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The nation with the most nuclear weapons on the planet
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High School student; practicing Hobo/Stripper
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Ari (pronounced âr-ee, to avoid confusion); I also go by Squishy and Kitty
Eh, I don't "achieve"
Anime Fan Since
Fall of '02 I believe
Favorite Anime
Cowboy Bebop, Spirited Away, Nausicaa, FMA, and Chobits
Make it into Stanfy, among some other things
Computer, Trumpet, Music, Video Games, fings of that sort...
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| Angel of Pig
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Saturday, April 9, 2005
Sorry for not being here. So much stuff happened. I shall try to explain it all but knowing me, I'll forget something.
On Thursday morning, my mother, my sister, and I went down to Columbus to see my brother.
Most importantly, right when we got there I noticed that my brother was acting weirdish. Not normal, very serious. It was freaky. I always call him a college bum and a loser. He normally never takes it really seriously and he got mad.
I hope I didn't do something wrong...
My Mom started to pry, because after awhile even she noticed. I think that was the very wrongest thing to do. He just got angrier.
But he was funny like normal for a little bit. I just hope that he's alright now.
Anyway, so, now I'm back, and have a lot of stuff to do... X________x
I saw a cow when we were driving back! IT WAS SO COOL!!!
Then there was this whole thing with the police and an ambulence and a car crash and my Mom was all like "Jesus, please protect those people. Blah blah blah blah blah (I zoned out after that point. continue for 20 minutes).
I think that it's better for God to do what he's gotta do, if he does anything at all, rather than just talk to him and fog up his mind. Then my Mom says that's 'unchristian'... -_______- Sorry, but I'm not that dogmatic.
Now, I shall have a small section. This is not for the immature/male populus. So if you are one of those, skip to the double page split.
Alright, so, I'm here talking about something feminine. This is your last warning!
"Boobies"... the simplist way I can say it without offending anyone... or atleast, the majority of you.
I had to wear "feminine" clothing to a banquet, and the shirt... well, made me look "voluptuous". I hate feminine clothes... -_____-
I really don't like it when men stare at my chest like dogs eyeing a steak in a window.
Am I not a person? DO THEY HAVE NO DECENCY?!?
Do "boobies" decide if you're attractive or not? Are you not considered a "female" if you don't possess them? Why do people like to wear "low-cut" shirts so other people can see more of these "boobies"?
But, I think I'll stop my ranting on "boobies" now. Feel free to give me your thoughts.
I was talking to Mangoes on thursday... and I think we're going to start a club. It shall be cool, but I'm still thinking of a name.
It's basically the "unperfect" club, although it's only for girls. Sorry dudes.
Feel free to direct any inquiries to me!
Mangoes: Oh, trust me, I am. Eh, I guess I'm a wee bit smart... hehe, yes she does suck. Don't worry, we'll start a long list of people we HATE! Thanks, but it's still way too pretty to be me. Dun't worry... oh, and thanks again!
Jackie: Awwww, thanks Jackie *hug*
Nick: Don't call me cute -____- Yes, the giant internet ocean is big... look! I caught a whale!! X____o
hinaru: Glad you liked the cookies. It IS that bad... hmm, that's good, people seem to be liking it... ehehehhe ^ ^'
Krystale: *hugs* thanks
Silver: hehehe, your many thoughts confuse me XD But yeah, I agree with you for the most part.
5: Aww, well, they're cool pictures... hehehe
Monkey: no sexism here...

Find out what anime girl you are.

?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
Signin' off
- - Piggy Ari
... how should I know?
“Never pretend to love which you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command.” - - Alan Watts
Comments (7) |
Thursday, April 7, 2005
The picture is Ari when she's laying upside down on her bed...
Hmm, well, atleast some people remembered my birthday!!! *cookies for hinaru, Jackie and ninjamonkey*
Shame on the rest of you!
My mom got me chocolate and flowers... blech. I mean. I liked the chocolate, but I've always hates flowers. They make me feel sad, and I never ever want to see a rose, I hate everything they represent in today's society.
YueMoon: Glad you're still alive ^ ^
Krystale: *nods*
vash: that shows how much you know, I actually have friends who are blonde... -____- stupid. I'm also smarter than you because I can process all of the information in my brain at one time. I have no doubt that you guys'll sleep with anything, especially you... *twitch*
Jackie: *hugs*
ninjamonkey: Thank yous... and I know, that's why I posted it. ^___O
Hmm, I guess since I had some time to gather my thoughts. I'll give my oppinion on the matter in depth right now.
If you care to read...
