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myOtaku.com: angel kitsune

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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

idk, is he worst words ever! especially when u ask someone how they feel about u and the answer "idk" wow i feel loved. anyways how are the rest of you.
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Saturday, June 27, 2009

me and franky are going to a party!!!!! woot!!!!!! yes! im so psycked! ^-^ so how r u all... have a good weekend. ttyl ^-^


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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

hi everyone, my mom is so anoying, me and frank are in my room talking and she keeps asking what i'm doing....what the hell does she think i'm doing. i like it better when she leaves me alone, then she wounders why we get in fights. im not doing anything bad so she just needs to lay off.
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Sunday, June 21, 2009

hi to anyone who even remembers me...u all probobally dont remember me anymore and i wouldnt blame u...so ummm yeah.... i have been doing good, mt and devil kitsune are still together, and im turning 18 this year. alot has happened this year and i know u all may or maynot want to hear about it. well i got my black belt, and i now have 2 white stripes, one more and i get my 2nd degree black belt, devil kitsune also just got his black belt. i made a new friend at school, and devil kitusne graduated this year so now it's lonely, but i manage. i graduate in 2010. so im pumped for that. my grand father died. i can't remember if i told u guys that, and i still draw sometimes. well if ya wana catch up then just pm me if not thats cool to. i hope to be on at least every other day ^-^ my last day of school is tomorrow, and it should be fun, i plan on ordering a sub while in class lol, it's better that teh school lunces ^-^ well im sorry for leaving but this place had somebad memories that i finally got over and will try again.
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