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The nation with the most nuclear weapons on the planet
Member Since
High School student; practicing Hobo/Stripper
Real Name
Ari (pronounced âr-ee, to avoid confusion); I also go by Squishy and Kitty
Eh, I don't "achieve"
Anime Fan Since
Fall of '02 I believe
Favorite Anime
Cowboy Bebop, Spirited Away, Nausicaa, FMA, and Chobits
Make it into Stanfy, among some other things
Computer, Trumpet, Music, Video Games, fings of that sort...
Cuteness, Smartness, Awesomeness, Artisticness, Musicalness, Foxiness
| Angel of Pig
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Sunday, May 1, 2005
Meh is NOT a flirt!! > <
Soo... anyway, how are you all doing? Still at teh library... I think the guy sitting next to me's a child molester O____o Sorry, he just fits the description, and I think he's filling out information for a dating website.
Pffft, like HE'LL ever get a date...

So cute ^ ^

I don't really have much to talk about today... sorry everyone -___- I'm so boring, although I had this weird Halo dream last night. It was f'ed up.
Let me try to remember it...
I was on Zanzibar, presumably in Xbox live, but I never did find out... well, I was in the M.C.'s most awesome suit thingy... whatever you wanna call it... and now, this was pretty sweet, so I was like "hell ya" O___o don't ask. I jumped around for a little bit, considering normally I can't jump very high. So much fun...
Ahem, so, anyway, someone attempted to shoot me with a sniper, but missed. That was kinda freaky, considering one shot to the head and you're no longer in commision. Remember, this is my dream, so the map was a little bit off... me and my greatness ran to the sniper tower, eventhough it wasn't there a second ago...
Now, I figured the potential flaw in my plan, and how the sniper could expect me to be going, but I had a few stickies(plasma grenades) with me so I wasn't worried.
When I did make it to teh sniper, it was still shooting, so I meleed it on the back and it died. Yay! I felt so proud! ^ ^
Now, I'm not the greatest with snipers, so I decided to leave it there. When, to my realization, we were playing CTF. (yeah, the suits weren't colored accordingly before, but they were now)...
I hear a warthog beep at me, WTF?Me looks around... and there be people in the warthog, needing my aid! Oh, the specialness of opperating the turret... it was most fun. And, also to my surprise, the driver happened to be Mr. Nick (he sounded funny... hehehe eh eheh).
After that it gets kinda fuzzy, but we got the flag and brought it back and after winning the round, won the game! Team battles are SOO much fun!
... I know... weird... but, then again, all of my dreams are weird... especially considering I haven't played Xbox Live in like... three months?
Trust me, you don't NEED to comment on this....
Really Long Survey (over 200) | Created by starsbleed2nite and taken 84283 times on bzoink! | What is your name? | Ari | Are you named after anyone? | the goddess of spring... | What's your screename? | Shinbatsu | Would you name a child of yours after you? | never! | If you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name be? | Constantine! | If you could switch names with a friend who would it be? | ... I dunno... | Are there any mispronounciations/typos that ppl do w/ your name constantly? | yeah, there are so many, I don't even have time to explain them all. | Would you drop your last name if you became famous? | I'm never gonna be famous, so what's the point? | Basics | Your gender: | Female-ish XD | Straight/Gay/Bi: | asexual! | Single? | you betcha | If not, do you want to be? | ... N/A | Birthdate: | 4/6/NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS XD nah, 91 | Your age: | 14 | Age you act: | You tell me | Age you wish you were: | 18 | Your height: | 5'2"... *sniff* | Eye color: | Golden/light brownish | Happy with it? | hell yeah! | Hair color: | Dark brown | Happy with it? | I wish it was redder... like, mahogany | Lefty/righty/ambidextrous: | Lefty... used to be ambidextrous, but stopped using my right hand. | Your living arrangement: | What do you mean? In my house... I'm still a kid, don't live on my own... | Your family: | a sister, a brother, a mom... pretty much. dad too, he's divorced, step mom and half sister | Have any pets? | three kitties | Whats your job? | ... don't got one... yet. | Piercings? | none | Tattoos? | none | Obsessions? | chocolate... O____O | Addictions? | none | Do you speak another language? | nope... | Have a favorite quote? | "Rawr" -- myself | Do you have a webpage? | not really... | Deep Thoughts About Life and You in it | Do you live in the moment? | I try to, but usually get lost in the past. | Do you consider yourself tolerant of others? | not really... | Do you have any secrets? | too many to count. | Do you hate yourself? | sure do. | Do you like your handwriting? | It's kinda big... I wish it was