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• sango2099
• 1982-05-10
Member Since
• 2005-01-31
• Pig breeder
Real Name
• Tellulah
• Saw POTO too many times to count! =^.^=*yes folks, she is obssesed)
Anime Fan Since
• I think my first was Pokemon. lol=p wow...gald that phase passed. lol.
Favorite Anime
• Inuyasha, Chobits, XXXHolic, Wolf's Rain, Chrono Crusade, Trigun, Full Metal Alchemist, DN Angel think of the others right now. lol. =P
• to learn to juggle bananas
• Sleeping
| Angel in Hell
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Wednesday, February 16, 2005
OMG....I saw WAYYY more than I wanted to today...*hugs self* *cringes*
Ok, first...this morning my mom's friend was picking us up to take us to school, but my mom didnt tell us. So I was still in my P.J.s. Then I'm comming from my room from just changing...and my brother grabs me...and hes in his underwear....X.X and he wants ME to go down and get his pants cuz my mom's friend is sitting in our living room...but *shudders* my bro in his boxers...*shudders*
Then! In first period...this fat kid that sits next to me, has his back turned to me...and u can c his plumber's crack!!! It was so nasty!!!
Then i saw something i dont even want to get into...*shivers*
THEN!!! Omg! wut a day! We were just comming from lunch...and my friend kicks me in the butt. So when she gets infront of me, I kick her. But the problem is, shes wearing a skirt, and instead of pulling my foot AWAY it goes down, dragging the skirt with could see everything (only her back)...I'm scarred for life...I SAW WAYYY TO MUCH TODAY! -_-" *goes to gouge my eyes out...*
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Friday, February 11, 2005
Today is such a great day! Tho I still havent seen the hottie yet...*sniff* BUT! My friend gave me the new Nirvana CD!!! It makes me soo happy! =^.^=
 Who Is Your Inuyasha Mystery Date? Hosted by Anime. Done right.
Oh ya! Who got Kouga?! Yo I did! lol. Dont know if hed really b my first choice...but hes still AWSOME!!! But I still say...SHESSHOMARU ROX MY SOX!!!
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Thursday, February 10, 2005
OMG! My friend was telling me about how she saw the "hottest guy alive" at school!!! But when i saw him, he had his back to me!!! *sniff* Its sooo not fair! Then we were gonna stalk him Wednesday...but i got sick, and didnt go to school (courtisy of the trip outta town. We got snowed in btw...) So i havent seen him yet!!! NOOO!!!
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Friday, February 4, 2005
Well, my friend helped me out...and my site is better! lol. Tho she is still gonna help me on YAY! i wont b Theotaku illiterate ne more! lol. YAY for me!
lol. things just keep getting better and better! I get to go outta town tomrrow with my fam..and i get to shop!!! *dances* Maybe I can find a cheap Phantom of the Opera soundtrack. lol. And for those who dont know...Im a POTO (phantom of the opera) junky. lol. Hence the name, and icon. lol. THEN! I come back and go to a Brazillian party my friend's fam is throwing! PLUS! I might go c POTO tomorrow or Sunday! *does a little jig* So, wish me luck tomorrow! =P
 What is Your Ideal Anime Weapon? Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Tuesday, February 1, 2005
Im so confused!!!
Omg, i just started this site dont laugh! But i need SOOO much help! I dont know anythin about this site except how to look at pics. lol. sad i know...*sniffles* BUT! thats y i have u guys right?...right? lol. PLZ help me out here! *mummbles* that is...if ne one
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