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Friday, August 31, 2007

Warning: thanks, sleep/morning, crappy yesterday, alone, wp, & amv

Okies, I'm posting again!! DUH. XD I'm posting in the library with the extremely loud & clanky keyboard...^_^;; I feel sooo awkward...I'm sure I'm bothering other people here!! Anyhoo, thanks soooooo much for the comments! *hugs* I love you guys to bits. I'm glad I haven't been forgotten about...TOO much. Everyone's just busy. Kawaii Kitten, nice to hear from you again! And *laugh* I have to say that I love your avi. XD When I was reading your comment, I was listening to music and L's theme (death note) was on! And the beat matched your avi perfectly...haha. Anyhoo, Kiyo-chan, fmarox, Grif, and other people, too...it's been a long time as well! *hugs* I'm glad I haven't been, umm, forgotten totally. ^_^ Thanks for the sympathy and whatnot with that survey...yes, it's just ridiculous...-__- I don't believe it. I'm sociable when I want to be. Um, and to everything else said...thanks!! *hugs*

Yes, I didn't want that paragraph to go on forever...though it could've. ^^;; So like I said, I'm in the library at the moment, with 2 hours to kill until my next class. I need to eat though...yogurt...that's all. T__T Anyhoo, I slept fine last night, though my dog Totoro was a mad man! He wouldn't sit still (he sleeps in my dad's room). I think it's because it was really hot last night...poor thing. :( And poor dad because he had to put up with his whining and jumping. -__-; But um, I fell asleep after a while...and yeah...woke up, nervous feeling, and went to school. I've had math so far, and it was boring as heck. TOO EASY. *sigh* Oh well, whatever.

Yesterday was a day that just made me feel depressed. -__- I was a pathetic anti-social wreck. Maybe that survey was right??? All day, except for that bit of talking with Jess in FYE, I spent alone...I walked in and out of the library so many times it seemed. I went in, posted, tried to visit (stopped working) so then I read my book...then I left to eat, and I was trying to eat outside, on the benches. The probably with that is that there are bees in the bushes out there!! T__T So they were chasing me and flying around me the whole time. *sigh* So I picked up my things and went to the "snack bar", where I sat alone again and finished my food...then I went back out, alone, and into the library until my fashion class. It was TERRIBLE. More note-taking. I took 6 pages of notes or something...bleh. Then I had to wait about an hour before my mom came to pick me up so more reading and going into the library.

And here I thought that college was all about being more social and making new friends and whatnot...-__- *sigh* Well, so much for that. No one talked to me, and I didn't talk to anyone...I felt depressed, and I felt just as much so at home...my brother never helps. Bleh. So after a while, I finally decided to make a new wallpaper...it's been a long time! And I suck. >< Ugh, I barely got any downloads at all...I didn't know it was THAT terrible...*sigh* So yeah, please download/comment if you want. Thanks.

Hosted By theOtaku.com.

So after this break, I'll have French class...then finally, the weekend! And a 3-day weekend at that. Yay. This week has seemed like forever!! I sure hope this year gets better...in every aspect. I wish I had more interesting things to talk about, too. ^^; Sorry. Oh, um, I got (err, won on ebay) Karaoke revolution vol.3 last night! Yay! I can't wait to get it. I've been singing on the other ones...and I just love it! One of the songs I sing and love is "Alone" by Heart. ^_^ So here's an amv with that song. With Ouran! Yay! This is great. *nods* Enjoy!

Well, thanks a ton like usual for visiting me. *hugs* I'll try my best when I can to get to you guys as well. Sorry if I can't as much. :( Have a great day!

Comments (15) | Permalink

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Warning: thanks, posting, today, yesterday, people, & amv

Hello, everyone! ^^; I bet you were all shocked yesterday! Because I didn't post. Well, you were shocked if you didn't read my last post...because in that enormous beast of a post I said I wasn't going to post yesterday. XD Sorry, anyhoo...thanks for the comments! Wow, that's such a low amount...and you guys even had 2...3-ish days to comment...well, that's ok. Most people don't go back to a previous day's post...^^; That's fine I suppose. I know, it was long, sorry. Thanks for the encouragement with college and all of the sympathy and whatnot with everything. *hugs* You guys are all soo sweet. Jungy, your TWO comments were much appreciated. ^_^ Aya, doas, Refi-chan, and Emmah, it's been so long! Thanks for commenting again!! And to everyone else, of course, thanks again!

Wow, I feel weird posting now! I'm posting in the library at my university...and it's so empty...and big and quiet...but the keyboard is soooo clanky and loud. *laugh* But, um, I feel weird posting since I didn't post yesterday...and I just feel out of it! Like I don't belong on MO anymore or something...probably just because I've been busy with school. Anyhoo, I DID visit people yesterday though. Not everyone...sorry. :( I got to who I could, but it was weird commenting and not posting. Sorry, more rambling...umm...I slept fine last night for once. I was just so exhausted from my classes I guess. *nods* I didn't want to wake up early this morning!! -__- But I had to...for my stupid FYE class...I'll talk about that now...