a little smaller, and neater. | Do you have any bad habits? | I don't think so... | What is the compliment you get from most people? | "you look like a cow"... wait... that's not a compliment... | If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called? | ... dunno, no one will ever make one. | What's your biggest fear? | being completely alone... | Can you sing? | I dunno, a little bit, but people usually scream in terror when I open my mouth. | Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool? | nope, nevar | Are you a loner? | pretty much | What are your #1 priorities in life? | living... that's all... I don't even know why anymore. | If you were another person, would you be friends with you? | probably not | Are you a daredevil? | no, I'm a coward. | Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself? | yes, everything. | Are you passive or agressive? | both and neither. | Do you have a journal? | yeah... | What is your greatest strength and weakness? | indifference, a virtue and a vice. | If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? | everything | Do you think you are emotionally strong? | no | Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life? | yes, a lot of things. | Do you think life has been good so far? | hell no | What is the most important lesson you've learned from life? | Don't dwell on the past for you will not be in the present and can't have a future. | What do you like the most about your body? | my hands, they have nice fingernails! LIKE CLAWS! | And least? | everything else | Do you think you are good looking? | no | Are you confident? | no | What is the fictional character you are most like? | none, no one exists who's like me. | Are you perceived wrongly? | most likely | Do You... | Smoke? | no | Do drugs? | no | Read the newspaper? | not really | Pray? | only when I feel it's something worthy of God's time | Go to church? | no | Talk to strangers who IM you? | it depends | Sleep with stuffed animals? | no, unless cats are like stuffed animals | Take walks in the rain? | yup | Talk to people even though you hate them? | sometimes | Drive? | no... | Like to drive fast? | N/A | Would or Have You Ever? | Liked your voice? | no | Hurt yourself? | no | Been out of the country? | Canadia | Eaten something that made other people sick? | yup, and I lived! | Been in love? | no | Done drugs? | no | Gone skinny dipping? | no | Had a medical emergency? | when I was a baby, but that's not important. | Had surgery? | no | Ran away from home? | no | Played strip poker? | no | Gotten beaten up? | yup | Beaten someone up? | no | Been picked on? | yup | Been on stage? | yup | Slept outdoors? | yup | Thought about suicide? | yup | Pulled an all nighter? | yup | If yes, what is your record? | all night!... although I crashed at like, 4pm that day. | Gone one day without food? | yup | Talked on the phone all night? | no | Slept together with the opposite sex w/o actually having sex? | eww, neither of the two. | Slept all day? | ... if only... | Killed someone? | I wish... | Made out with a stranger? | nope | Had sex with a stranger? | nope | Thought you're going crazy? | yup | Kissed the same sex? | nope, never kissed no one. | Done anything sexual with the same sex? | eww, nope. | Been betrayed? | yup | Had a dream that came true? | not yet... | Broken the law? | no | Met a famous person? | no | Have you ever killed an animal by accident? | NEVER!! | On purpose? | TT____TT | Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell? | don't think so... | Stolen anything? | yes... a long time ago... | Been on radio/tv? | never | Been in a mosh-pit? | never | Had a nervous breakdown? | tons of times! | Bungee jumped? | nope | Had a dream that kept coming back? | yeah... but I prefer not to talk about it. | Beliefs | Belive in life on other planets? | uh huh, humans are so single-minded. | Miracles? | no... if one happens to me, THEN I'll believe. | Astrology? | no | Magic? | no | God? | maybe... | Satan? | maybe... | Santa? | I am santa!!<('-'<) | Ghosts? | ... not in the normal definition | Luck? | not really... | Love at first sight? | no | Yin and yang (that good cant exist w/o bad)? | yes | Witches? | no | Easter bunny? | no | Believe its possible to remain faithful forever? | faithful... it depends... | Believe theres a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow? | no | Do you wish on stars? | yes... but they never come true. | Deep Theological Questions | Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell? | no | Do you think God has a gender? | no | Do you believe in organized religion? | no | Where do you think we go when we die? | somewhere else | Friends | Do you have any gay/lesbian friends? | heh, probably... *wink* | Who is your best friend? | don't have one | Who's the one person that knows most about you? | I don't know, no one knows a lot about me really... | What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you? | Don't