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The nation with the most nuclear weapons on the planet
Member Since
High School student; practicing Hobo/Stripper
Real Name
Ari (pronounced âr-ee, to avoid confusion); I also go by Squishy and Kitty
Eh, I don't "achieve"
Anime Fan Since
Fall of '02 I believe
Favorite Anime
Cowboy Bebop, Spirited Away, Nausicaa, FMA, and Chobits
Make it into Stanfy, among some other things
Computer, Trumpet, Music, Video Games, fings of that sort...
Cuteness, Smartness, Awesomeness, Artisticness, Musicalness, Foxiness
| Angel of Pig
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Thursday, May 12, 2005
If you are under thirty five and a single male, please screw your brain into a light socket...
Waaa, I played a game of chess against Nick yesterday... and lost... misserably... but I still got both of your bishops!!
I woke up this morning, and to my surprise, I could breathe! It was fun, because I was worried I'd have to perform CPR on myself... which would've been kinda awkward....
Kitty cat goes meow meow meow...
Sorry, I watched that video too much...
But, I have a newfound respect for cats. My cat, Larry, has never really let me touch him under his chin. Sometimes, when he's really happy, I'm able to for a few seconds before he bites my hand.
I was thinking about it, and, because of my lack of intelligence, have just recently noticed that he's probably smarter than most people would think.
My hand is so big, if I decided to punch him, or not even that, apply a good amount of force, I could probably colapse his trachea. I won't have anyone touch my neck either, it's too vulnerable.
If you think cats are really stupid, you should reconsider....
Still sick...
Bleh, I'm not really getting worse or anything... but not really better either. The only new devolopement I'll bore you with is the fact that my fingers have been feeling stiff, as if I had arthritis... but I don't. Kinda weird.
Umm, two kinda weird things happened in band today...well, atleast, they were out of the ordinary. Right now we're studying major scales: composition, key signature, fingerings, blah blah blah.
Mr. Zartman is also getting the instrumentation of the marching band all ready, and since he has an embarasingly high number of flutes (50) and too many trumpets among other things next year, he wants some people to switch to mellophone.
If you don't know, it looks like this... (it's a marching band version of a french horn)

So, he goes into the office and gets one out... he talks about how all of the notes are the same, just pitched lower and whatnot; then he starts walking toward me. Now, I'm thinking "Please don't make me play it, please dont' make me play it..." and, to my demise, he did.
It was weird... just because it's pitched at F instead of C (sorry if I'm confusing you if you don't play instruments...) and it took me a second or two in order to find the equivolent to C on a trumpet. As if that wasn't embarasing enough for the first trumpet, he told me to go up the scale. That was pretty easy... except for the fact that I got so into the sound I started playing a C major scale... blah, but, I was able to remember how to play a B flat major scale (you know, the normal one) and I got up to a normal C. He told me to keep going up, eventhough I was slightly mortified from previous mistakes. I got up to the high B, which is normally kinda hard to get to on the trumpet, but was pretty easy... except for when I went for the double C, I didn't have enough air and couldn't hit it. Embarassing, yes, very much. All of this going on with a really good high school trumpet-player guy sitting in on our class for reasons unknown (that's all the information I was able to get).
I was very glad after that ordeal was over, so I was able to relax again... until...
We "learned" two more scales today. I already knew them, but I mean, we have to memorize them by next Friday... they are B, F#, Db, and E... or atleast, they would be the C, E#, Cb, and D major scales, but I won't go into that too much...
Anyway, Mr. Zartman asked what was important about the scales that we had just played. I thought about it... "enharmonics"... but I thought that was stupid, so I continued thinking. Everyone was giving wrong answers, and no one else's hand was up, so I figured, might as well take a shot at it...
Ari: We did the three enharmonic scales...?
Zartman: *happy(which is somewhat wrong...), also pointing at Ari* Ahahaha! You are one smart cookie! (WTH?!) You see, I knew that she was good! Everyone else looks like *makes zombie-like face* duhhhh, but you were actually thinking!
Ari: *slightly proud of accomplishments*
Class: *staring at Ari/band teachers*
Graham: I know! *high-pitched voice, like the one used when people talk to cats and/or babies* Aww, look at you, look at you! You're so smart! *purposefully trying to embarrass Ari, but in a way only Ari and a few others would know*
Ari: *face red, sinks back into chair*
Class: *trying hard to hold back laughter*
Yeah... that was definitely one of the stranger things that happened to me today, but it was very funny. Mr. Graham and me... have a weird "relationship" just because I had him as a band teacher for two years and we try to insult the other discreetly in funny humorous ways... kinda like a friend, but very different.
B Geometry
C Language Arts
B American Hist.
A+ Science
God, that's the worst I've done in all of Middle School... man, my Mom's going to kill me. Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid... etc.
