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myOtaku.com: Angel of Faith

Thursday, July 14, 2005

damnit i'm so mad right now the other day my friend Scotty was in the hospital to get better but he signed himself out and was out the hole day and didn't tell anyone and now noone knows where he went i was up all night worried talking to his bro he didn't know he got out or he would have said something to me i talked to some of Scotty friends to see if there new anything but they didn't and i went by his house and it look like he moved out or some shit i don't know now i'm so worried right now and going to try and see if there anything i can do to see where he is and then get him back over at his bro or my house so we can make sure he does not do anything to him self again his bro try to report him as missing but they said that they can't do anything if he did it of his own free will so they can't help with this i'm just so mad he would go and do something like this.
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