So I just had my FYE class ("first year experience"), which is what all freshmen have to take. It's just there to help us with getting adjusted to college courses and whatnot. It's sooo stupid. There's even a book for it!!! NO MORE BOOKS!! T__T I'm so tired of buying all these stupid books that cost a fortune...especially the really big and heavy ones, which I have to bring with me on mondays and wednesdays (math, history, french, english). -__- Anyhoo, so today I got the results back from one of those surveys I had to take for that class...and it's horrible!! Each stat is a number out of 100...and, umm...for "sociability" I got a 2!! Ok, sure, so I don't like working in groups for things, and I'm shy when it comes to making new friends and whatnot...but a 2??? T__T And this is even more ridiculous, for "desire to complete college" I got a 14! Out of 100...14/100...*sigh* Of course I want to complete college!! Who doesn't?? Ugh, that makes no sense. And now we have to meet with our advisor and talk about our results...I wanted to just get it over with today, but I couldn't...so tuesday...-__-;;

Yesterday was my busy day like monday. All the classes with the big books and most work to do. I'm not going to do a huge-arse post like the last one so don't worry. Nothing too interesting happened in them...just note-taking, and more note-taking...who needs to take notes on "the writing process"?? How many papers have we written? COME ON. But besides that...nothing new. History is history, math is still too easy (oh well, I don't want to take honors courses, so yeah)...blah, blah blah. I had lunch with my friend Madii, and we saw each other after most classes. I've made more of a friend now...Jess, who I mentioned way back, who I met at that orientation. She's seen Love Hina and Howl's Moving Castle so that's a start to anime! ^^; At least that's something...

I never seem to meet people that like anime at school. It sucks. -__- I guess that's why I have you guys! One of my friends, who's going to a different college, says that she's met some kids taking Japanese (lucky people!!! Their school has Japanese...I wish my college did...) that like anime, and she's like "you'd probably get along!" Yeah, no kidding...well, they're not here. >> *sigh* Hopefully I'll make some friends...ugh. Um, so yesterday, after school I was tired, and we just did the usual. I visited some, and that's it...no new wallpapers yet. ^^;

Next I have fashion marketing. Yes, that's my major. The first class was boring; we're learning about the "history" of fashion. -__- Bleh, whatever. I guess that's what we'll do today as well...sorry, my post must be really boring!! All I'm doing is talking about my classes. *sigh* Um...well, at least youtube isn't blocked here; I guess nothing's blocked here on campus..that's cool. Maybe porn is...I don't know...whatever. I hope it is. *attempts to log into youtube* Crap, I forgot my password...T___T Ok then, here. This is the opening to the game Persona 3. My bro got it and has been playing it...it's really cool...I wanna play it...

Well, I don't think this post was as long as the last at least. *hugs* Sorry about...errr, anything. ^^; I'll try to visit today, but I don't know how much I'll be able to...Have a good day!

Comments (13) | Permalink

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Warning: thanks, sleep, yesterday's classes, sorry, & amv

^^; Thanks for the comments!! I sure got a lot...more than I've been getting lately...so thanks. *hugs* Lots of you seemed really worried by yesterday's post!! It was like the end of the world that I wrote a short post. Well, I didn't have the leisurely block of time that I did during the summer to write a long post!! Thanks for all the encouragement...I sure hope that it goes fine...I'll talk about my first day in this post. I got a ton of comments from people I haven't heard from in a long time...and that was a good majority of the commenters! Even in the last post. If I listed them all, it'd take a while...so just know that I've missed you guys! *glomps* And thanks for remembering me still. ^_^ So thanks again everyone for everything (and no, Lys, I haven't made any new wallpapers yet. :( Sorry)! This is a shorter thanking paragraph...but oh well. ^^;

Let's see if I can type a normal-sized post today! I'll try, but with this constant nose-blowing (darn you, allergies) it's going to be hard. So...today I only have on class, and that's in about an hour and 20 minutes...so that's why I'm taking my time to post before leaving. Today is the best day because I just have fashion marketing, and it starts at 11:35am! So I get to sleep in to a fairly good time. I would've still been a sleep at the moment, but I couldn't sleep well...cause I couldn't breathe. -__- Stupid sinuses! I woke up at 8am and I was like, "Oh, good, I can go back to sleep and still have over 2 more hours to sleep..." well, instead, I ended up just laying there for the two hours, trying to breathe. Ugh. So I just decided to get up and post! I couldn't fall asleep well because of a really annoying, high-pitched cicada or cricket or something outside my window! >< Ahh! It drove me crazy. Hopefully I'll sleep better tonight...*sigh*

So yesterday was my first day at ye olde university...and I was nervous all day. I lucked out and saw my friend Madii right when I got on campus; she had just finished a class. So she waited with me for my first class, math. My teacher for that is really nice; so far I might like her the best...anyhoo, we just got the class syllabus, and she talked about the books. There was a confusion as to which books we should buy. ^^; Lots of kids already bought them, and they're the purple version...but my teacher had the red version (newer) so she wasn't sure which for us to get. Well, I haven't bought either yet...I'm just waiting. But ugh, that class is just 10th grade all over again for me...-__- I already did that stuff!! And I hated it...but I did it already...jeez...anyhoo, after that class, I had a half-hour between that and my next class. Madii did, too so we ate our food/snacks together outside. I only had yogurt and a granola bar. ^^; And boy, that didn't last me through the day...I was so drained and starving by the end...

