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myOtaku.com: Angel of Pig

Monday, September 20, 2004

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Hehehe... I'm in language arts class right now... hehehehe.... *throws pencil at S-chan* hehehe

*is getting poked by S-chan* STOP!!...*starts crying* YOU PEOPLE ARE SO MEAN TO ME!

waaaa... *breaks down, people start to stare*

O.O S-chan says that she can see dead people... I see stupid people, they surround me in my world. I wish I could live in a happy place... where it snows all the time... and it's pretty... *daydreaming*

*is getting poked, again* <.< My arm hurts.... and that music in that other class is starting to really irritate me... *listens to 6th attempting to sing*... It's scary Mommy, make it go away..... No offense to you other smart people out there.

*howles to the imaginary moom* AWOOOOOOOOO!!! *starts chasing imaginary tail, more people staring* ... jeesh, get a life... .>.> Oh, look, staring contest, S-chan won, because my eye twitches... *twitch*

Okay, that's enough of this edition of A-chan and S-chan's strange conversations in Language Arts class. Later people! Oh, and you can go to Sango123's site to see the other side of the conversation, byes!!!

... how should I know?

�Never pretend to love which you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command.� - - Alan Watts

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