Hello everyone! Ever experienced some IDIOT waking you due to their constant LOUD NOISES?! Well, thats the MOUTH of my sister. She woke me up this morning with your incessant loud talking to Kimberly because she had to get up to go to her check in. Gah so I am up around 7:30 AM typing this post. No crying over spilled milk. So let me recap yesterday.
Well, turns out I didn't go to da Die Hard movie, cause it came in conflict with The Simpsons and I haven't seen the episode before so I stayed behind while my dad and sis went. With them gone, I cruised around the computer, surfing for pics I can draw, and I eventually stumbled upon one. I am going to display the pic I drew and the one I drew off of:

Tell me your honest opinion in ur comments!
Has n e one ever heard or read the comic series: I Feel Sick by Jhonen Vasquez, the creator of Invader Zim?
Well, I haven't READ it since my parents won't allow me to read that DARK stuff, but I got to know them INTERNET wise and read a few strips of comics. I think it's funny and a good series. I have also got to know the comics Squee! and Filler Bunny.
I saw Johnny The Homicidal Maniac series and I am somewhat interested, but not as much as the other comics. I think JTHM is the DARKEST series out of all his old comic books. Eventhough my fav. character Devi comes from the JTHM as Johnny's girlfriend, I like her separate series better.
I Feel Sick is a story about a girl named Devi. The protagonist, Devi, is an introverted female who is currently under attack by the same forces that wrought havoc on Johnny, the protagonist of Johnny the Homicidal Maniac and her love interest (the interest ended when he tried to kill her in an attempt to "immortalize the moment"). Despite prior claims, he was not her boyfriend, and the only date they went on ended violently, leaving Johnny with severe head trauma and making her into a recluse for the next few weeks. She was raised by her father, at least from her mid-teens, and has remained somewhat antisocial since then, stemming from her disastrous first date. Her later attempts at dating fared no better, and have in fact become worse (her last two attempts being a sufferer of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and the homicidal maniac himself).
Her hairstyle is the same from JTHM issue 7, but her hair is now colored purple (similar to Gaz). She has quit her job at the local bookstore in order to work as a graphic designer and cover artist for Nerve Publishing.
The doll she is holding in this pic is a doll named Sickness.
Sickness is one of the reasons Devi is to made out to be going insane. This doll taunts her with horrid thoughts, of death and destruction. She was drawn originally be Devi, and I am guessing made by Devi to be a doll. Unlike Tenna's Spooky doll, Sickness is evil.
Her only real friend is a girl named Tenna whos outgoing and bubbly while ALWAYS trying to get Devi to get out more and to help her become less depressed.She is thought of as insane, due to the fact that she constantly talks to her squeaky toy, Spooky. She first appears in the fourth issue of Johnny the Homicidal maniac, trying to calm Devi's fear, and was then called Tonja.
Tenna carries a doll with her named Spooky who is like a therapist to Devi because everytime Devi is sad or something, she says "Talk to Spooky!"
The other characters are minor, but I think this is enough info. If you do already know this, or read JTHM is much EASIER to comprehend lol.
I'm off to visit sites so bye bye!