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• 1991-04-06
• The nation with the most nuclear weapons on the planet
Member Since
• 2004-05-19
• High School student; practicing Hobo/Stripper
Real Name
• Ari (pronounced �r-ee, to avoid confusion); I also go by Squishy and Kitty
• Eh, I don't "achieve"
Anime Fan Since
• Fall of '02 I believe
Favorite Anime
• Cowboy Bebop, Spirited Away, Nausicaa, FMA, and Chobits
• Make it into Stanfy, among some other things
• Computer, Trumpet, Music, Video Games, fings of that sort...
• Cuteness, Smartness, Awesomeness, Artisticness, Musicalness, Foxiness
| Angel of Pig
Wednesday, October 6, 2004
First I would like to thank all of you people who come to visit my website, and who have been very good friends to me. It really means a lot!! ^^ I am very sorry I'm not able to visit some of your websites, I try to get as many in as I can on the side of my homework. I promise I'll visit you on days I don't have that much homework!!!
Hmm... highlights of my day... I made my science project out of ramen ^_^'. Err, let me elaborate, I used ramen noodles in my science project... I put them on a poster board... THAT WAS REALLY HARD!
History:... WE GOT TO COLOR!!! Very fun! ^_____^
Gym:... kindof freaky, we didn't have a ref today (football) and this stupid kid on the other team wasn't obeying the rules. Annoying, but we still won by a land slide.
L.A:...grrr... Mr. Carr made me very mad. First of all, I fall asleep in class once and he's all over me and I'm never allowed to live it down. Next, I said 'Man, this class is so retarted'. He just had to bring up the 'sleeping' incident (which I got to bed very late the night before) and that saying the word 'retarted' is bad. God, he really needs to look in a dictionary, the word 'retarted' is defined as 'slow'. I was just saying that 'Man, this class is so slow.' ... How can he call himself a Language Arts teacher? I guess there's some deeper thing behind it. Besides, I don't really care if the word retarted also means a person who is slow, I use it as a synonym for the word 'slow' when I feel like it.
Band:... stupid bass drum player... jeesh, I already knew how to play a bass drum better than her, then again, I did have Mr. Graham for two years, and his specialty is percussion, so he always has percussion leasons in class and all of the members of the band know how to play percussion equal or better than the percussionists.
L.A:...angry... blah, we didn't even get to do Fishbowl, that makes me really mad. Fishbowl is basically where we are given a prompt, or a situation, and we debate about what the main person/s should do. It's quite fun most of the time.
Lunch:... Umm... J-chan had brought in a few of her Fruits Basket books, they're all in chinese so I can't read them, but there was a funny part, which I could tell what was happening. Then, when Mengjie was trying to translate it for me, Jess just randomly pointed to Kyo and said 'look, it's my daughter!!' (I am well aware of the fact that Kyo is a guy, but Jess was a bit drunk...) And thus, I became Jess' wife and Kyo is my daughter (although I'm filing for a divorce), Susan is our sun in-law (married to Kyo), Mengjie is the Uncle who fits in somewhere, and J-chan is our dog named Spike (the funny thing is, J-chan's last name translates exactly into the word 'dog' in french...hehe). Very, very strange times....
Health: Very interresting and fun, Mr. Johnson does a good job at making class fun. We talked about cigarette adds today, and how they enter our minds and all that good crap... there was also some... disturbing information we learned about the now outlawed Joe Camel...(read at your own risk)*coughtheypurposefullymadethecamelsfacelooklikeamale'spenisandtesticlescough*
Oh, excuse me, I'm getting a cold.
Geo:Hmm, I got a B on yesterday's test... not too bad, considering a lot of people got C's. Yah, but Mrs. Craven got very angry with us when stupid people were being stupid... blah.
Then, on the bus ride home, S-chan and I were talking about what animal's we're most like, S-chan would be a fox, and I'd probably be a squirrel... hehehe, interresting. I also think I could be a sheep, but I dunno, you tell me what you guys'd be like and tell me what you think I'd be.
Okay, that's basically my day. Now I am here, and shall bore you with other useless information!
Well, yesterday, I figured out an annalogy to compare my learning skills to other more 'common'*cough* sorry, my cold's coming back... things.
Teaching Ari grammar and geometry is like teaching a hampster multiplication and how to say the alphabet backwards. It can be done, but it takes a lot of work and patience.
Hehe, I compair myself to hampsters and squirrels a lot, don't know why... I think I might make a quiz that is 'What color would you be if you were a squirrel?' I think I'd be a white squirrel, not albino, just white, because those seem ones seem extremely spastic, just like me! But I'll have to do that over the weekend or some time when I have more free time and less homework, although I don't have that much today, yay!
Okay, that's all, I did have other things I was planning for my post, but it's long enough already, and I don't want you guys to riot and revolt against me... hehe, I must go eat now, I be hungry, have a nice day!!! *huuuuuuuuug*
Oh, and I changed the song on my site, it's my favorite, but I don't normally have it on because it's a little bit too bouncy for my laid back snow theme. Laters! ^__^
 Unique, mystical, insightful and beautiful
You are a Snow sprite. Mysterious, and alluring you naturally attract people to you, your like a people magnet even though you most often wish to be alone. Your love for cold climates and snow has given you an insight into the beauty few see. While most see bland white you see a forest or blanket of sparkling white beauty. To you life is something precious and you intend to figure out its mysteries. You are very mature and don't waste your intelligence on childish games or people not worth your time which can make you seem arrogant at times but you are really just intent on saving your time for better things. Your soul is very beautiful if not a little shut up, you keep your emotions hidden from everyone and therefore they don't know what your capable of. You are a living fantasy.
.::=What type of mythical Sprite are you?=::. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers- brought to you by Quizilla
 Your element is Rain: Sad, lonely, distant and unique. You are quite distant from emotion and people, but you have been made this way by one thing or another. Your are truly unique yet fail to see it, and are quite creative be it in art, music, writing, etc.. You used to let people in now you don't even bother to try having been hurt so many times in the past. Your attitude is that you don't need anyone but yourself, people are just trouble waiting to happen. But you really do want to trust someone no matter if you see it or not, deep down your waiting for someone to come and set you free. This kind of depression can turn dangerous, don't let them get to you. Not everyone in the world will hurt you, humans are humans and are not perfect. So most likely sooner or later you'll meet someone who feels like you do and perhaps your shell will eventually disappear.
.:-|What is your true element?|-:. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers- brought to you by Quizilla
I know I took this one before, but I got a different result, so I felt like posting this one also, because they both describe me well I guess.
What Maiden are you? brought to you by
Which Final Fantasy X-2 character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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