die. | Your favourite inside joke? | lurble lurble lurble | Thing you're picked on most about? | everything | Who's your longest known friend? | I don't remember. (like anyone cares) | Newest? | -- | Shyest? | -- | Funniest? | -- | Sweetest? | -- | Closest? | -- | Weirdest? | -- | Smartest? | -- | Ditziest? | -- | Friends you miss being close to the most? | -- | Last person you talked to online? | Mr. Nick | Who do you talk to most online? | I dunno, it's about even for 5 people. | Who are you on the phone with most? | no one | Who do you trust most? | no one | Who listens to your problems? | no one... | Who do you fight most with? | I don't like confrontation | Who's the nicest? | no one XD | Who's the most outgoing? | -- | Who's the best singer? | -- | Who's on your shit-list? | -- | Have you ever thought of having sex with a friend? | NO | Who's your second family? | -- | Do you always feel understood? | nope... | Who's the loudest friend? | -- | Do you trust others easily? | no | Who's house were you last at? | -- | Name one person who's arms you feel safe in: | ... I don't even have anyone's arms to feel safe in... | Do your friends know you? | no | Friend that lives farthest away: | Miss Mangoes, she lives in England. Hello my british chum! | Love and All That | Do you consider love a mistake? | yes | What do you find romantic? | ... I don't know, and really don't care. | Turn-on? | smartness... funnyness... stuff like that | Turn-off? | stupid, boring, selfish jerks. | First kiss? | haven't got one. | If someone u had no interest in had interest in dating u how would u feel? | umm, I don't think that's possible. | Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going | yeah... | Have u ever wished it was more socially acceptable 4 a girl 2 ask a guy out | I dunno, would never try it myself. | Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractiv | nope | Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking? | nope | What is best about the opposite sex? | their... uhh... I dunno. Their non same-sexness? err... yeah... | What is the worst thing about the opposite sex? | ... their idiocy... | What's the last present someone gave you? | no one gives me presents... | Are you in love? | I don't think so, I don't even know what love is. | Do you consider your significant other hot? | N/A | Who Was the Last Person... | That haunted you? | myself | You wanted to kill? | myself | That you laughed at? | myself | That laughed at you? | myself | That turned you on? | ...erp...never happened. | You went shopping with? | don't shop | That broke your heart? | ...not gonna talk about it. | To disappoint you? | the world | To ask you out? | never happened | To make you cry? | not gonna talk about it | To brighten up your day? | hmm... | That you thought about? | everyone | You saw a movie with? | Jess... | You talked to on the phone? | don't talk on phone... | You talked to through IM/ICQ? | Mr. Nick | You saw? | random people sitting around me | You lost? | Everyone | Right This Moment... | Are you going out? | no | Will it be with your significant other? | ... | Or some random person? | ... | What are you wearing right now? | I'm not wearing anything... teehee... just kidding. | Body part you're touching right now: | O___o nothing? | What are you worried about right now? | everything, school, friends... life... BLAH | What book are you reading? | N/A | What's on your mousepad? | not usin' one | Use 5 words to describe how you're feeling: | depressed, cheerful (??? don't ask...), bored, stressed, contradictory. | Are you bored? | yes | Are you tired? | not really... | Are you talking to anyone online? | yup | Are you talking to anyone on the phone? | no | Are you lonely or content? | lonely... *sniff* | Are you listening to music? | not currently | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |
Didn't feel like writing lately... sorry... but I might tonight.
Take care!
- - Yours truly
... how should I know?
“Never pretend to love which you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command.” - - Alan Watts
Comments (3) |
Saturday, April 30, 2005
I made long posts, three times, but computer froze, so, I'M NOT TYPING ANYMORE BEcAUSE MY HANDS HURT LIKE HELL!
... okay, I've regained some strength in my fingers...
Meh got teh mountain goat and teh wildcat. I thinketh the wild cat describeth me bettereth, so here ya go!
Genera and species: Felis Sylvestris
Collective Term: A clowder of wildcats
Wildcat personalities do not differ substantially from their domestic cousins Felis Domesiticus and exhibit the aloof behavior that is common to all felines. With their well-deserved reputations as creatures of comfort, wildcats jealously guard their independence while indulging in the finer things in life. Attractive, solitary, creative, and curious, these individuals are quite happy to observe the world from a distance.
