You are the Shield! You are Link's method of
defense. Link would probably be dead without
you, so good job and keep it up. Initially you
were the deku shield.. aka the piece of crap.
You were burned a lot and made Link buy you
again. When you were "upgraded" from
the deku shield to the hylian shield, you
didn't burn anymore. However, when Link first
gets you as a kid, you don't offer too much of
a defense because he can't hold you right. Once
he became teen Link, you were relied upon many
more times. Then you were "upgraded"
to the mirror shield. Now Link uses you to
solve puzzles.. damn, you are one useful
shield. However, once Link was skilled enough
and got the right sword.. he felt he didn't
need you anymore cause his new big ass sword
does the same job you do, just not as well. Oh
well. You were still needed in the final fight
with Ganon to deliver the final blow though.
What Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time Item are you? V2.0 (Now with PIctures!) brought to you by Quizilla