Ari definitally believes that almost all, if not all, men would like to "sleep with a slut and marry a saint". That's why I have the theory that a guy would like a lady to be both at the same time.
Now that I think about it, there are many good anime examples.
You will almost always see a lady like this in any given series
Scantily clad, "hot" body, openly sexual (but doesn't "sleep around" or anything like that), modest in feelings (not clothing), thoughtful, sincere, smart, independant, etc.
A combonation of the virtues of the "slut" and the "saint" stereotype, but not a lot, if any, of the vices.
Alas, if only I was pretty and smart... *sad*
Oh well, back to what I was saying... this type of person is very common in fictional things, like stories, anime, manga, etc. but very hard, if not impossible to find in the "real world". Which begs the question... WHY THE HELL DIDN'T GOD MAKE ME THAT PERFECT?!?
Sorry, got off track again. Since this person is a combonation of the two aspects, they are very likeable. They have the sexiness of the slut and the personality of a saint.
I think I'm starting to repeat myself...
But I do know that not all guys are like that, it is just the majority, probably 99.99964%.
Another reason why Ari would rather have males as friends and note date them.
Gah, I keep getting off track.
But that's all I could really think of right now... < < Ari's life sucks.
Ahem, now, for the more selfish part of my article.
I don't know about you people, but you all probably have your strong and weak points. Kindof like when you distribute points among a character in the beginning of a game, i.e. KOTOR. You make trade-offs for certain skills. Of course, I don't think anyone doesn this on purpose... O___o
Oh yeah, the point is, Ari doesn't really have any strong or weak points. Im like someone who has everything evenly distributed... except for one part.
Smartness: Average
Physical endurance:Below Average
Physical appearance: Far Below Average
Personality: Below Average
Emotional unstableness: Extremely Above Average
Talents: Far Below Average
Overall score: 1
Woopee!!... oh wait, it's not played like golf? That sucks... Meh, I should've excpected as much from myself, but I don't think I'll waste everyone's time with my self-loathing right now.
Ma friend, Jackie, she be draw a picture of me! Although it looks like I'm really purdy, I'm not, in fact, I'm the opposite of really purdy, I'm fugly. The picture is as if, in the mixture that someone created when making me, there was a lot of "prettiness" added in where there's currently "ugliness".
Jackie's picture!!
If you didn't notice, Ari gets depressed easily thinking about her uselessness and how stupid she is... -_____-
Yeah, whatever, just go ahead and make fun of me, but I'll be the one who has the last laugh when I commit suicide!!
actually... I think that's physically impossible...
meh, you'd all actually probably be pretty happy if I died....
Hehe, that gave me a good laugh...
And that's pretty much all...
 You are a six-winged Halfbreed!
You belong neither to Heaven nor to Hell. You are doomed to wander the Realms That Are In Between for all eternity until the Judgement Day. Your fate is absolute loneliness. You are punished for a crime you did not commit and redemption is not within your reach. Your powers are unknown - it's said that a halfbreed will be the end of everything one day. Therefore you are feared and hated. Your only hope is to find the other half of your soul - it is your only solace.
What kind of supernatural being are you? brought to you by Quizilla
More Ari Boredness...

What DNAngel Guy Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.

Who's Your Sohma Guy?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
^ ^ *poke* it's Mr. Seahorse!!!!
Signin' off
- - The Very, Very, VERY Ugly Pig
... how should I know?
“Never pretend to love which you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command.” - - Alan Watts
Comments (8) |
Wednesday, April 6, 2005
Toast Tuesday!
... eh, sorry, I forgot that it's wednesday... O____o
News: Ari's computer died... sorry if I go a long time without posting... trying to get it fixed ASAP. Using Library computer right now...
Does anyone know what today is?!?!?!?! I'll give you a cookie if you're the first one to (guess) right!!
I got about 15/25 questions wrong on today's history test since my computer broke and I couldn't type my notes. TT_______TT
Ayame... I shall kill you now... you perv. *gets spatula*
Let me reiderate on what I was saying yesterday. I had come upon some research about the type of women men are normally attracted to. There are two different types of archetypical females. The "slut" and the "saint". The "slut" is the type of woman I guy would most likely sleep with and the "saint" is the type they would most likely marry. Then there's also the oppinion that a man's perfect woman would be both at the same time. A saint in public and a slut in the bedroom.
Psssshht, like that's gonna happen...
Here are some other's oppinions, and my own, and this is what I've got.
SAINT: soulful connection, attuned to subtle energies, loyal, faithful, visionary,
compassionate, empathic, unconditionally loving, modest, reserved, "cute" not "sexy", childish, personality.