Entry 17: Envy? I don't think so... (note, some of the contents of this entry have been removed because of it's legnth and personal thoughts...)
Some people say I'm envious of other people's things... but, I really don't get envious of people for triffle things, I'm not materialistic at all. Sure, it might happen momentarily, but I come to my senses. I only tend to get angry when I'm "replaced." I mean that as in, I am someone's friend but there is a person much more perfect than me further up on the hierarchy, or atleast, a better friend than me. The reason I use the word replaced lightly, is that I do not care if they came before or after me.
But I was getting off track right then. A few people have said that the only reason I hate the women in anime/manga is because I'm jealous of them.
That got me very angry, for that is not anywhere near the truth, but let me elaborate... okay, scantily clad + great personality + large bust line = ... you really want to know what it equals? Something that is not real. Sure, their boobs are bigger than mine, but does that mean I should be envious? Let's find out...
I slouch because I have somewhere around 6 lbs. of extra fat hanging off my chest. Now, think about a G bra size... that would weigh be atleast 10 lbs... strap two 5lb. dumbells on your chest for a few days and see if you have back problems, because these people would seriously need a chiropractor...
As for clothing, I don't think you're going to find too many people who wear (the equivolent to) a thong and bra (or less) out in public and have AMAZINGLY COOL personalities...
And what about that slim figure? Since they do actually eat, there is only one other option. Bulimia! Yeah, I know you love the taste of vomit when you kiss someone! (omitted)
Grr... what the hell?! Okay... now, I know you people just LOVE putting obscene pictures on your website, but it's angering me (although it may not be angering anyone else...) a lot. I shall start removing people from my friend's list that I visit today.
You see, I don't DO that, because I'M NOT A HORNY LITTLE BOY.
And, incase you didn't know, the male testosterone levels don't even out until you're about 30, so have fun being immature until then!
If I WAS like you, I'd be posting things like this... (viewer discression is advised... so seriously, I almost hurt myself looking at some of these...)
OMG!!1! Like, look at it you whores!
and like this...
(more omissions [meaning two pages]...)
And now, an impersonation, by Ari...
"Haha, look guys, I spend most of my day staring at drawn pictures of hot ladies with non-realistic bodies because I'm too ugly and stupid to get a girlfriend! OMG! Look, I can talk teh L337 too! and I sit home all day and I live with my Mom!"
(and still more omissions...)
To get back on track... it gets annoying a lot, because some of my friends have actually moved me down as a person for a best friend who doesn't exist in this plane of reality. Yeah, I know he/she is really hot, but I'm a real, depressed person, and although I may be ugly and stupid, I have the potential to be a good friend... (omission)... and as for all of those other, real perfect people, you can go f*ck yourselves for all I care.
(last omission, yay!) I may be the embodiment of an inferiority disorder, but if you piss the sheep off enough, it will turn into an angry ram.
Yeah... sorry, been writing that one for a few days... anyway, I'll be seeing you all later now.
Take Care
- - Teh Pig
... how should I know?
“Never pretend to love which you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command.” - - Alan Watts
Comments (3) |
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Organic stuff
When my Dad, my sister and I went to Giant Eagle to get stuff for dinner yesterday, they were having this organic food convention... it was actually surprisingly yummy, and we got free food out of it too!
They were also giving out pencils and stuff, yay pencils!
Other band concert
Umm, it was fun, although sitting on your arse for over an hour listening to other bands play and not getting to play yourself is a pain. Stupid Chris Gay got a huge solo in his band though, rawr. I could've done that. I wish Mr. Zartman gave me the solo... *angry* I often wonder why people don't give me the chance to prove myself...
Oh, and before the concert, I got there way too early, and I was extremely bored and I found some masking tape in the band room... so, of course, being a trumpet-player with a very short attention span, I started taping up my right hand so that my index, middle, and ring fingers could only move enough to play and everything else was useless. It was really fun... except everyone thought I was crazy. I took it off just before we went up to play... because the tape was constricting the blood flow to my fingertips XD
We played very good, and Brian, who's better than me at playing the trumpet, did very well on his solo too, so I gave him a pat on the back... metaphorically speaking anyway. Chris is just a rude bastard, so I just glared.
Oh, and after Zartman's band went up, Haller's band was going up, and she's the worst band teacher ever. She's actually getting fired... hehehehe. Bad revie, but I'll get back to that later. We always talk inbetween songs and bands, and Jack says, "Haller's band is going to get creamed like the inside of an oreo... tisk, tisk." Which was pretty funny...
Oh, and the jazz band people from the bands that don't play that night, sit off to the side, and there's a long... bench, I guess you call it, that we sit on. On one side there's all the cool people, on the other side is me and people I know. It's kinda funny to look at. We're the outcasts... hehehe.
So anyway, after Haller's third song, as she did on Monday, she took a guilt trip and was like "I'd like to thank all the parents... and the students, god, I love you all so much..." We were joking around that she would start crying, but she actually did! It was hilarious!
