plz tell me! I dont wanna b in the dark when I visit you guys!
But I did have the koolest time when I wasnt on the internet. My brother FINALLY versed me on SSBM (Super Smash Brothers Melee) and HA! I beat him! Sadly, I just finished again with him, and ya...he got better...BUT STILL we're like even now! Thats never happened before! Hes also been a lot kinder to me lately *knocks on wood*. He even payed for me to go to the movies with him and my other cousins! We saw Fantastic 4 by the way. It was ok...not nearly as good as Spider-Man, but it wasnt as cheesy as I had originally thought.
Also, Haruka-one of my friends- threw a surprize party for Hannah-another friend-because shes moving soon. It was so funny! Everyone got there at 1 and she was comming at 3 to "pick Haruka up to go to the movies" BUT HA! You should have seen her face when she saw us! I'll try to get my hands on some pics, its just too funny. ^_~ *sniffles* I'm gonna miss my little buddy...*wipes away tear*
Shes like, the only one whos movie knowledge matches my own. I mean, I can name almost any actor/actress and she knows who I'm talking about. *sniff sniff*
But ya, its getting late over here, and I think I may wake my parents up. Plus, my eyes itch and I cant scratch them.
~Peace and Love~
Angel in Hell

PS: Is it just me, or is my bg gone? ...HEY! My music is gone too!
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Friday, July 15, 2005

YUMMY! Has anyone been to P.F. Changs?! OMG! I went today cuz it was my aunt's friend's was Mmm..Mmm..Good! *rubs tummy* It was my first time there, and I think I gained like, 20 pounds from all the food I ate. Plus my aunt's friends are actually really cool and funny! There was even a bra joke going on! Heh...kinda gross, but very funny ^_~
I cant believe I spent 8 hours with my aunt. I was about ready to rip her throat out by the end of it. In a loving way of course...*cough* ^_^
Being with someone THAT long is just...too long for my taste.
Ne way, when I finally DID get home, I was so happy because ANIX had 3 of my fav animes up!!! So I watched my recorded Inuyasha and FMA, and watched D.N. Angel, Madlax, and Pretear (strange, but a VERY funny show) on my Anime Network on Demand. I was in anime heaven...^^
They also had the REAL music video to Ready Steady Go on there. So I watched it...I didnt realize the guy that sings was so young! I dont know y, but I pictured him a bit older. Poor guy tho, you can kinda tell he doesnt speak the english words very well ^_~
Also, I was wondering, does anyone know how to make your own music codes? I used to have the steps saved on my comp, but I lost it all when it crashed. So if ne one could plz help me with that. Just PM me if you can.
~Peace and Love~
Angel in Hell

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Thursday, July 14, 2005
Mftt...Does anyone really read the subjects?

Omg, today was so uneventful its unbelieve able. I didnt even RP today. (CUZ NO ONE BLOODY UPDATED!) Then when I was finally gonna do something, I went to the mall with my aunt and me mom. THAT WAS THE MORE BOREING THING EVER! Whats worse is that I didnt even have my cell with me. But, I got 3 pairs of pants out of it. Plus Ice cream, so its all gewd now.
But, I didnt manage to convert Kira. Rach was over, so I didnt really didnt have much of a chance...o well.
O, and I went to eat at Pizza Hut ("We're at Pizza Hut?!") and my uncle told the most corny joke...but i liked was cute.
"Its not good to assume anything...all it does is make and ass out of you and me."
Get it? Hehehehe...I just thought it was clever and cute ^_~
(For the ppl who didnt catch it...ass-u-me)
(Omg...Yuki just threw up...right next to me...I told her that tuna would make her sick! But did she listen?! BTW, Yuki's my dog...bleh...)
Well, I gotta pick up this mess...*shivers*
~Peace and Love~
Angel in Hell

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Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Hey all!

