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• sango2099
• 1982-05-10
Member Since
• 2005-01-31
• Pig breeder
Real Name
• Tellulah
• Saw POTO too many times to count! =^.^=*yes folks, she is obssesed)
Anime Fan Since
• I think my first was Pokemon. lol=p wow...gald that phase passed. lol.
Favorite Anime
• Inuyasha, Chobits, XXXHolic, Wolf's Rain, Chrono Crusade, Trigun, Full Metal Alchemist, DN Angel think of the others right now. lol. =P
• to learn to juggle bananas
• Sleeping
| Angel in Hell
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Hey all!

First off, I want to apologize to sugar high nut and Flower Kiss. I completely forgot to add you guys! *begs on knees for forgiveness* I remember signing some gbs but forgetting to add them. But I just figured you guys would visit and I would do it later. Luckily, you guys did visit, so when I visited you, I noticed you had updated, but the backroom didnt say that you guys did. So I put two and two together, and that brings us where we are today. So sry guys. Thnx for sticken with me tho.
Also, in my comments I've noticed the name of the white bunny is diff. Well, some of you think its Wiz. Actually, I cant say for sure what his name is. I just remember reading that it was With somewhere, and when I googled that name, those pics came up of him. Isnt that also what hes called in the anime? Well, Idk, but w/e you guys know who I'm talken about right? Right...
Ha! I posted my first post in the IY RP im in. I got props from the man himself! SESSHOMARU! So what if hes only a writer playing him...its close enough. ^_~'ll all be happy to know that Eric came over, and my dog Yuki almost bit his fingers off. ^_~ I mean, its not really a good thing, the guys really nice, but it was just so f-ing funny to see him scared of a little black dog. Heh...I still have the gigles from it.
My plot to make the world phans one person at a time is at a stand still. I'm trying to convert Kira but she just aint taken the bait! I even showed her this picture!

And she STILL remained immune to his charm! Amazing right? Heh ^_~ Ill get her evenutally. Oh, and speaking of Kira, apperently today is our "anniversary" We have known eachother 4 months now. ^_^ And, as a prez, i WILL make her a phan!!!! Cuz you know, thats the greatest gift anyone can give anyone.
Well, I'm gonna ditch you guys for food now...
~Peace and Love~
Angel in Hell
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