The wildcat would never take a conventional route, preferring to explore life from off the beaten track -- relying heavily on its instincts and powers of observation to guide it safely through the jungle. Its air of indifference and need for privacy keeps it on the outskirts of society, but its love for comfort always brings it back
The wildcat differs from its lion relatives in its approach to its social structure. With an aversion to the complex family organization of the lion, the wildcat finds freedom and self-indulgence to be far more compelling. So as a natural explorer, it disdains staying in one place for long, preferring the freedom of solitary roaming. in exotic locales. This wanderlust makes it ideal for a career as a travel agent, explorer, mountain climber, researcher or writer.
It's difficult to really know cats. Although they make little attempt to disguise their emotions, their communication style is somewhat abstract. They readily display their disgust and boredom as it stalk off to spend solitary time sulking. Usually however, they return to the place that offers them security and creature comforts. Close alliances are formed with others that share their eremitic and wandering ways. Horse and deer, and tiger personalities are good candidates as soul mates, while gorillas provide them with much appreciated security.
Wildcats are also incorrigible flirts and their feline mannerisms are attractive to members of the opposite sex. As a result, wildcats almost always get what they want -- plenty of pampering without the nuisance of a long-term mate. And making love to one is more than just a lot of hissing and scratching, for it is a curious lover whose tendency to get lost in the moment guarantees an unpredictable encounter.
Because of the wildcat's tendency to protect its independence, it can be difficult to get it to talk about personal issues. But when it comes to matters of the world, the wildcat loves a challenging debate. It is thoughtful and insightful on neutral themes, but when things get personal . . . logic flies out the window with the cat close on its heels.
Careers and Hobbies
Explorer Dancer
Travel agent Researcher
Traveling Massages
Shopping Dancing
Famous Wildcats
Michele Pfeifer, Heather Locklear.
which animal you be?
Take Care
- - Piggy Ari
... how should I know?
“Never pretend to love which you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command.” - - Alan Watts
Comments (4) |
Friday, April 29, 2005
As the title states...
Current Events
Well, aren't you the philosophical one Mr. Nick...
Interresting thing happened last night.
First, there are two cats in my neighborhood that aren't mine. They have this thing with fighting in my yard between 1 and 5 am. They make these really loud rumbling noises, it's really hard to explain.
But anyway, I couldn't sleep last night (long story). When I finally got to sleep, their fighting woke me up at 3:47. At this point, Ari was thoroughly pissed off.
So, I went downstairs and outside. They were in the front yard. I screamed at them, like any mad person would do, but they went back to their siren-like noises. Outside it's even louder than inside, if that's even possible.
Something must've happened to me, growing up with cats around all the time... I hissed at them, at an insanely loud volume that I haven't since been able to douplicate today. It was actually really creapy, because it sounded just like a cat, except with more volume.
And so, I went back inside, and couldn't fall asleep, but was quite happy with myself.
Weird, huh?
Meh going to try to fix computer this weekend. If I sucessfully fix it, I will be online. If I don't, well, you get the idea. I shall try my hardest!
Still sick today... feel very bad. I would like to go to sleep, but that seems impossible at the moment. Bleh, life sucks to be female.
Hmm... I have really long posts... oh well, if you don't wanna read, get outta here XP
Teh second trumpet in band class got something cought in his throat today. It was really funny, just because I kept on telling him to go to the Nurse but he was trying to act "tough". Guys are so funny. Although, the best part was this.
Ari: Fine, but if you die, I'm not to be held responsible.
KK(we'll call him this for now): Yeah, your Mom is. *starts laughing, but the thing in his throat hurts so he practically falls over*
*stiffled laughter heard whole first trumpet section*
I did it again.
I keep on getting my floundering when something happens and I'd like to talk but am not able to because my tongue won't work!
Jackie did badly on her math test and it was most likely my fault for distracting her in class one day, but I couldn't say anything. I still feel really bad.
It happened last night with my Mom too, and she laughed at me because I got so tongue-tied.
Journal time!
Entry 7: Angst
Am I angsty? I don't normally notice it in myself, but I guess it could happen.
Well... now that I think about it... I am kind of anxious, paranoid, and depressed...
Maybe I am getting weird, I just haven't seen it before...
No, that can't be, because Ari is Ari and no one else! I'm not schizophrenic... yet anyway...