Shadow: Overly spiritualising, righteously disgusted,
ashamed, deluded, overly moralising, judgmental.
SLUT: Sexually free, adventurous, assertive, experienced,
erotic, provocative, in tune with body, openly sexy.
Shadow: Sexual addictions, "sleeping around", secretive, promiscuous,
sexually using, betraying, dishonest, obsessive, immoral.
Meh, sorry that was so much typing...
And now, if you are still interrested... *pointing* can someone drag away all of those people who are sleeping?... I shall pull out a few quotes... pardon me if there are a few bad words, I shall try to omit them.
"...I was hanging out with my downstairs neighbor friend, dan, one night and we were talking. somehow we got to talking about girls and he mentioned that though he would not exactly bring someone like britney spears home to meet his mom, he would be all over the chance to f*** someone like her. that whole slut vs. saint thing. "
"it's interesting how there is often a marked difference between who men want to f*** and who they want to spend their lives with. who we perceive as our ultimate carnal fantasy and who we want to resonate deep within our hearts. the difference being, in a lot of contexts, the slut is someone men feel like they have to be morally superior to. they would be disgusted to be associated with them in social circles or polite company. they're dirty. below them. slut. skank. whore. easy. but there is some sort of allure to the taboo that exists because they are what men often want. perhaps they represent power to men. a mere nameless body and pretty face being the vehicle to elevate men's egos and perceptions of control, allowing the animal urges to take over."
"the ironic bit is found in the saint perception: the saint can never delve into what the slut does. to do so would mar the image of purity and wholesomeness that attracted the man to her in the first place. not that men prostrate themselves before her, but there is a sense of privilegedness that comes with knowing that she "belongs" to him. that she is a part of his life and he is better for it. that she holds him back for his own good. that he can in no way feel complete without her. this could quite possibly be that whole control thing again. instead of being the dominant party, the man desires to take on a more submissive (if equal) role." - - randir
"Well, well, well - I may enjoy a high cholesterol meal more than I enjoy a regular one. I may, at times, have a craving for chocolate that's stronger than anything I will ever feel towards any type of pasta. This does not mean, however, that I would like a lifetime of high cholesterol, nor that I would rather restrict my pasta eating than my partaking of chocolate.
The point is that they may be certain things you find sexually arousing in a woman, but - surprise-surprise! They don't make her the perfect mate.
I'm not trying to say that the Slut vs. Saint issue isn't major for many men - it certainly is, and can be given both Darwinian and cultural explanations. However, wanting to spear young ms. Spears and not wanting to marry her doesn't happen because she's not as saintly as you'd wish - she's just not your friend's kind of girl - too stupid, too annoying or just too implanted...
We choose our bedmates according to certain criteria, and we sometimes choose our soul mates differently. However, the choices are not mutually exclusive. " - - Geez
"randir: I think it's pretty funny that you think it's a guy thing. Surely you've noticed that nice girls always go for not-nice guys.
Fact: The best girls always go for horrible assholes. They never go for nice guys.
Someone Else's Theory #1: "Most women think that being with a real asshole is the best they can do."
Critique: That's funny. And maybe there's some truth to that, because that's often why neurotic and self-concsious fellas end up with girls who keep them down -- I know, because it happened to me. But when a really nice guy expresses active interest, he'll still be rejected. At that point, the girl knows full well that she could have him, and decides that she doesn't want him.
Someone Else's Theory #2: "You're such a nice guy that a girl wouldn't want to lose your friendship if she ended up ruining the relationship."
Critique: This is a brush-off, meant to make me feel better but laughably transparent. If I was such a great guy, there's no reason to expect it all to end so horribly; and even if there was the risk, wouldn't it be worth it?
Someone Else's Theory #3: "Man, you're too predictable."
Critique: Actually, there's something to this. Sometimes I wish I were a little more spontaneous. But this can't be the whole story, because I'm not always so predictable, and in any event it's a universal problem, not just for me.
My Own Theory: "Women believe, if only subconsciously, that nice guys are no good in bed."
Think about it. It explains everything. I read somewhere that more wives cheat than most studies would suggest, since most wives would not admit to cheating. It's said that the qualities that make a man a good mate make him a bad lay.
This is a horrible example of the dualism that has wrecked our culture. Just because a guy is stable, it means he isn't free. Just because a guy is thoughtful, it means he isn't spontaneous. Just because a guy isn't athletic, it means he has no endurance. Just because a guy doesn't have a girl with him every night, it means he doesn't know what he's doing." - - Cletus the Foetus
"Cletus: here's my theory on the question you posited-- nice girls (at least the nice girls who are also widely considered attractive) almost never date nice guys because they can afford to be picky in whom they romance. So naturally they gravitate to men who (Duh!) are widely considered attractive by females.