First off, I want to apologize to sugar high nut and Flower Kiss. I completely forgot to add you guys! *begs on knees for forgiveness* I remember signing some gbs but forgetting to add them. But I just figured you guys would visit and I would do it later. Luckily, you guys did visit, so when I visited you, I noticed you had updated, but the backroom didnt say that you guys did. So I put two and two together, and that brings us where we are today. So sry guys. Thnx for sticken with me tho.
Also, in my comments I've noticed the name of the white bunny is diff. Well, some of you think its Wiz. Actually, I cant say for sure what his name is. I just remember reading that it was With somewhere, and when I googled that name, those pics came up of him. Isnt that also what hes called in the anime? Well, Idk, but w/e you guys know who I'm talken about right? Right...
Ha! I posted my first post in the IY RP im in. I got props from the man himself! SESSHOMARU! So what if hes only a writer playing him...its close enough. ^_~'ll all be happy to know that Eric came over, and my dog Yuki almost bit his fingers off. ^_~ I mean, its not really a good thing, the guys really nice, but it was just so f-ing funny to see him scared of a little black dog. Heh...I still have the gigles from it.
My plot to make the world phans one person at a time is at a stand still. I'm trying to convert Kira but she just aint taken the bait! I even showed her this picture!

And she STILL remained immune to his charm! Amazing right? Heh ^_~ Ill get her evenutally. Oh, and speaking of Kira, apperently today is our "anniversary" We have known eachother 4 months now. ^_^ And, as a prez, i WILL make her a phan!!!! Cuz you know, thats the greatest gift anyone can give anyone.
Well, I'm gonna ditch you guys for food now...
~Peace and Love~
Angel in Hell

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Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Got up at 9:30 again...but this time i woke up at 7 and couldnt go back to sleep. My body hates me right now.
Oh ya...and I filled up ANOTHER photobucket. -_-" You know how annoying that is when your trying to look for a specific pic?
Oh! I also joined an Inuyasha rp! Havnt posted anything yet cuz I'm still getting with the plot line, but hopefully everything will b cleared up and I'll actually get to do something today. ^_^
Has ANYONE heard of the band Nightwish?! I asked everyone and no one has! ...*le sigh* Well, they're my new musical obsession right now. If you get the chance look em up, my fav song so far is I Wish I had An Angel. Cant get it outta my head. Oh, and the reason I ask if anyone knows them is that I cant the file for the song Sleepwalker, so if anyone has it...but somehow I doubt anyone has it.
Also, EAMR pointed something out yesterday. I forgot to post pics of With! he is! The little cuttie...

Couldnt you just eat him up?! =^.^= Aww I love him! *huggles*
Well, c ya guys later!
~Peace and Love~
Angel in Hell

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Monday, July 11, 2005

I'm going to be home alone (AGAIN!) till my bro comes home..which isnt till forever. Oh well, least I have Kira and my other friend Michi to keep me company. ^_~
But omg, I am in love with With from DN Angel! Hes so cute!!! =^.^= I wish I had one! *huggles him*
eh...not much to really say today. Im having a bit of a brain fart cuz I actually got up early today. Early early too! Not just early by my standards. So i got too lazy to even count...
Ladies and Gentlemen...thats when you know your life is sad.
Well, gotz to go, Ive got lots of surfing of the net to do. (Somebody plz kill me. Kill me or talk to me...MICHI IS GONE! (But I still have Kira)) rambleing...
Plz dont listen to me...Im slowly going insane...
~Peace and Love~
Angel in Hell

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Friday, July 8, 2005
WOOT! Dark anime kitty finished up my site! YAY! Snaps for Kitty! *snaps*
I PROBABLY would have finished it EVENTUALLY...but I couldnt get the @#*!ing music up! But she did, AND she gave me an icon. So BIG huggles to her!
But ya, sry I havent been around. I didnt want you guys to think I would be gone forever again, so here I am. I already visited some people, but if anyone else posts, then I'll visit.
Ne way...nothing to really say. I havent seen a new anime ep in SO long! Its so sad! *sniffles* But I did watch the FMA ep where Hughes dies again...very sad...T_T
Oh ya, also, my heart goes out to everyone in London. That was horrible! Just after the Olympics thing too! Hope everything is ok over there now!
~Lots of Huggles~
Angel in Hell

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