Now, Mr. Graham and Mrs. Haller HATE each other. Like two little 5 year-olds. They bicker and fight all the time and they're both in their mid 20's. Mr. Zartman, who's 50 or something, always referees their fights...
After the guilt trip, Mr. Graham needed the microphone, and went over to Mrs. Haller, but she wouldn't give it to him! Mind you, everyone can see this, like the parents...
So, Mr. Graham goes over to Mr. Zartman. (remind you of little kids?) They talk. Mr. Zartman walks over to Mrs. Haller. She walks halfway to where Mr. Graham is, where there is a stand, and puts the mic down on it, then walks back to the podium. Mr. Zartman then gets the mic, walks over to Mr. Graham, and gives it to him. It was truly priceless.
More pain!
Gah, it didn't really get better over the last night, it actually got slightly worse. The pain is more evenly spread out, but it still hurts like hell. I want to stab my arm...anything to make it stop! There's also this massive headache that hasn't been helping at all...
My Language Arts teacher, Mr. Carr, asked me to go talk to him at the end of class. I thought it would be about my L.A. test grade.... (true conversation)
Carr:How are you doing?
Carr:*eyes avert to an apple on his desk and he pickes up that apple noticing a bruise on it the size of my fist* That's a pretty big bruise!
Ari:... yup... *greatly confused*
Carr: So... how's math?
Carr: How about the math quiz?
Ari:O____O *freaked out* Umm... bad.
Teachers gossip waaaay too much... it's kinda like, big brother is watching you, but you don't know that he is... yeah.... So, he beat me up verbally for a little while. I left for lunch, and then Mrs. Craven, my math teacher, stops me to talk about it. HOW MUCH VERBAL ABUSE CAN ONE CHILD GET IN A DAY?! Well, actually, they weren't that bad. They didn't make fun of me atleast...
19 more days of school!
Oh god, it seems like it'll take forever... WILL IT EVER END?!
Weird dream
Yeah... I had this kinda cool dream last night. I had an Xbox... and Halo 2... and Xbox live... and a computer! It was so very fun! And I was playing teh furry penguin on Halo 2... and beating him! Hehe, with my awesome sticky skills... he was probably there because he had the highest level of anyone I've known... but reguardless, very cool.
Although, at the end... it was kinda creapy, because when I woke up and went to turn off my alarm clock, I couldn't breath. Literally. It was really freaky, 'cause I thought I was dying, but I was able to inhale again after about 10 seconds. Yay breathing!
We were inspecting the computer again... everything's working fine now. They were able to reformat the disk and everything, now all we need is a generic OS... which is going to be kinda hard to find... *sigh* I hope it's fixed by friday. I actually made a bet with god earlier. If my computer doesn't get fixed by friday, he hates me. If it does, he doesn't hate me.
And... I didn't write any journal entries lately... my thoughts have been more private. I do not wish to share most of them. I'll try to get one up tomorrow though!
WEIRD THING!!!! I just got 1991 hits! That's my birthyear! Coolness!!
Take care
- - Teh Pig

Left out in the rain... the story of Ari's life
... how should I know?
“Never pretend to love which you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command.” - - Alan Watts
Comments (3) |
Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Current Events:
What happens when white kids try to insult me
I read a note given to me today...
"Ari is a Niger"
Ari:...*reads*...what the hell is that supposed to mean?
Friend:I think... it was supposed to be "nigger"....
Friend: You know, if you try to insult someone, you should really learn how to spell... ya know?
Ari: Yeah...
I ache all over...
Blarg, my shoulder is still in much pain, so is my side, and my wrists, and my knee, and everything else!
Last night, my Mom said I was having muscle spasms, now, I thought that'd be cool, but it's really not. They're all inflamed and sh*t... god... it sucks.
Owwie, my fingers hurt when I type, but I shall keep on typing anyway.
I still have the chills, but since it's so hot outside, my skin's warm but then all of my internal organs feel frozen.
It's really messed up... *sniff*
I don't wanna go to the doctor though, they'll just try to poke me with needles... I hate needles... and there's this stupid headache that I've had for the past three hours, Gah.
Band Concert
Umm... it went okay... I messed up on the end of my solo though... *sigh* I don't think anyone noticed, but I'm pissed that we didn't go third. NO ONE COMPLIMENTED ME! Jeesh, my solo was so much harder than that other trumpet-dudes in the other band. RAWR.
We did really good on the first two songs, but made up for the goodness with our crappiness on the last two songs... The Eagle's fell apart a few times because the percussion section kept on going their own little tempo.
The Jazz band did very well though... *happy*... so I was very pleased with that. We have another concert tonight, so I'm going to need to be leaving for that soon too...
