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Saturday, November 11, 2006
what ever.......BOREDOM......pplz
today i'm feeling bored......is there a time when u feel really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really BORED that u don't no what 2 do? well that's how i'm feeling right now...
my bro just said that his socks feel wet...i guess it's hella cold or something but...still i'm bored k?
don't got lotx to say but hope yall have a beautiful night k?
ummmm......guess i should go now?
(i'm one too so no offense or anything)
..........please excuse my BOREDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Thursday, November 2, 2006
have u gues seen the last episode of InuYasha?
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123,456,789...floating in the sky....
i'm bored....i'm at scc library...nothin to do...what should i do? ummm.....bye...
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Friday, October 27, 2006
LOVE SECTION, Whats your love type? very,very good pics.UPDATED
 ~~~~-*CONFUSING LOVE*-~~~~ Your love life is confusing. You're probable cought in the middle of to lovers, or you love someone and dosen't want to be with the person you're with now. The confusing thing is you don't no who to go with. TIP,follow your heart,because in the in of your crisis someones going to get hurt. It's better to be happly then miserble. Take this quiz!

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my friend at skool got me into these stories that i'm now interested in...but don't have the time to read it. DON"T YALL THINK THAT IT IS WIERD? she could read like about 500 page+ in like a WEEK!!! She gave me the story but i took like...........5 months to finished........LOL......but anyway....holla at me k?
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Wednesday, October 18, 2006
I'm BACK i think?
HEY PPL'S!!!!!!!! What's up? bye!!!!
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Friday, February 24, 2006
Missin' all of yall fans......
I miss all of yah sooooooo much.....I haven't been here like forever! Man I totally miss this place.......Just haven't had time to do anything and plus....my STUPID school like, block the site so i can't get on anymore.
well, now i'm gonna get back in touch with all of yall and hope to see yall sooon...
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Tuesday, February 1, 2005
am i really going to die at this age?????????!!!!!!!!!
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FEBRUARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the LOVE month....
Well just want to point out to all yall LOVERS out there.... best luck to all of yall and hope that the singles out there will find someone special this MONTH... @_@
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Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Love this avatar.....

i think this avatar is a little cutie...
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