Entry 8: Luffability
Not loveable, luffable. I just love to be luffed (funny), because luff means hugs, and hugs make the world go 'round!
People here don't really like hugs, it's so saddening.
Maybe that's why I'm so depressed, hug depravation.
I should look at scientific repots about depression and see if I can find any sort of connection between the two.
But then again... I'm just a hug-loving crazy person.
Oh well.
Entry 9: Random Questions
Okay, as the title states, this one's gonna be a bit random...
Why do people always use subtle hints around me? I don't understand them and I end up looking like a moron when I think someone's hinting at something when they're not! I'm really slow on the uptake people!
Why haven't we had Jazz band practice in two weeks?!
Why do i have an inferiority disorder?
Does anyone enjoy being my friend?
If not, will anyone enjoy being my friend?
If glass would really break if you were ugly, would it crack when I look at it?
If everyone is unique, is an individual really unique or is this just a funny irony made to make some feel worse about themselves?
Why do people think age accounts for wisdom and intelligence?
Why are you automatically stupid if you're a teacher?
Why do people talk degradingly about other people? Does it make them feel better. If you make fun of someone else, it still doesn't mean you're better than them.
Why is life so crappy and confusing?___________________________________
Entry 10: Aspirations
Everyone aspires to be someone... usually someone important, famous, respectful, etc.
I wish I could become Santa Clause someday... that'd be the greatest thing ever! You get to give people presents and MAKE THEM HAPPY! HAAAAAAPPPYYYY!!!!
In case you didn't notice, I like happy people.
I don't think anyone knows this, but I'm willing to share. I also wish that there was some way I could make my friends happy, and take all of their sadness and burden and everything onto myself. I feel they deserve it more than me.
Incredibly sappy, yes, but very true.
I don't know how I still like people after everything that's happened, I just do.
...I really hate it when people say that I'm the most selfish, spoiled person on the planet. I'm sure as hell they're getting coal for Christmas...
but don't tell anyone!
Feel free to tell me your dreams and stuff folks, I always have an open ear!
Take care
- - Piggy Ari
... how should I know?
“Never pretend to love which you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command.” - - Alan Watts
Comments (4) |
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Well, there are a few things on the ajenda today... or however you spell that word. It means the schedule... and I can't spell that either.
Well... the fire drill system thingy went a little crazy today... so I was just freaked out that the school was gonna burn down for awhile. You wonder why they never have fire drills at lunch though... probably because everyone would be stepping over each other and we'd all die.
Erhm... ma video was workething last night, but it appears to be busted right now...
*pokes it*
*sigh* Guess I'm just gonna do that later...
I be very sick today, or atleast, I feel really sick. *wants to throw up*... beh... I think I ate bad food or something, and in combonation with the cramps, it ain't pretty.
Wait... you didn't need to know that... okay, forget it, I'm just sick, be nice to me.
We made omelets in home-ec today... yum, mine tasted good. The strange thing is, I'm almost never a good cook... except for cookies, I be the cookie master of the Universe.
Something else happened, but I forgot... hehehehe.
Jazz Band be canceled, which is why I'm here.
Journal entries:
Entry 3: Perfect People
Eh, you know, when there are so many perfect people that you see everywhere, it kinda makes you wanna crawl into a hole and wither away. Why should one be needed? It's like having a 5 year-old mac that can play pong and pacman with a 16 color monitor while also having a laptop that has wi-fi, can watch streaming video, and has god knows how many colors on it's LCD screen. Which one are you gonna pick?!
Then again, I don't really believe in perfect people, just because a person's flaws, in my opinion, makes them more appealing to be around. I'm sure some people would differ in opinion though.
I wonder... is perfection one of those "Beaurty is in the eye of the beholder" things. And, if that's true, could a person be perfect and still have flaws? But... the definition states that perfect is without defect; flawless; complete.
Entry 4: Floundering
And how can I get an A+ in Language Arts and still flounder and blunder about trying to find the right words to use when I'm disoriented or nervous? Huh?!
Oh well, maybe I should expand my vocabulary or something, so I can use more words to express my feelings... gah, I hate feelings, but I'll save that little entry for another time.
It's almost like my vocabulary is as limited as George Dubya's... oh no, can't think about that. That would definitely be the end of the world! I can't be THAT stupid.
Entry 5: Of happiness and a silly little thing called love
Stupid TV rotting my brain...