Now's where it gets tricky. (okay, not really) Since attractive men have much easier access to the cream of the femme crop, they tend to become arrogant assholes; the definition of "NOT nice". Let's be realistic here, how often is Fraternity Freddy or Star Quarterback a nice guy? Hell yes, I am sure some are Princes among Men, and kind to little old ladies, door-knocking Mormons and even Pauly Shore-- but the majority are those straight-teethed golden boys anyone sensible loves to hate.
So here you have your reason, devoid of any hypocritical pretenses, and touchy-feely BS. If you're pretty fugly like me, you can be nicer than Roy Rogers on Prozac and you still ain't gittin' no play." - - Atriol35
"This seemingly bizarre bit of human behavior, like most others, makes much more sense when you look at it from the perspective of evolutionary psychology. The basic thing to keep in mind is that both men and women want to have as many offspring as possible, and, just as importantly, they want offspring with traits that will allow the offspring to reproduce successfully. Now, men and women must employ rather different strategies, because of several fundamental biological differences:
A women can have only a very limited number of children in her lifetime; a woman has a limited number of ovaries, she can only bear one child every two to three years, and in pre-civilized times (which is the environment we're discussing when we're dicussing human evolution), women have a strong tendency to die in childbirth. Men, on the other hand, have an essentially limitless supply of sperm; a man can (to put it bluntly) impregnate as many women as he can get his dick into.
While pregnant with or rearing a child, a woman is essentially unable to provide for herself and the child.1 The best situation, then, is for a woman to have an unencumbered man to provide for her and for a child which he has an interest in supporting.
This is important: a woman can always be sure that a baby is hers; she's there when it pops out of her. A man can never be absolutely sure that a baby is his (pre-civilization, remember).2
So, the best strategy for a male to use is basically to sleep with anyone he can. On the other hand, a woman has to choose very carefully whom she lets impregnate her. A woman wants3 to have children with men who can impregnate lots of women (so her child, if male, will get genes which let him impregnate lots of women), but men who can impregnate lots of women tend not to stick around to support her and the child. So a woman wants a long-term relationship with one type of man, while sleeping with a different type of man. On the other hand, a man wants to make sure that he isn't supporting some other man's child, which is what is likely to happen if his woman sleeps around a lot.
See where this is going? Men like sluts becuase they can sleep with them, but they don't like sluts because they can't control them. And women like asshole guys because they have genes which allow them to reproduce a lot, but don't like assholes because they are less likely to support the woman and child. There you go.
Bear in mind that things get unbelievably more complicated when take people out of the savannah and put them in a complex society. However, I think that this framework still allows us to explain a lot of seemingly completely irrational behavior.
Also, I didn't really come up with all of this myself; I'm basically repeating arguments I saw on a Discovery Channel show on evolution and human sexual behavior a few years ago. If anyone knows the name of this show, it would be nice if they would /msg me so I can give credit where credit is due.
1. No, I'm not saying that women are inferior to men or that women can't survive without men or that it's inherently wrong to raise a child out of wedlock or any of that crap. Civilization mov es at a much, much faster rate than biological evolution, and conditions have changed quite a bit since we as humans got the behavioral tendencies that we're stuck with. Time for more evolution.
2. Actually, there are a few mechanisms in place whereby a man can be a little certain of a child's paternity. Newborn babies, whether male or female, resemble their father more than their mother, and the maternal side of the family will tend to comment on this more than the paternal side, since they're the people with a stake in convincing the man that the kid is his. Watch for this the next t ime you have a baby.
3. In case you're confused, keep in mind that whenever I say that someone "wants" something, I don't mean that the person wants it in a conscious way; I mean that evolutionary pressures tend to cause people to act in such a way." - - tailchaser
"A psychological complex wherein a man (or lesbian, I suppose) is only able to regard women as a mother or a "whore", a good non-sexual woman or a desirable object of lust, but not both.
It's used in two contexts. The first refers to a man who regards a woman as beautiful and lovely until she has sex with him. Once she does, there's clearly something wrong with her morals (how could she give herself up that way?) or with her selection (i.e., he's got some serious self-esteem issues). Conversely, once their relationship is over, she suddenly becomes desirable for him again.
