Hey guys! :D Thanks so much for the comments. ^__^ I loved them all. I know, not as many, but I don't mind~ I bet you didn't expect me to post today! Well, I was debating whether to or not either...especially since it's so much later than usual. O__o But I am. I am just...because...so yeah, thanks a lot for the comments. Britty, nice to see you again finally! Wooot! And same to everyone else. ^^ Yes, if you didn't look at my last post, you'll see a crappy little pic of me with the blouse that I made on. It's hard to see the blouse at all, so I guess it's more of a "hey, it's a pic of me so you finally know what I look like" thing. ^^;; So beware. *laugh* Arigatou again~~~
I might make this post shorter! It might end up that way. I'm posting before dinner...how strange! I so rarely do that. You know me--I like to get the posts over and done with earlier in the day so that people have more time to see my update. XD But I guess it doesn't really matter. So why didn't I post earlier? Well, that's because....NOW I'm officially FREEEEEEE. I'm on winter break now!! :D I had my last final this morning (theology), so I didn't really have time at the library to post or anything. I was far too exhausted and just plain old tired feeling to post earlier. ~__~ I got something in my eye, and I could barely open it. It's still bothering me. I hate it when that happens. D:
So how did my theology final go???? WELLLll...umm...not that great. ^^; I guessed on so many things. I studied a lot last night, but *sigh* I don't think it helped! When we got our exams, well, the answer sheets...it was nothing but blank lines. .__. You know what that means!! Lots of short answers and essays. Bah!! There were only 15 multiple choice, and those were all worth 3 points each. O__o Who ever heard of such a thing! And then there were 15 short answers and an essay...it was so hard...so many things to list and define. Don't you find it hard to write out definitions of things? Or list lots of things and define them? Well, I do. I studied lots, and I went over everything on the study guide, but I went over some parts assuming that those would be involved with the matching part...but no, they were short answer. ~__~ That really tested my memory, which failed. I made up a lot of stuff. One short answer had us listing 5 of 17 something-or-others that were found in the Gospel of John. I don't remember EVER getting notes on those. And it certainly wasn't on the study guide! So I made them all up. I'm hoping I guessed right. Oh, and we had to remember a quote from the Bible on hell and then say where it was from. Uhhh...yeah...right. Me? Remember a quote directly? Yeah RIGHT. I think I just made up a new quote from Matthew. It shall be inserted in there some time. "Edit, new quote by Kelsey found in Matthew 11:23:12 [or whatever]" I'm sure Jesus said something about hell and it being better to gouge out your eye than suffer there...
Bah. At least I'm done! I'm done with all those tests for a month, and then I have to go back and do it all over again....with harder classes! :D Woohoo! So anyhoo, after the test, I went home. I felt tired, so that's why I didn't post. And then the rest of the day until now has been as usual. :/ Watching anime, playing Katamari...but oh! Our cable box has been dying [lots of the channels decided to stop working; I can't live without the National Geographic channel!! ><] so today I had dad go out and get it exchanged. Well, then after you set it up, you have to call this number to initiate it or something. ;__; I HATE calling. In case you didn't know, I have like this phobia of phones. I can't stand talking on the phone...i get so panicky, nervous, red in the face. D; But my brother was being a turd so he didn't want to call, leaving me to do it. I got freaked cause I thought it was supposed to be automated, but it transferred me to a real person!! *dies* This Hispanic lady with an accent that made it hard to understand her...she asked lots of questions...and I was tempted to just hang up. XD She even wanted to make small-talk! "How are you today, Miss Lee?" O__O SHUT UP! Just get on with it!!! >< Bah, so after a while, that was done with...but I was still shaken up. I can't handle phone calls.
Not even with friends. It doesn't matter who it is, I don't like talking on the phone!! ^^;; I never understood people that would talk with their friends on the phone for hours...I could never do that. I guess I'm just a weird anti-social freak. ~__~ Even during finals week, when Erica or Jess would call me with questions, I could barely handle that! I'd get so scared when my phone would ring. ^^;; Phone-phobia!
Ok, well, yesterday...I went to the dentist. yes. The dentist. Fun stuff. I was so nervous! But then again, I always am. When we got there, we (mom and I) had to wait, even though it was the time for my appointment. :/ During that time, a couple little girls came out...crying...awwww. It was so cute! So sad! But awwww!!!! The one little girl was crying so much! And then her slightly older sister came to her and said, "What's wrong? Aw, what did they do?? Did they pull your tooth? Aw, look! They did! Don't cry. It's ok! :3 That's a good thing...you know why? The tooth fairy will give you money now!" Aww, I thought that was so freaking sweet. What a nice big sister. ^^ Awww. Anyhoo, then it was my turn to go in. It wasn't as bad as the last time...didn't take that long. You know, the usual drilling and filling. -__-; It hurt, and I kept having her file down the filling cause it felt rough! But she said it looked ok. Well, apparently it isn't! I still feel it. DX So I'll have to go back to have her buff it again. :/ Cause I don't want this little sharp pointy part sticking out of my tooth!!
What a hassle! Boo. After the dentist, mom and I went to get me a prize~ *laugh* Yes, I'm still a baby. I got a cute little stuffed animal chihuahua! So adorable. <333 Then we went home, and it was late, and I felt like crap, but then I had to study. And...now you're back to where my post started from! *laugh* I probably don't have anything else to talk about. This was still a fairly long post though. ^^; Oh! I wanted to talk about my posting in general. With this being my break, I probably won't post on the same days. I'm guessing the best will be when my brother works since I'll have more computer time, so probably on tuesdays, thursdays, and maybe even the weekend. O__o We'll see. Ok then. *hugs hugs hugs* Thanks so much for visiting me!! Until next time, take care~ Have a nice weekend!