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myOtaku.com: Angel of Pig

Sunday, August 22, 2004

generated by sloganizer.net

Today's Random Quote: "Politics is not a bad profession. If you succeed there are many rewards, if you disgrace yourself you can always write a book."-- Ronald Reagan (1911 - 2004)

Today's Random Word: Sorry, no random words on weekends >.<

Hello everyone. I got up at 8am today but I still had to force myself up. I'm going to have to ease myself into the school year by Wednesday, when it starts. Oh, and about that, the people at the school tricked me. On their website it said school started on Monday for the longest time but then I guess they got the date wrong 'cause they just changed it. They're soooo evil...

Well, I plan on doing a bunch of nothing today, except for the fact that later tonight, around 5 or 6, I'm going to be going out to get a new backpack for school because mine's litterally falling apart. It has a huge hole in the bottom.

Oh, and before I leave, a few pictures for a friend...

... how should I know?

�Never pretend to love which you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command.� - - Alan Watts

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