Thanks for the arm Nick...
except it can't play a trumpet... at all... glad it was the left one, or I really would've been dead ^ ^
... I got a 72 on a language arts test... and at best I'm getting a B on interum. Then, I had a math quiz today... I am going to be in so much trouble... I don't understand anything we've discussed these past few days. I've read it over in the book a few times, and even Jackie tried to help me, but I don't understand Geometric Means, the stupid Right-Triangle Altitude Theorem, tangent, sine, cosine, blah blah. All of it's like a foreign language to me, my whole quiz is blank, except for the two questions I did know how to do. Blah, when my Mom finds out... ugh, I don't even want to think about it, but my teacher will probably be like "Ari, you're a dumbass, you don't even belong in this advanced class."
Wewt, new quiz result... XD
Fingers hurt, can't type anymore.
Take Care
- - Teh Pig
Another Link kitty!
... how should I know?
“Never pretend to love which you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command.” - - Alan Watts
Comments (6) |
Monday, May 9, 2005
Sorry, random word...

It's so damned hot today... god... I hate it. Why can't it still be cold? It went from winter to summer overnight, quite literally, since it has been in the 30's for the past few days and now it's like 80...
So... much... homework... it's almost unbearable. We have... 23 days of school left I think it is... (too lazy to get it out) and Mr. Language Arts teacher is being EEEEEVIL and giving us all this stuff to do... I'll post it later if it's dire....
Meh, Band Concert tonight, which means I must be leaving post haste...
Which is very interresting if you break it down. Post meaning after and haste meaning quickly. So, I will leave quickly after I post. Nifty, huh?
So, anyway, I'm probably going to mess up my solo big time because I'm a loser... we also switched around the last two songs so that 1812 Overture is last and Eagle's Medley is third, which'll also give me better odds at not messing up. Fun.
I'm having a problem with my jaw too, err, actually, it's kinda my neck... but at any rate, it's bad right around the place where your jaw and neck join together, it hurts whenever I turn my neck more than 45 degrees from a straight position... around that area anyway... sorry if I'm getting boring.
Gah, they all still hate me. I got yelled at so much for things that I didn't mean to do/didn't mean to do wrong. It kinda hurt my feelings...
Messing up really bad in Geometry, History, and Language Arts... I'm so illiterate... and I don't think I'm passing those for this quarter at any rate. I keep on forgetting everything when I take a test... damn test anxiety....
Kidnap me!:
Yeah... there's so much work I have to do. One of you guys should just take me to wherever you live so I can lay low until the school year's over and then make a reapearence after the beginning of the summer. Ah, what fun it would be to get out of all of this work...
I think I saw this person that was stoned today at lunch, they looked so funny. I will never forget that blank/happy facial expression.
In pain:
Gah, my shoulders hurt... extremely ow... (an interjection used to express sudden pain, not the other one... [inside joke])It kinda feels like my right shoulder is being poked with many needles. The left one hurts too... but not as bad. Meep, the pain... I can touch it, because it's on my back right on my shoulder blade, but it hurts every time I do and it feels really sore. I need a massage... crap, and just recently, the area around where my left shoulder and collar-bone are hurts really bad too. *dies of pain* I'm really bloody sick... (the word bloody used because Mangoes used it in her IM a second ago)... I didn't go to school Friday because I got that flu thingy that people get... although strangely it gave me the chills. I thought Colds were supposed to give you the chills... I'm so confused.
WTH?! Now my side hurts too... TT____TT AND MY F'IN' WRIST!!
I think I'm dying...
If that's how you spell it anyway...
I didn't really eat a lot at lunch today... I mean, it's not that I didn't want to, I just dont' get the opportunity to. I didn't eat breakfast and I hardly had dinner last night...
That's probably why I'm so fat, my body goes into starvation mode all the time, so when I do get any food it stores it for later...
Food falling from the sky:
Yeah... well, at lunch today, I was eating... when something suddenly hit me in the side. I was like... "what the hell??" and there was this unopened package of gummi fruit stuff... I dunno, it's strawberry flavored, and it tastes good, so I gave it to a friend and we ate it... and Jess took some and started throwing it at me....
So we all think that the food gods favor me now and give me free food, yummy. I tried to ask them for some ice cream, but they didn't comply... *sniff*.
Entry 16: Illusions
(written in the morning)
Hmm... feeling kinda happy... but not really happy... more of a pseudo-happy... It's probably just ignorance. I think I know why I'm happy, but I also don't. There are so many things to be sad about, but my amazing obliviousness and the fluffiness of my mind probably keep me in "best case scenario" (optimism?) mode and far up in the clouds instead of coming to terms with reality; as my Mom wants me to do. She probably couldn't comprehend that, if I didn't live in my fantasies, I probably would have killed myself a long time ago.
