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Thursday, November 4, 2004
I'm white???I wear the color white???How can this be...I like the color baby blue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i can't believe my own eyes!!!!How can this be!!!!!!!!!!NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh well...I like white too but mostly it's baby blue...um...white
 You should wear : White
Pure and soft.
You like to shine in your outfit, and it looks good on you. White is always festively or simply, you can choose what you want!
What color should you wear? brought to you by Quizilla
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This Poem is great!!!! the one below this one........
I think that you guys will enjoy this poem as much as me...He...He...He...BYE!!!!
^_^.....^_~ muah!!!!
Luv yah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Wednesday, November 3, 2004
Are u that special someone?
Are you that special someone,
The one to chase my pain away?
Are you the one to hold me close?
To make me smile each and everyday?
Everyone has been telling me,
That you will treat me right,
You've made me feel so happy,
You've been a guiding light.
So maybe I should thank you,
For being a really good friend,
For being caring, sweet and charming,
You're my perfect new girlfriend.
Back in the days when I was lost,
I wonder where you were then.
Back when I was lonely,
When I needed a helping hand.
Then there were the days when I
Had someone that I called mine.
So you and me, we couldn't have been,
For it wasn't our place and time.
But now we're living in the present,
Taking each day as it comes.
And I'm so glad I found you,
For you, have been that special someone.
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Oh man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Holloween is over...I still want some candies and it's over by a flash...Oh well at elast I got some candies. What kind of Costumes did you guys wear on holloween. I'm Kagome. Well hope you guys had a fun time enjoying holloween. Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Monday, October 25, 2004
Holloween time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Happy Holloween everybody!!!!!!!!!!
holloween is coming...so is everyone happy about it. You get free candy YES!!!!!!!!
um...so what kind of costum are you guys gonna wear huh? I'm gonna be maybe inuyasha or maybe kagome. I might even be that one guy in Vampire Games. What's his name, um...it's that guy who never had a smile on his face and would always be frowning...Oh well it just slip right off my mind.
Oh! and one last thing that I just want to say: HAPPY HOLLOWEEN EVERONE!!!!!!!!!
Even though it's really not holloween yet, it's gonna be so get or be prepared guys!!!!!!!!!
:) He...He...He...
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Saturday, October 16, 2004
I'm looking for a Prince???????????
I had never thought that I would be looking for a prince, but maybe it might be good once in a while if you thought about it...

Who's Your Anime Boyfriend?
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Tuesday, October 5, 2004
What ever????????
Hey so what's up? It's really borng and I had nothing to do but stare at this miserable site. I had nothing else to say or do so see yah next time okay...
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Thursday, September 30, 2004
Nothing else to do and not really anything to fill up this page...But heres something that you guys might want to check out. It's from Guru.

theOtaku.com: What Inuyasha Hero Are You?
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Wednesday, September 29, 2004
First thing first right?
 you are DREAM ANGEL! you like to daydream of the future, past, and even what's goin on now! you hope for romance and love in your life and you dream only the best for people... including yourself! hey is that certain someone up there in your dream?
What type of angel are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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