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myOtaku.com: angel of rage

Monday, January 24, 2005

OMG I am so nervous, I am trying to kill time by being online, at 5 45 I am getting offline because that is when the model agency calls me and I find out if I madeit or not....I am SOOOOOO nervous! ugh.....my stomach hurts from butterflies.(you know, the nervous ones?) and yeah....to try and get my mind off of that...today in Spanish class I was doing partner work w/ Ema and all of a sudden, Jesus looked to me and goes "Elena your eyes look really pretty today" I was like "uhmmmmmm thanks" he was like "yeah, I don't know why they look so much prettier today but they do" so yeah, that was nice to get a comment like that. and then today at lunch I wa splaying cards w/ a group of my friends friends and they were TOTAL JERKS! they kept playing when it wa smy turn and skippingme and all this other stuff, I think it was just because I was the only girl playing. I was so mad! we were playing capitalism andI don't know how many of you are familiar w/ that game but I was nuetral (finally) and they went and gave me scum pile! I was SO MAD! I felt like shit after that. Then my freaking English class was SO ANNOYING! we had a real young female sub teacher today and because of that and the fact that she was young and quiet and all my class was out of hand all period. it pissed me off. but yeah nothing else to write really.


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