But does that mean that happiness is an illusion? Or maybe an addiction to emotions, such as an addiction to the feelings you get around a certain thing (chocolate, hehehehe) or a certain person/people (this brings a whole new point of view to 'love', think about it). I'd hope that there is a happiness that is not of the former two.
Ah, happiness, the purest and most refreshing water anyone can drink from.
Like a paradise, it eludes us.
There are ones made to appear like it...
And lies told by self and to self that make us appear to be in it.
But nothing else could ever compair.
Oh, the ethereal fountain of light.
Everywhere but so burried by sadness that it is nowhere at all.
And... uhh... I think that's all for today. Later folks...
And take care!
- - Teh Pig

aww, look, Link's a kitty... wait, that's messed up.
... how should I know?
“Never pretend to love which you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command.” - - Alan Watts
Comments (6) |
Sunday, May 8, 2005
Hmm... don't got much to say...
I uploaded some music... but, it's like, 5.5 megabites, so I don't think it'll ever load...
But it's The Reason by Hoobastank, and it be dedicated to my friends of whom helped me through the rough spell I went through yesterday *hug*... you know who you are.
Teh lyrics
I'm not a perfect person
There's many things I wish I didn't do
But I continue learning
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know
I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is you
I'm sorry that I hurt you
It's something I must live with everyday
And all the pain I put you through
I wish that I could take it all away
And be the one who catches all your tears
Thats why i need you to hear
I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is You [x4]
I'm not a perfect person
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know
I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is you
I've found a reason to show
A side of me you didn't know
A reason for all that I do
And the reason is you
If you wanna listen to it manually... Song...
And... uhh... that's all I can really think of to say right now...
Although, I am doing a lot better, thanks to you people.
Take Care everyone!
- - Teh Pig
... how should I know?
“Never pretend to love which you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command.” - - Alan Watts
Comments (5) |
Saturday, May 7, 2005
Run away, terrified child.
Entry 15: Silence
Something is wrong. Everything's so confusing. What is happening with me? These stupid things... I can no longer control them. It has spiraled out of this plane of reality, and it feels as if I'm going from two dimensions to three.
Why does stuff like this always happen to me? I open myself up, a little bit at a time, but when I'm vulnerable enough... my inner self is shattered and I end up retreating further into my shell and fall back more than when I began.
And just why am I crying? I knew this was going to happen from the beginning, but I was too blinded to stop myself. Now this...
I hate people. I hate everyone. I used to think that not everyone was the same. Some people were good and they didn't try to hurt other people- but, I see that I was wrong. Companionship?! There is no such thing. Betrayal. A misplacement of trust. That's all there is to it.
Oh, the crimson tears.
How they stain the clean slate.
Uneraseable and painful, the memories.
What was once present has now passed.
And it can never be changed.
The sadness, stinging like fragments of glass.
While the rational mind scoffs at that which is so feeble and weak.
The Edge of Reason.
There will never be a place for someone who has never belonged. Luck is never on my side, and teh toll taken is now too much. There is a hollow feeling everywhere, a void of too much emotion. I feel stronger... more courageous... I can go through with it.
I wish I could stay around until Monday, but, fortunately, I probably won't. Unfortunately, I am still thinking about things, but, this will probably be my last post. I know everything will be better off without me.
And please, for teh person of whom I used to be, take care.
- - No one

... how should I know?
“Never pretend to love which you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command.” - - Alan Watts
Comments (5) |
Thursday, May 5, 2005
23 Days!
OMG! I BROKE... *sniff*... A NAIL!!! *runs around in circles*
... *randomly breaks out in tears*...
Ahahaha, nah, I'm just kidding, I'm not like that, really.
Although I do pride myself on the coolness of my nails, I don't get manicures or paing them or anything. They just look nice... ahem... but I did break the nail when I was putting my stuff in my locker at the end of the day today and was like "O___O SHIT SHIT SHIT!!!"...
... hahaha, everyone looked at me as if saying "Dude, you're still in school..."
It hurt like hell because the crack went a little bit into the live part of the nail, you know, the part that's pinkish?
I'm better now, but I'm sad, because now I have to cut all of my nails, and I was trying to grow them out for my band concert because they look coolish with my black jazz band uniform.
Blah, my lips hurt today, I have this throat problem still... I hope I'm not sick... I'm also glad we didn't get to the Eagle's Medley today in band again, I would've sucked at it... or as my science teacher says- "inhaled deeply"...
hahaha, sorry, that's a bit of an inside joke...
... I get picked on at school... by people who are shorter and fatter than me TT____TT sad, isn't it?
Rawr, stuff to do today...
- Get a Milky Way bar for science...
- Look up historical connections for words missed on last History test.
- Study weeks 1-3 vocab
- Get Notebook set for Home Ec.
- 13.6 CAR
Hmm... it's actually a relatively light homework day, I'm so happi.
Whenever I sneeze, people don't say 'bless you' or anything... my sister says I'm gonna be cursed, although I think that already happened....