The second context is a man who becomes unable to be sexually involved with his wife once she becomes a mother. For one reason or another he now associates his wife with his own mother, the incest taboo kicks in, and he becomes unable to be intimate with her, pursuing other women or a mistress instead. The theories of Freudian psychology have a lot to say about the why and how of this. " - - mblase
"There is a lot to this. The polarization in male views of females is extreme, and often reflect the images of women in the media. Women are either virginal charity workers (newsreaders, BBC weather girls, childrens presenters, S Club 7) or sex kittens of some description (madonna, skimpily dressed models, weather girls from channels other than the BBC, it's late when I am writing this, use your imagination :-)
Anyway, it is likely to do with the "sex is bad" attitude that has been prevalent in christian societies for a long time, and in some Judao-Islamic cultures as well. There is a need to reconcile the physical reality of normalised sexual relations with the roles given to women by these cultures. Women are either dutiful mothers who "endure" sex for the reason of procreation, or they "enjoy" sex and are thus given over to their baser passions and to be despised. Note that in many cultures sweet, and refined women were expected to be chaste, and valued highly if this was the case. Only recently has this been removed, and the chaste thing is relegated to religion followers.
But, as we all know, attitudes take a lot of time to bedrock, and even longer to shift, especially when they are this deep. Women are still seen as lynch pins of the family, whether or not they wish to be, and as such the mother role is seen as incompatible with a free sex life. The compromise of intra-marital sex is probably what created the stable family home in the first place, with sex satisfied by both parties, and discretely hidden from the children, with constant guidance and supervision of all in the family to see that their ordinary needs were met as well. In short I do believe that women will have to suffer this particular paradox of male thinking for a while, at least until they learn to project themeselves in the media in the more rounded manner. The presence of comedy programs such as Frasier, and Mad About You did a lot to help this cause and I think we are on the right path.
" -- Jaez
Ari's theory?
Hmm, okay, I'll give it a shot.
I think that men would like women who are a slut and a saint at the same time. Especially if you look at popular anime, you'll find that the main women characters are geared to be both. I can't think of anyone for the moment being, but there are many who are scantily clad, sexy, etc. all of the "good" things about the "slut" and also very emotional, have lots of personality, etc., all of the good things about the "saint".
I'm sorry guys, but most (as in probably the lady you will marry, if you get married anyway...) real women aren't like that.I'd probably have to align myself more with the saint, although I'm not really pretty, loyal, and all of that stuff. I'm pretty much an fugly person, who has no chance of ever being loved. I subconciously figured this out when I was 10, which is probably why I declared myself asexual...
no, the third definition, as in "having no sexual preference" =___=
Another note: There seem to be strange differences in oppinion of a few of the slut and saint behaviors. Some say the slut would be the independant and more mature one and others say the exact opposite. I'd probably have to go with the former, just because it seems that way in a lot of "slutty" women on TV, in Anime, etc.
I dunno, I don't really feel like delving into the deep issues of that right now, since most of my ideas are already down, just scattered about.
What kind of men do women like you ask?
I'd say the general answer that's been beaten into many minds would be the "prince charming" type. You know, strong, silent, sensitive, attractive. A combonation of the two archetypical male types, the "asshole" and the "nice guy".
Meh, if you want to know what kinda guy I like, it's definitally not that, so it doesn't speak for all women.
Woooo, that was long. Sorry if I killed a few people...
Well, I'm signin' off right about now.
Meh, this pretty much fits, except for the "worshiping you" part. I just hate humanity, we are cruel beings.
 Darkness. You Truly Desire Darkness. You wish everyone around you was either dead, or worshipping you. To you, life is not a gift, but a punishment. You have no consideration for others and do as you please.
What Do You Truly Desire? *PICS* brought to you by Quizilla
- - Piggy Ari
... how should I know?
“Never pretend to love which you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command.” - - Alan Watts
Comments (6) |
Tuesday, April 5, 2005
So much stuff going on... can't possibly explain it all right now. Sorry!
*slaps Nick in the face with a dead fish* pervert...
Hmm, judging by my research. I have compiled a list of all of the common things about pretty ladies that men like. Men like women who are...
- Scantily clad
- Skinny
- Scantily clad (it was so high in the ratings it needed an extra slot)
- "Hot" (attractive)
- Wear lotsa make-up stuff...
- Have casual sex
Alright, there's the list... I'm not anything up there, don't worry, I wouldn't want to be anyway... O___o
- - Bacon and porkchops
 You're Kyou - the cat.
Which Fruits Basket Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
... how should I know?
“Never pretend to love which you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command.” - - Alan Watts
Comments (5) |
Monday, April 4, 2005
F.A.G. (Fathers Against Gays)
I have finially figured out what's so bad about school. No, it's not actually being in school, or the tests, although those are very annoying. I think the greatest annoyance, for me anyway, is the homework. It's like I'm a slave for the school, working 24/7 on projects and such. I eat for the school, I sleep for the school, I work for the school, and do I get paid? NO!
