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• 1991-12-00
• Eastern Coast, USA
Member Since
• 2005-11-05
• Human being, senior (high school), college student, artist, graphic designer, web designer, poet, cosplayer, Risembool Ranger, fan of almost all things AZN
Real Name
• Well, here is my real English name in Japanese: ジェシカ
• I've received many academic awards, several compliments on my artwork/AMVs/layouts/graphics, I got to meet Vic Mignogna/talk to him/get his autograph on a piece of my artwork, and I can type 97 words per minute (WPM). ^_^
Anime Fan Since
• Um.. 1998, I think.
Favorite Anime
• too many to list. ^_^"
• Basically to live life to its fullest, help as many people as I can, make as many friends as I can (who I'd give my life for), and end up with the man I love. I'd also like to meet LM.C and learn to play the keyboard. ^^
• Here are a few: reading, writing, drawing, listening to music, photography, graphic & web design, dancing, playing DDR, singing, cosplaying, GaiaOnline, roleplaying, bodyboarding, r
• Most of the things listed above.
| Angel Kenshin
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 07/21/06:
Result Posted on 06/28/06:
I don't know how I did that... I didn't know half the answers! ;_;
YOU PASSED!, Congratulations!, you passed the naruto exam!!! YEAAAH!!! Here is your certificate!, simply right click and save it, or make a screen capture, by pressint IMPR PANT. Take this quiz! |
Result Posted on 05/29/06:
The wanderer - The lost The one who never has a place to belong. The outcast amongst people, Wanderers find life to be rather lonely. There is an empty feeling inside of them that they can't seem to get rid of. However, not all is pain for them. Despite what others might think, they are very much capable of being happy and sad. Due to the fact that Wanderers always feel misplaced -to some extent- some adjust to how others are, just to have a place to be. The others in this category tend to shy away from people, preferring their own company, certain that they don't fit in. Both categories however, do keep most of their personal thoughts inside. Wanderers tend to wish for a place where they are meant to be, resulting in a lot of daydreaming. Personality wise they are, in fact, dreamers. It doesn't mean they believe that they wish for will come true. Their inner world is simply better than this one. Most Wanderers try to find their special place, no matter if they are a passive-aggressive or a fearless individual. It is something they are drawn to do by nature. Wanderers are also found to be hard to truly satisfy. Nothing will ever be the way they would have preferred/wanted it to be, and they tend to be disappointed a lot. It is not that they are perfectionists, they simply want for something to feel "right". Because of this, they often second-guess things/actions/relationships. Low self-esteem is a high possibility, as they often doubt themselves. As their hole in their heart is constantly there, they may be prone for depression, as rarely anything is giving them true satisfaction. One day they may find their personal heaven, but it is important they are not too caught up in fantasies, or else they might pass by it blindly, missing it forever. Quote:"Illusion is the first of all pleasures." -Oscar Wilde
Take this quiz! |
Result Posted on 04/25/06:
Result Posted on 04/16/06:
Result Posted on 04/11/06:
A nameless character, someone lost behind the mask, another type of main are forgotten within yourself, lonely and yet trying to comfort others who are in pain as you. You seem to wear a mask so they cannot see you sad, so you wear the mask to lock away the true pain inside...but one day, you will be able to take off the mask, and live in the light... Take this quiz! |
Result Posted on 03/18/06:
Aww.. How kawaii... I wanna hug him. ^__^
Rurouni Soujiro: The wanderer Take this quiz! |
Result Posted on 03/16/06:
Hm. True. It doesn't have to be "goth" darkness either.
You're Element is Night. You're a bit of a loner loner who is very creative but never show your work to anyone. You may smile a little but sadness or loneliness surround you and other can feel it when they're near you. You have a dark or unusual beauty that makes you mysterious and you probably have a lot of secrets that you've never told anyone. You're beauty is intriging and unorthidox but the real thing that makes you special is your eyes. Something in them makes them like Diamonds in the Rough. (please forgive me if you cannot see the pics. If you go to my userpage then you can see your result picture at the bottom) Take this quiz! |
Result Posted on 02/20/06:
Thoughts: Hitokiri Battousai...
You are an assassin.That means you are a proffessional and do your
job without mixing any emotions in it. In
your life you have probably been hurt many
times and have gotten some mental scars. This
results in you being distant from people.
Though many think that you are evil, you are
not. What you really are is a person, trying
to forget your pain and past. You are the
person who never seems to care and that is
why being an assassin fits you good. Atleast,
that's what people think. Even if you don't
care that much for your victims, you still
have the ability to care and to generally
feel. It is not lost, just a little
forgotten. In crowds you tend to not get to
noticed, and dress in black or other discrete
colours. You don't being in the spotlight and
wish people would just leave you alone. But
once you do get close to someone you have a
hard time letting go and get real down if you
lose him/her. Main weapon: Sniper Quote: "The walls we build around
us to keep out the sadness also keep out the
joy" -Jim Rohn Facial expression: Narrowed eyes
What Type of Killer Are You? [cool pictures] brought to you by Quizilla |
Result Posted on 02/18/06:
Yup. That's me. Although they don't really seem to listen to my views but.. v.v;
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