Entry 14 (or atleast, I think it's 14... ) : Self-worth
I wonder if there is a way to measure the worth of someone, because, obviously, everyone isn't equal.
Would it be measured by intelligence? Values? Dependability? Athleticism? Sence of humor? Attractiveness? Age? Health? Sincerity? Religion? Background? Race? Fears? Political view? Patience? Preference of music (among other things...)? Expression of emotions? Accomplisments? Managememnt of emotions? Hobbies? Talents? Wealth? Humility? Generosity? Social skills? Imagination? Hygiene? Self-control? Optimism? Or maybe mental condition...?
Eh, I don't think I'd be too high on the list?
I'll try to get back to doing this since I have some spare time...
Monkey: ...yeah... I did good on my math... *shifty* I don't think I'd want to know...
Mangoes: Uh huh, it's a shame... oh, yeah, that's alright, good luck with that other stuff, hahaha.
Nightmarish: weirdness indeed...
Mr. Nick: umm... if you did ask, I'd say "no" anyway... that definition that you're refering to is much more slang... just saying.... yeah, yeah, I'm working on it... calm down slick.
Jess: Suuuuuure...
Penguin: Hehe, yes, I'm an awesome kitty... and thank you, thank you...
Anyway, I'll be leaving now folks...
Take Care
- - Teh Pig
... how should I know?
“Never pretend to love which you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command.” - - Alan Watts
Comments (4) |
Wednesday, May 4, 2005
Physical condition
Gym class today was... weird. When I was changing into my gym uniform, one of my friends, Jess, just started randomly poking my right boob...
Now, you see, this kinda freaked me out so I said... "JESS! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!"
And she replied... "I'm checking your physical condition."
"Physical condition my ass! You're bi! *points*"
"No, really, if a women does a physical exercise without a bra on, the weight of her breast will make them droop and there foremaking them sagg. I also have to check your back."
"WHY?! You're probably just going to pull on my bra strap!"
"Wait, but if you do exercise and then go to pick something up without bending your knees, you focus the strain on your back and you can throw out your back..."
"You're so caring... *rolls eyes*"
[after gym class]
(Jess) "And you say you don't want guys looking at you. You're fly's down you slut."
"WHAT?! I AM NOT A SLUT! *fumbles with zipper*"
Weird day... but seriously, I am not, it was a misconseption!
And 'intimate' means 'close' you pervs, I was just reading the book and they liked to use that word so I incorperated it into my writing...
Current events:
I failed another history quiz, yay failing!
I actually didn't fail a math quiz! I got an A! OMG!!!
We were practicing more in band class, and we really suck at 1812 overture. It's really hard to play the... well... the theme... I can't really explain it... hmmm...
It's the part that goes
Err, yeah... well, you get it... you probably don't... but that's it. We didn't even get to try Eagle's Medley today, and that's my solo! I was so depressed.
And, I won't waste everyone's time today! So, I'll leave for a bit.
Take Care
- - Teh Pig
... how should I know?
“Never pretend to love which you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command.” - - Alan Watts
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Tuesday, May 3, 2005
Mmmmmm... fresh apple juice from concentrate...
I wuv apple juice... I just wish I could actually get the real stuff instead of sugar-water.
Current Events:
Crazy science teacher... how is learning about 4.6 billion years of stupid earth history going to help me out in my life?!
Failed another History test, yay me! *dances*
I has a Band concert next week, on monday, and then another one on tuesday, although the second one I'm just playing with the Jazz Band in.
We are going second (the first is a 6th grade band and the third is another 7th/8th grade band) and playing (in this order)...
- Theme from JAG (gawd, I hate this song...)
- Hudson River Suite (Coincidence? I think not...)
- 1812 Overture (fun... but my lips always hurt afterward...)
- Eagles Medley (lotsa fun, and me gets a solo... well, it's kinda a solo anyway, more of a duet, with one flute at the beginning of 'Hotel California')
Then, on that day, teh Jazz Band decided to play a "Cat concert". We're gonna play "The Pink Panther" and "Stray Cat Strut". I like both of them a lot and am really good at them but suck at all of the other songs... another coincidence???
And, on Thursday, we're playing "Georgia on my Mind" and "Smile Awhile"... fun...
I wish there was some way I could record it and put it online, my solo rocks... it's not insanely hard, but I do it well.
Failed another Geometry quiz, yay failing! *confetti*
Umm... I also realized that I probably have teh bipolar disorder... *sad* but I don't really wanna talk about that, especially since, if my Mom finds out, she'll ship me off to a mental clinic.
Entry 12: Talents
I was thinking to myself today, and I asked a question, do I really have any talents?
The answer came in band class. I'm first chair, that means I must be relatively good at something. Next year will be the real test, however, for then I will be pitted against fellow freshmen, sophmores, juniors, and seniors.