Happiness... happiness... the state of being happy. Joy. Bliss. A feeling of pleasre and satisfaction. Felicity... I don't know if I've ever experienced this, but it must be nice.
And what about this thing called "love" anyway? Is it actually real? Let us look at this dictionary definition. A warm and tender liking; deep feeling of fondness and friendship; great affection or devotion. If that is really true, then there isn't anyone who loves me, as cheesy and cliched as it sounds.
Then... what would it be like to be truly happy and to be loved? But, I remember someone saying that you can't be loved unless you choose to open yourself up and love someone else.
Maybe my heart, or soul, whatever you want to call it, is too cold for that kind of stuff right now...
Gah, I shouldn't be thinking about something as trifling as ths. I have better things to worry about.
Entry 6: Love revisited
Why am I revisiting it? Don't know, but I think it's because I need to write something.
They say that t is the most powerful of all human emotions. In my opinion, that's just a bunch of crap. It's just a disease of the mind, suffered by the ignorant and weak and ultimately results in pain, emotional detachment, and/or death. Yup, that's right, death. Fear it, for you will be faced with infatuation at one time or another and it will end up badly if you are foolish and hasty with your choices...
Well, I feel that made up for my sappiness earlier. Ha ha hah ha.
And, that's about all for today. *waves*
Take care
- - Piggy Ari
... how should I know?
“Never pretend to love which you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command.” - - Alan Watts
Comments (2) |
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Hello everyone... thanks for all the stuff you guys said, although I can't reply because I'm short on time. I just started to write a journal, so I'll post some of it right now. I can actually think a lot when I'm not in a time crunch and writing at school.
Entry 0: Clones, but better.
People have a strange notion that everyone is unique and no one is exactly like you. Notic the operative word "exactly" in there. Everyone is supposed to have something that they're good at, and that no one else is better than them at. Pffft, like that's gonna happen.
Just when you "think" you're special, you get slapped in the face with a 10lb. dead atlantic tuna. "NOTHING. IS. SPECIAL. ABOUT. YOU. LOSER." There are other people like me, i.e. around the same hobbies, interest, talents, everything, except then can do it better. Oh, and did I mention, they're pretty, not fugly. So, theoretically, it is as if someone cloned me and then made a crapload of improvments. And as the earlier model, I am pretty much discontinued and obsolete.
Remember, you're unique....
...just like everyone else.
Of course, this doesn't apply to many of you, my friends. There really are some people who are special, and who deserve to be treated specially *hug*
Also, potentially being manically depressed I'm not really the greatest candidate to be a friend! TT___TT
There is also the thing with never being the worst...but never being the best. It's never...
You are the best but you are ONE of the best. You're the greatest person I've ever met but you are ONE of...
etc.etc. Don't have time to write them now.
I'm also not saying literally that they are clones of me, it is just they are so much like me but better that they could BE me.
It would be nice to be the best at something , although I'm not concerned with winning.
No one has ever said "You are my best and only friend." either.
It's just a waste of everyone's time to be around sometime. I like to make people happy, not sad. It always makes me so sad when I'm just hindering people.
It's not that I hate people...well, I do...but don't take it personally....
Yeah, that was off topic. Anyway, enough ranting,for today anyway.
Entry 1: Matters of beauty or lack there of.
I ask my friends " Am I ugly?"
These are the responses I received.
-"...*turns head away* [two hours later] Uzuru-sama is pretty.
-" No offense, but you're definitely not the most gorgeous person in the world, but you're not HIDEOUS...."
-"No, of course you're not."
-"'re pretty when you straighten your hair, but no, why?"
-"You're asking me? I told you a million times already, no, you're not *thwacks Ari over the head*"
There could be two explanations
1.) I really am ugly but some of my friends were trying to be nice.
2.) People see attractiveness differently.I guess it may be why people treat me so bad and make fun of me all the time. It's probably not the only factor, but one of them....
I guess there has to be balance of pretty and ugly people, like yin and yang or something. Some people have to be ugly, and some, fugly. I'll talk more about my ugliness later. Goodbye.
Entry 2: Hugging
I wish there was more hugging in the world, then maybe I could hug my friends without getting weird stares.
Why doesn't anyone hug me anymore anyway? I am untouchable, although in a much different definition than I would enjoy. Is it just because I'm so unattractive? Or is it something else? My stupidity, ignorance,personality disorders. Maybe people think I'm lesbian...oh well, I really would like to get a friend someday who would actually enjoy giving me hugs. A good friend, hopefully sometime before I'm eighty.
