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Eastern Coast, USA
Member Since
Human being, senior (high school), college student, artist, graphic designer, web designer, poet, cosplayer, Risembool Ranger, fan of almost all things AZN
Real Name
Well, here is my real English name in Japanese: ジェシカ
I've received many academic awards, several compliments on my artwork/AMVs/layouts/graphics, I got to meet Vic Mignogna/talk to him/get his autograph on a piece of my artwork, and I can type 97 words per minute (WPM). ^_^
Anime Fan Since
Um.. 1998, I think.
Favorite Anime
too many to list. ^_^"
Basically to live life to its fullest, help as many people as I can, make as many friends as I can (who I'd give my life for), and end up with the man I love. I'd also like to meet LM.C and learn to play the keyboard. ^^
Here are a few: reading, writing, drawing, listening to music, photography, graphic & web design, dancing, playing DDR, singing, cosplaying, GaiaOnline, roleplaying, bodyboarding, r
Most of the things listed above.
| Angel Kenshin
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 12/30/07:
My yaoi-obsessed friend made me take this. I disagree with the result though; I'm an uke all the way (if I were gay; LOL).
Result Posted on 12/16/07:
 "Close your eyes and let your memories embrace you" In your past, (whether it be as a child, a certain relationship with someone or just a specific timeperiod) you found happiness. Now, however, you have lost it, and wish desperatly to go back and relive it all. Because you focus too much on what has already happened, you have a problem with the future and don't really wish to go there. You have mourned this loss for quite some time now, and are too used to it to let the familarity go. This situation is making you frustrated, because you can't do anything about it, but you remain unwilling to release your memories. Take this quiz!
Result Posted on 11/23/07:
 When they see you don't know if you are Kyo or not! You are realy similar!So Die and Kaoru look you in a strange manner! Toshiya wave you but after understand that you are not the vocalist !Shinya look you and disapprove your masculine style ,while Kyo is more interested to you so look you attently and things you are realy cool! Take this quiz! |
Result Posted on 11/23/07:
 You are Gackt's computer! Take this quiz! |
Result Posted on 11/23/07:
 Random Die with a Visor.You're the only person I've ever seen who could pull off being punk and ghetto at the same time. Take this quiz! |
Result Posted on 11/23/07:
 You are Gackt's necklace! Take this quiz! |
Result Posted on 11/23/07:
 You are TERUKI!Charming, masculine, but you have class. Sure, you love showing those sexy curves off every now and then, but overall, you have great taste. You are pretty laid-back and suave offstage, but on stage, you are a fierce drummer. Your smile is very encouraging, it brightens people's days. Take this quiz! |
Result Posted on 11/23/07:
 You are Shinya! You are oh-so-quiet at times but you do talk and people are often surprised when you do talk... You love your pets and don't want them to ever be taken away from you... you're on drums because you love being stuck in the back, out of the extreme spotlight. Take this quiz! |
Result Posted on 11/23/07:
 ph33r for you are Hisashi x Mac!! You can write symphonies in everything from binary to C to HTML. Now if only you could make yourself understandable to the rest of the human world. Oh, and gets some sun while you're at it, pasty. Take this quiz! |
Result Posted on 11/23/07:
 Everyone is completly jelious of you because, Gackt is the love of your life!Reason why you two are a perfect match: He's had a hard time in the past and you understand that. He supports you just like you support him. You had hard times in your life too similer to Gackt's, but you stay optimistic and put a smile on peoples face. He would never betray your trust and you would die before you betray his. He would love you with every soul in his being because of the way you are to him. No one is like you and He would be the happiest person alive once he saw how wonderful you really are. You two will have a very happy and romantic life filled with love.How you met: The way you two would have met would be one of the oddest. Gackt loves late night drives and you love being out at night. There you were singing to yourself in the corner store as the counter guy you are friends with complents in your voice, when Gackt walked in and heard you angelic voice and immediantly liked you. Another way was that you sent him a moving and kind fan mail that made his day and he began messaging you back. Messaging came to personal emails then to him talking about you on TV! Before you knew it he was sold.Will you stay together?: Of course you will! Just as long as you both remain honest and you keep showing your beautiful soul. You will have to work hard to keep your relationship happy especially sense he has so many crazed fangirls. You to will always be thinking of each other and will remain in love forever and he will only have eyes for you and no one else. Take this quiz! |
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