... Been thinking for awhile... I'm also pretty good at baking cookies. Gad, I love cookies. My favorite cookies are teh white chocolate chips with macadamia nuts. Yummmmy.
My Mom made this really yummy danish-thing awhile ago too. I'm surprised I was allowed to have some, but I should ask her for the recipie and try making it someday.
Maybe I'll take Mr. Nick's advice and open a bakery. As long as I don't have to bake bread, I'm fine. Long story short, never mistake teaspoon for tablespoon.
I guess I'll look into this later though, because I can't think of any other talents.
Entry 13: Friends
"Friends help us ward off depression, boost our immune system, lower our cholesterol, increase the odds of surviving with coronary disease... keep stress hormones in check... [and] research is showing that you can extend your life expectancy by having the right kinds of friends."
I wish I could have grown up with good friends...
No one really acts like a friend anymore, and there is little emotional contact - if any. It makes me feel so lonely and isolated all of the time.
My family, my 'friends'... all talk at me, not with me. How I long for a face-to-face conversation.
According to statistics, a person will have from 1-7 'intimate' friends a year... I hope I get one soon.
Anyway, take care everyone.
- - Teh Pig
... how should I know?
“Never pretend to love which you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command.” - - Alan Watts
Comments (5) |
Monday, May 2, 2005
Surrounded by morons
"No! Mt. Everest is in Washington you idiots!" - - Sam McDaniel
Current events: (now with bold highlights so, if you don't want to read the whole thing, you can read only topics that interrest you!)
The Forgotten:
I rented The Forgotten last night... now, I hate horror movie, but I will go for thrillers, 'cause it's kinda psudo-horror. Not as bad, and usually they have a little bit of sci-fi/fantasy in there which I like... if you haven't seen it, even if you don't like horror, you should, just keep a cat nearby XD like I did. I huggethed him when I got scared, although I almost got my faced ripped off.
But yeah... it creaped me out...
Don't read if you haven't seen the movie and are going to or whatever...
Especially the parts where people would (randomly) get sucked up into the sky... and the car crash, although that rocked... BUT THEY DIDN'T DIE! The Alien-thingy was kinda creapy-looking... but he was alright... I guess...
And, after that fiasco, there was another one... involving a raccoon... I was in bed, and then, I heard someone screaming outside... yippe, it was my Mom... so then, we had to go through this thing, where I was the only one at risk of being attacked... *sniff* I don't do well with large rabid creatures... although I could probably use my catness to kick it if it did try to get near me. Mwahaha... but more on that another day.
I had another really weird dream... this time... I was in my house, and was hearing weird noises. I was playing Teh Thousand Year Door... when I heard a cat dying. I was like "WTF?!?!?!?!" so I got up and ran towards the sound... and saw... ma cat, Larry. He's the cat that's the closest to me, emotionally I guess...
well... he was dead. It was really very graphic too. He was on the ground, and it looked like someone made a straight cut down his abdomen, and all of his guts were strewn over the floor and there was blood everywhere... and his eyes were open, staring at me, and his tongue was dangling, without any color. Bleh... grizzly... but... yeah... for some reason I didn't cry or be sad but I went back to playing Paper Mario...
Then, it happened, two more times, to my other cats. Normally, I would be insanely creaped out by this... but... I wasn't that much. I went to bed without too much trouble, except I was afraid of the dark and kinda spastic/twitchy. I was asleep... but then, I woke up at night, and it sounded like a person breathing in my ear... I looked around, but there was no one there... but then, there was this horrible shreaking-like noise... and it sounded like someone was knocking on a door to get into a room... but it they were knocking to get into my brain... why my brain? I dunno... then I saw images of a ghost-lady in my brain, very real-looking... it looked so creapy, because it had empty pits of eyes and made me feel so freaky... at that point I woke up, and would've screamed, but luckily I have an instinct to stay completely still (yes, I even stopped breathing for a minute, how, I don't know). After a period of about ten minutes I was about to get myself back in reality, and I went around to make sure all of my cats were not dead, and all was good.
My throat hurts... I'm sick. GRRR... it sucks... I couldn't really play teh trumpet today... so sad.
I'm so noncoordinated that I managed to kick the ball at my own face today... -___- long story. It hurt.
Mr. Graham came to jazz band today looking like white trash. Very funny XD. Won't explain to much so I won't annoy people.
Entry 11: Fate
I am a very perplexing person, just because I believe in fate... but I also don't.
"Whatever happens - happens" as Spike put it so nicely. Some things are just meant to happen, id est, you are supposed to meet, your dog dies, you grew up where you did, etc. I guess these kind of things change your character, for better or for worse.
But, there is a different aspect. You can change the future and make it what you want for yourself, but to change the world you must first be able to change who you are. If you don't become anything in your life you have no one to blame but yourself.