I really don't have any friends who can hug me for a minute without getting twitchy and practically combusting. If time permitted, I could hug for hours. It's probably the lack of human touch I had as a child ( hah, I still am a mere child...). No one has ever really paid me attention, I guess it's the lack of any outstanding qualities that I do not have.
Enough Rambling...Goodbye.
I am sorry for the evil library Nazi's who lost my internet permission slip ( which means I can't go online) and I am getting my sister to type this for me. This is the 3rd time damnit!
You guys online have been the sole purpose I haven't commited suicide yet, so I don't know how I'm going to be able to cope with this...this...immense stupidity.
F.Y.I Ari is addicted to the internet.
Other news before I must depart...
-The mutant crickets attacked at 7:30 this morning ( a.k.a. we had a fire drill)
-I probably failed anotehr math test, yay failing!
Well, that's about it...I;m sorry...again.
Take care everyone
- - The horribly depressed Pig
Life is great!
I am so happy!
The idiots found it!
*glomps everyone*
^ ^ I could just start singing random songs out of pitch!!
- - The now greatly elated Pig.
... how should I know?
“Never pretend to love which you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command.” - - Alan Watts
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Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Okay... let's see what happened today...
Time for boring rants!!!! ^ ^
I was bored yesterday... because my psycho science teacher is now back from her 3-week absense...
I'm sorry, she really is nice, but the morning wake-up exercises get a little bit... meh after awhile.
History... went to see dude... author man... blah. He was weird.
Blah... blah... blah... which lead up to blah... and Home Ec... where I got called a Pig and the teacher yelled at me when I was the one being harassed...
Math... teacher hates me... I'm trying to not be so bad at it... but it's hard.
I dunno, I'm thinking of closing down my MyO account soon... I just can't do all of this anymore. I got another B- on a math quiz and my Mom's probably going to hurt me... a lot... and then there's my state of emotional and mental sanity.
And now, it's time for me to contemplate my worthlessness!!
You can skip this if you'd like.
I don't know, but when I look on TV, and Anime, something like that, everyone's so... perfect. It makes Ari sad... *depressed*
It makes me think that I has no chance in life and that I will die a lonely and depressed person... *sniffle*...
I mean, I'm okay with the depressed part, but I'll probably lose all my friends in college, and since I'm not too social I probably won't meet anymore... and them... I'LL DIE LONELY!!!
That's all for today...
Take Care
- - Piggy Ari
... how should I know?
“Never pretend to love which you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command.” - - Alan Watts
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Monday, April 25, 2005
Ari's Life = The Life of A Cockroach
Boring, monotonous, and all it consists of is making other people hate you.
Bad news: I lost $5 at school today and couldn't eat lunch... TT___TT
Good news: I mooched off of Jen, one of my friends, and was able to get some ice cream. When I went to get the ice cream, they were giving away free pizza because they used a new cheese that most people didn't like. Tasted fine to me!
Ari still thinking of posting some pictures of Ari... which is myself... hmm, I want to hold a flower in one! I like flowers!!
I really would like to get to my guest book signings, but I won't be able to do that on the weekend... I'm sorry guys... *sniff*
Mr. Graham, my Jazz Band teacher and old Band teacher, is still sick because of his apendicitis... or whatever you call it... because... it exploded! Yup, his apendix EXPLODED!!! HOW COOL IS THAT?!?!
Sorry, went a bit crazy there... anyway, let's just hope he gets better soon! *hopes*
I was pretty much able to find what Ari is, so, here's the list! I'm not sure of the proportions yet, except for I am 25% Italian and that's the largest percentage.
-Scottish/British (not sure, they're pretty much the same anyway...)
-Arowak indian (wee, Native American!)
-Finnish (hahaha, funny...)
Funny fact: Ari is related to the kind of the Finland place... Mr. Dadperson got invited to join them for tea once.... I hope that when they die, they give me some money XDDD
Yeah, yeah, I know, that was bad, but a girl can dream right?
And, that's pretty much all, so, funny stuff! I actually am pretty good at doing a lot of these...