You know, there's M.A.D.D. (mothers against driving drunk), and S.A.D.D. (students against driving drunk)... so why is there not F.A.D.D. (fathers against driving drunk) or B.A.D.D. (brothers against driving drunk) or P.A.D.D (parents against driving drunk)? This is the conversation that made me think of F.A.G... hehehe.
Anyone who can tell me the irony in that will get a cookie! I just got a new shipment in!
I got yelled at a lot today, especially in Jazz Band... TT___TT
Either everyone hates me, because I get yelled at in every class for some reason or another, or it's just really fun to make fun of me. Probably both.
Possible reasons...
#1: I'm not too tall, so I'm about 4 inches shorter than the people around me.
#2: I'm right in the center of the section.
#3: Mr. Graham hates me.
For me to get my instrument up to the same place I have to get the angle that goes from my forehead to my trumpet to about 70 degrees when they have it at around 100. It's incredibly hard to read music when you have less than a ninety degree angle between the trumpet and you're music if you're holding it correctly.
But, I'll stop ranting about that...
And, since my story is still in the development process, so I'll give you a survey!
How Stereotypical You Are... | Created by uraverageteen and taken 31704 times on bzoink! | The Generic Teenager Stereotype | Do you drink [alcohol]? | I don't drink, dude. | Do you party a lot? How often? | Never have, never will. | Do you use drugs for recreational purposes? | Nope | How often do you use the word like in an average hour? | the word? what would that be? | Do you skip classes? How often? | Never done it before, don't plan on doing it anytime soon. | Do you have casual sex? Protected? | O____________o *hides in closet* BAD WORD!! | Do you steal? | No... I actually did have a very thief-like mind when I was a little kid, but that's a long story and I'm more sane now. | Do you wear inappropriate clothing? | I don't think it's inappropreate... It's just baggy clothing. | Do you drool over celebrities? | Blah, no, that stuff's for perverts and people who don't have a life. | Do you watch a lot of TV? | It depends on if I have better things to do... sometimes. | Do you ever watch the News? | Nah, too depressing. | Do you even care about world issues? | Yes, but I'd rather listen to NPR or some non-biased resource | Do you read books often? | Yup | Are you failing a lot of your classes? | No! | Do you spend most of your time with your friends? | Eh, I try to in classes, but not really. | Do you smoke cigarettes? | No | Do you hang out a lot in malls, or at Seven Elevens? | No | Do you often find yourself with a crush on someone? | No, crushes are for losers and imbeciles | Do you cuss a lot? | No | Are you desperate to fit in? | Nope. | Are you intelligent? | Eh, a little bit? I dunno... | The Goth Stereotype | Black lipstick? | No | Black eyeliner? | No | Black eyeshadow? | No | Black trenchcoat? | Would like one for it's trenchcoatness, but no. I love trenchcoats! | Black boots? | No | Black fishnets? | No | Black nail polish? | No | Cigarettes? | No | Heavy metal music? | A little bit, it depends on the lyrics... | Marilyn Manson? | No! | Kittie? | No | Cradle of Filth? | No | Constant frown and perpetual angst? | Eh, I try to just for outward appearences. | Do you like to be seen as | ... what? Is this even a question? | Are you an intellectual? | ... maybe? I don't think so... just a little bit I guest... | An atheist? | Kinda... | Horrible home life? | Yup. | Hopelessly depressed? | Uh huh | Suffering with suicidal idealations? | YES!!! | Self-mutilation? | Nope | The Punk Stereotype | Plaid? | No | Big black boots? | No | Mohawk? | No | Excessive piercings? [Especially facial] | No | Loud, confident and opinionated? | No | Wild hair colors? | I wish... me wants purple hair! | NOFX? | ...wha? | Rancid? | | Well versed on political scandals and outrages? | yup | A | ...B? | The Jock Sterotype | What's your IQ? | officially 138, although some internet tests said 158,160, and 160+ | Do you watch a lot of sports? | Blech, no, hate the things. | Play a lot of sports? | No | Talk a lot about sports? | No | Do you do anything, really, but think about sports? | No | Are you arrogant? | I hope not... | Are you a male or female whore? | NO!!! | Are you homophobic? | no, although when gay people get all up on me and get me involved, then it starts to get ugly | Do you tease other people a lot because you want to seem confident? | Never! | But really you're a quivering mass of insecurity? | Yes... sadly... although not the first part! | Boobs = yes? | ... I have them... yes... O____O God, I don't even want to know how I was supposed to answer that | Parties = yes? | Nope, never, ever. | Dropping out of high school and flipping burgers = yes? | I hope not... | The Girl Stereotype | Do you spend a lot of time on your appearence? | No, I actually ignore my appearence. | Have you ever been on a diet? | Tried to, didn't really work... | How much did you lose? | +5 pounds... O___O | Was it not so much a diet as it was an eating disorder? | Nope | Make yourself throw up? | No | Make-up? | Blech!! I hate the stuff!! *growl* | Low-cut tops? | No! THEY ARE EEEEEEEEEVIL! | How big are your boobies? [Cup size] | MY GOD!!! YOU THINK I'D ANSWER THAT?!?!?! | Do you flip your hair when you talk, even if you don't realize it? | Nope, I don't like flippy hair. | Giggle a lot? | I try not too... O____o | What's the deal with boys? | They can be friends, but not very dependable. | Thongs? | GAH! BAD WORD! BAAAD WORD! | Pretty bras? | ... MORE BAD WORDS!! | YM, Teen, Cosmo, et al? | ... what are those? | Who's the weaker sex? | Both the same. | Are you a feminist? | No. | Do you think Brad Pitt is hot? | No. | How often do you shave your legs? | Never... *cough*... okay, I did a few times, but those where for special occasions, like weddings. | How about your armpits? | Ditto to before question. | Are you emotional? | Yes... probably way too much. Stupid hormones!! *shakes fist* | Especially when on your period? | ...ehm... yes... *sulk* | This Or That [Oh, that old coconut.] | Originality or Acceptance? | Originality | Independence or Companionship? | Independence | Stability or Freedom? | Freedom | Personal or Interpersonal? | Interpersonal | Introvert or Extrovert? | Introvert | Popularity or Isolation? | Isolation | Unique or Loved? | Unique | Understood or Individual? | Individual | You or Them? | You (me?) | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |
Signin' out
- - Piggy Ari
... how should I know?
“Never pretend to love which you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command.” - - Alan Watts
Comments (4) |
Sunday, April 3, 2005
Oh god... I hate school... life sucks...
but then again, what can you do about it?
For relevant information, please look at yesterday's post, thank you.
I might be able to put up some fanart on monday, but evenso it would't be up until wednesday... and I guess it really wouldn't be fanart either, because it has nothing to do with anime. X___x
I also might post my "Another Another Story" that I wrote for Language Arts class tomorrow. It's kinda weird... so you don't have to read it. Just something optional for those of you who have too much spare time on their hands...
"I don't like southerners. I'm racist." - - Myself
Signin' off
- - Piggy Ari
... how should I know?
“Never pretend to love which you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command.” - - Alan Watts
Comments (5) |
Saturday, April 2, 2005
Hello again everyone... sorry I couldn't update like I said yesterday, I got lazy and had a good amount of homework to do... onto the news!
My sister and Mom were watching this one really weird Lifetime movie last night. I walked into the living room to get my notebook just to see the people on TV having sex... my reaction went something like this.
"Oh my god... Oh my god... O_____O *starts running around in circles* OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD (etc.) *runs into a wall repeatedly* (continue for a few minutes until brain starts functioning again* MY SANITY! MY INNOCENCE! ALL GONE THANKS TO YOU PEOPLE!!! *pointing at guilty party*
I was not very happy, it took my two bars of chocolate and a brain scrub to get that out.
Ahem... umm, in yesterday's post, there was a little bit of April Fool's day sarcasm in there... *cough*
You might wanna read that over again Nick...
Brain hurting... so much... studying...
My agenda for the weekend:
- Kill a few people to release tension
- Work (homework, study, etc.)
- Eat (actually, there's no food, so I might have to scratch this one off...)
- Sleep (pfft, like that's gonna happen...)
- Go to church at... 7 AM?!?!?!? WHAT THE HELL!? TT____TT I hate my life... You know, somewhere in the bible, Jesus says something like "I am not made of wood and nails, you do not have to go to my house to be with me." and he also says that he doesn't like church because there are non-good people that go there too! If only I could find the passage, then maybe I could get out of this mess...
- Eat (ditto)
- Be miserable because the weekend went by so fast and it's onto another 5 days of hell at school.
- More work
- Sleep (yeah... sure....)
I'm a frog, as you can see -
But call me the Boyscout Beast!
When I dive in the fen,
And leap out again -
That is your chance to get me.
Piggy Ari (Cubivore, play it sometime, very fun, "unique")
Signin' out, folks.