I know I'm totally contradictory, and my logic has always sucked, but I don't really care.
Saving other entries for another day...
Take Care
- - Teh Pig
Homework XD Don't read if you're uninterrested in the Causes of the Civil War.
Missouri Compromise of 1820:
The Missouric Compromise stated that all of the land north of the 36 degree 30 feet parallel line would be free except for Missouri. All fo the land south of the parallel line would be slave. The state of Maine would enter the Union as a free state. The author of the Missouri Compromise was Henry Clay.
Nullification Crisis of 1832-1833:
The state of South Carolina was so upset with the tariff passed by the federal government that the state threatened to seceede from the Union. A tariff is a tax put on imported goods. Jackson threatened to lead the U.S. army into the state if they rebelled. A compromise was agreed upon and tariffs were decreased over a period of the next few years. Tensions surrounding this crisis finally came to an end when Calhoun and Clay authored a compromise.
Wilmost Proviso - 1846:
A proviso is a clause making restriction or change attached to a document or treaty. David Wilmost stated that slavery should be banned in all territory acquired from the Mexian War. However, this proviso was defeated by the Senate.
Compromise of 1850:
1) California will be a free state.
2) All territory gained from the Mexican war will use popular sovereignty to decide whether they will be free or slave.
3) Texas would receive $10 million for giving up New Mexico.
4)No slave trade in Washington D.C.
5) Fugitive Slave law.
The main author of the Compromise of 1850 was Henry Clay.
Uncle Tom's Cabin - 1852:
The author of Uncle Tom's Cabin was Harriet Beecher Stowe. Her book described how slaves were treated in the South. Her description upset those who were against slavery because it brought on realization and was an eye opener to how horrible slavery was. Slave owners were also upset because it was all jokes and lies.
Kansas-Nebraska Act - 1854:
Stephen A. Douglas wanted the territories of Nebraska and Kansas to use popular sovereignty in deciding whether to be slave or free. He also wanted the Northern states to support his plan for the Transcontinental Railroad to follow a northern route instead of a southern route. Many in the North felt betrayed by Douglas' proposal since the Missouri Compromise of 1820 had closed these areas to slavery.
Birth of the Republican Party - 1854:
The Republican Party started in the town of Ripon, Wisconsin. The Republican platform stated that there would be no slavery in the western territories. Another significant iten about the Republican Party was that Abe Lincoln became a member of this party.
Bleeding Kansas - 1855-56:
Kansas was the site of a great deal of violence because people were fighting over whether or not Kansas should be a free state or a slave state. John Brown from Hudson, Ohio, played a major role in this violence.
Dred Scott Decision - 1857:
This was one of the worst decisions ever handed down by the U.S. Supreme Court. Dred Scott was not permitted to be a free black man even though he had lived in the north and was married to a free black woman. The Chief Justice, Roger B. Taney, stated that Dred Scott was not a citizen of the U.S. and, therefore, could not bring a case to court. Futhermore, Scott was considered a piece of property. With this ruling, the court was saying that slavery was permitted anywhere is the United States.
Lincoln-Douglas Debates - 1858:
Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas debated 7 times while running for the Illinois Senate seat. Lincoln scored a decisive win in the last debate when he got Douglas to admit that the decision handed down by the Supreme our t in the Dred Scott case was inappropreate. At that point, southern democrats began to hate Douglas.
Raid at Harper's Ferry - 1859:
Harper's Ferry was located in Virginia, but today is in West Virginia. John Brown and his followers went to Harper's Ferry to raid the arsenal there so he could arm the slaves of Virginia. He was caught and hanged. In the North he was considered a martyr and a saint.
Presidential Election of 1860:
Republican candidate - Abraham Lincoln
Democratic candidate - Stephen Douglas
Southern Democratic candidate - John Breckinridge
Constitutional Union Party candidate - John Bell
Lincoln might not have won the Presidency if the Democratic Party had not split because the combined vote of the candidates would have been more than his.
Secession - December, 1860 TO April 1861:
Stephen Douglas was elected President of the Confederate States of America.
South Carolina
North Carolina
Attack on Ft. Sumter - April 12, 1861:
Fort Sumter is located in Charleston harbor. President Lincoln defended Fort Sumter because it had federal property.
More review:
Stephen Douglas' name was "little giant"
The spokesman for the North during the negotiations for the Compromise of 1850 was Dan Webster.
The Great Compromiser was Henry Clay.
An abolitionsit is a person who despises slavery.
Popular Sovereignty means the people vote for what they want (slavery).
The Fugitive Slave law stated that any slave who ran to the north (or a free area) must be returned to his owner.
Sectionalisn is what is best for one area, not the whole country.
Conflicts: Tariffs, Slavery, Economy, Western Lands, Internal Improvements.
... how should I know?
“Never pretend to love which you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command.” - - Alan Watts
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