Birthday card
Act nonchalant
Be comfortable
Control yourself
Fake what you don't know
Grab at passing opportunities
Have moments of wild abandon
Ignore the ignorant
Jog in your sleep
Knead people
Let it all hand out
Make friends with your neighbors
Nap often
Overstep boundaries
Play with your food
Quit while you're winning
Return to your favorite places
See things other's don't
Take your time
Understand human limitations
View things from more than one perspective
Wait at least 60 seconds before responding
X-pect only the best
Yawn and stretch at regular intervals
Zzzzzz in the sunshine
And that should be about all...
Have a nice day!
- - Piggy Ari
... how should I know?
“Never pretend to love which you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command.” - - Alan Watts
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Sunday, April 24, 2005
Umm... don't got much to say today... again... because I'm weird and I have some homework to do and such...
Sorry I can't talk much today, but I'll leave a question for you.
If you had to either lose your eyesight or hearing, which would you lose and why?
I'd lose my eyesight, because I don't think seeing is that important. I might tell you more about that later though...
Well, later everyone.
- - Piggy Ari
... how should I know?
“Never pretend to love which you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command.” - - Alan Watts
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Saturday, April 23, 2005
It's what happens when you're inbetween white and black.
Hmm, after awhile, you wonder why people get so worked up about races...
In every religeon, and even science, there is something that says that humans started from one (or two) of the first humans. They also appears somewhere in modern-day Iraq (hmm... coincidence? or is this a sign of the world ending?)... near the Tigris and Euphraties rivers... (sorry, probably didn't spell that right).
So why do we all get worked up about where we came from when we all really came from the same place??
I always have to wonder why my life is filled with so much crap... sometimes you wonder if there's more in life... I hope I'm not getting too narcisistic, but maybe that means there's something in store for me later in my life?
I hope so...
Inspirational poem!!
Good Timber
by Douglas Malloch
The tree that never had to fight
For sun and sky and air and light,
That stood out in the open plain
And always got it's share of rain,
Never became a forest king,
But lived and died a scrubby thing.
The man who never had to toil
To heaven from the common soil,
Who never had to win his share
Of sun and sky and light and air,
Never became a manly man,
But lived and died as he began.
Good timber does not grow in ease;
The stronger wind, the tougher trees;
The farther sky, the greater length;
The more the storm, the more the strength;
By sun and cold, by rain and snows,
In tree or man, good timber grows.
Where thickest stands the forest growth
We find the patriarchs of both;
And they hold converse with the stars
Whose broken branches show the scars
Of many winds and much of strife---
This is the common law of life.
And... I will post my rulebook for cats sometime soon, but I'm still getting it done...
More funny stuff!
The Seven Myths Men Believe about Women
1. Women are never satisfied
2. Women are high maintenance
3. Women want to control men
4. Women are jealous and possessive
5. Women are too emotional
6. Women who appear to be strong and competent don't need to be taken care of
7. Women want to rob men of their freedom
The Truth About Men
1. The nice men are ugly.
2. The handsome men are not nice.
3. The handsome and nice men are gay.
4. The handsome, nice and heterosexual men are married.
5. The men who are not so handsome, but are nice men, have no money.
6. The men who are not so handsome, but are nice men with money think we are only after their money.
7. The handsome men without money are after our money.
8. The handsome men, who are not so nice and somewhat heterosexual, don't think we are beautiful enough.
9. The men who think we are beautiful, that are heterosexual, somewhat nice and have money, are cowards.
10.The men who are somewhat handsome, somewhat nice and have some money and thank God are heterosexual, are shy and NEVER MAKE THE FIRST MOVE!
11.The men who never make the first move, automatically lose interest in us when we take the initiative.
And now, I leave!
- - Piggy Ari
... how should I know?
“Never pretend to love which you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command.” - - Alan Watts
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Friday, April 22, 2005
Umm... sorry, I'm at my aunt's house, that's why I'm posting so late...
Having fun with their two doggies and their friend who brought over their hyperactive dog.
Sorry to all of whom I can't talk to :( But, I will be on Saturday and Sunday, yay!!!! ^ ^
I'll see you all then!!
And, I've decided to do something weird. A question.
If you could live an "idealistic" life and die young (like 20 or whatever) or live a normal life and die normally (80 or whatever)... which would you choose and why?
The reason I say 'idealistic' is because the perfectness of your life depends on the person you are!!!
- - Kitty, rawr
... how should I know?
“Never pretend to love which you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command.” - - Alan Watts
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