- - Sheepy Ari
... how should I know?
“Never pretend to love which you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command.” - - Alan Watts
Comments (2) |
Friday, April 1, 2005
I do not have much time to talk (type) so I shall update when I get back...
Sorry I haven't been here lately, very sorry, business.
But, I must inform you that yesterday was Mr. Nick's (Vash331) birthday. So... GO SAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAMNIT!!! He's a good person, a much better person than I will be anyway...
No, I'm not Nick, I'm Imposter Nick, see? *takes off "Nick" mask*
And that's all I can type in for the time being... so... I'll see you all later!
... how should I know?
“Never pretend to love which you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command.” - - Alan Watts
Comments (8) |
Saturday, March 26, 2005
Detrimental to Society... or atleast Xbox Live
Here I am again... it's actually 3:14am... weird, huh?
Sorry I haven't been on lately, my computer's been a bit spazzy and I'm at my Dad's house right now. My Dad just fixed it so I'll be on regularly after the weekend, yayness...
Or... nayness?
It depends on who you are.
I still have about 3 hours worth of homework to do for school... and my springbreak is coming to a close... I feel so... sad.
Been playing Xbox Live for about 45 minutes with my brother, and might I say.
I SUCK!!!!
To put it lightly atleast. I think that if he wasn't playing with me, they would've thrown me out because I was betraying my team so much... <--- trigger happy
If you know what I'm talking about (ignore if you don't), right now I'm pretty good at Midship but horrible at Coagulation.
But... I vow that I should get (somewhat) better!!!
My brother also got into a party with some of his friends... and invited me to join... (these friends are around level 18, just so you know)... and the look on Ari's face was priceless. I could not describe it. But know that it was a look of genuine horror.
Kinda like...
O____________________O ;;
Lie74: Thanks... yup, that's what most people think.
YueMoon: Having fun, yes... welcome back to you too...?
SKF: *pat pat* Don't worry, it happens to the best of us sometimes.
Krystale: *hugs* Yes, I have fun, yayness.
Hyuck, that's all, folks!!
- - City mouse (me) immitating Country mouse *cough, cough*Nick...
*starts whistling*... oh yeah, I can't whistle... but I didn't say anything! NO SLANDER HERE OFFICER!
... how should I know?
“Never pretend to love which you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command.” - - Alan Watts
Comments (13) |
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Some Assembly Required
"I came to bring the pain hardcore to the brain!" - - Marine from Halo 2, of whom I've given the name "Wangsta" (wannabe gangster)
Hello everyone... sad news... I wrote a very, very long inspiring post... but my computer died on me and so... it is lost...
Oh well, I'll do my best to remember what I wrote. This is for you guys!... but if my computer does it again you're out of luck... which is kindof ironic, because if this message got deleted, you wouldn't be able to read it... *continues rambling*
Good news, I'm pretty sure my brother's going to allow me to play with him on Xbox live this weekend, so I can get a feel for it. I didn't ask him directly, but I think he got the message. I just hope I don't mess him up, because he's really good, and I'm, well, pretty bad, to put it lightly.
I shall do my best though!!
How many shots to the foot does it take to kill an elite?
Guess, and I'll give the winner, that is, whoever's closest to the answer, a prize tomorrow, but I won't tell you what the prize is yet.
I should really return that library book... it's three days overdue....
I was doing some thinking, about the titles for the Halo 2 chapters (ex. "Objects in mirror are larger than they appear", "One way ticket", "Sanctified", etc.) and I think that they should have one of them called "Some Assembly Required" in Halo 3... I thought it was funny... oh well.
SKF: Yes, I be a zombie... *walks around with arms parallel to body making zombie-like sounds*
Black Wave: I do, but it's just so addicting. Like my brother says:
"Microsoft, taking over the world one Xbox at a time."
Krystale: Hehe, it's alright, we all do it at sometime or another.
Elena Tsukashi: Thank you! *glomp*
Oh, I dunno, it just happens... sometimes it's like an unexplained phenomina... weird... O___o
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
vash331: Oh, well, I mean, I'm a very light-sidedish person... but sometimes... you get angry at a person... and then you kill the person on impulse....
^^ I'll remember that when I beat the snot out of you on Xbox live. :)
Anyway... that's pretty much all, I think I got everything I did before...
- - Booya (Just beat the Prophet of Regret with nothing but four rocket launcher rounds (now, if that sounds easy, you try locking onto a target when you're constantly being attacked by covenant elites with energy swords.))
May I reiderate?
:~: Buh-oo-ya :~:
... how should I know?
“Never pretend to love which you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command.” - - Alan Watts
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