My next class was history (world civilizations). And oh jeez...that one's going to be torture!!! My teacher is sooo quiet!! Good thing I sat in front or else I wouldn't be able to hear her at all!! T__T And her face constantly has the look of "Ehh...I don't want to be here teaching you guys...let me go home." It's horrible! She told us what the class is going to be like, and it sounds horrible, too. She's already told us about the projects we'll need to do...a stupid group presentation that includes a formally written paper. T___T The paper is to be written by two members of the group...I hate group projects!! *sigh* That's going to suck, and we're also going to have to read this novel sometime...as if it were English.

During most of my little breaks, I went to the library to try to get on the computer...it wouldn't log me in ever. -__- Then I'd try to get in touch with the tech people to reset my password, and I never could. I emailed them yesterday, and I finally got a reply today...by the time I get there, I hope it works. Anyhoo, my next class was French, and I was totally surprised...I knew more than the kids there...it seemed really easy. ^^; Like math class, I've done this stuff before...so it's just going to be like review. But what I won't like is having to do this lab-work stuff: a total of 10 hours for the semester, and that's in our own time...*sigh* So that means I have to go there outside of classes to the lab and do hour-sections of work and get this paper signed to say that I did it..how stupid!!

My last class was English. Nothing too special there...I still need to buy the books for that, whenever they come in. It's a composition class so of course we're going to have to write papers and essays...-__- And I already have homework to write some journal entry thing. I'll do that today because I was too exhausted yesterday. I was exhausted and feeling depressed...I wanted to cry when I got into the car...and got home...I almost did, but I stopped myself. I mean, why would I cry? *sigh* I don't know...umm...hopefully these classes get better and I start to make more friends; I've already sort of made some connections in classes but not all...so anyhoo, I'm not sure if I'm going to post tomorrow. Unless I write the post ahead of time today, I probably won't get any time to. Mondays and wednesdays are the busiest for me, and I have no free time...so I'm gonna make myself not post tomorrow...sorry. :( I'll still try to visit some though. Like yesterday, I got to some people...not all obviously...

Well, this post is longer alright...much longer than yesterday's...sorry if now you're like "oh great, a LONG post...it's huge! >>" Bleh. I'm not feeling well...here's an amv. I've shown it before. "Hotel Lobby" by Hikaru Utada, and it's with KH2.

Thanks so much for visiting me. *hugs* I'm sorry if I can't post tomorrow...or visit much these days. :( I feel badly...and I also feel weird overall since yesterday...just...weird...but, um, thanks again. Have a great day!

Comments (9) | Permalink

Monday, August 27, 2007

Warning: first day at college so short post!

Thanks for the comments! *hugs* I have to read them later...since I can't really reply at the moment...T__T I'm making this post a super quick one! If you want to read something interesting or with more details, please read yesterday's if you didn't!!! It talks about the baseball game and about this week...and just stuff in general. *hugs* Thanks to those that commented; lots of people I haven't heard from in a long time, too!! You know who you are! ^^

Anyhoo...gotta be quick...today's my first day of school...college, university, whatever you want to call it. ;___; I am SO nervous...I swear!!! T_T I don't know what to do! All I know is where my classrooms are...sort of...I think...I hope...I still don't know when I'll eat (I barely have any time between classes) and if I'll make friends or not...bleh. :( Thanks for the encouragement...I suppose you guys will hear about my first day tomorrow then! Or if I happen to get time later and add to the post...or add another...I don't know. *sigh* I'll probably still try to visit some people later...but not many...sorry I'm being so unfair. *sigh* Oh and in case you're wondering...my first day's classes are going to be: math, world history, French, and English. ^^; And the first two are going to be in the same room! So I don't have to move if I don't want...I guess that's good. But ugh...I'm so not looking forward to this...

Yesterday we went to the pool...went in the jacuzzi...nothing special. In fact, I can't remember anything else that happened. Maybe it's cause I'm so darn nervous. Jungy, I'm sure if you were here, that massage really would help! *laugh* You're a wonderful husband! Err, wife...husband...yeah. XD But anyhoo, yesterday just involved anime-watching, video game playing, panicking, getting things together for school...some visiting here and there, and that's it. Sorry again to those I didn't get to. T__T The computer's internet didn't work...so during that time I couldn't visit...so I only got about a half-hour on the laptop to do some visiting...bleh, anyhoo...yeah, nothing interesting.

Sorry for this short post. :( Like I said, you can read yesterday's if you didn't...*hugs* Thanks for visiting me. *hugs hugs* Sorry for anything...ugh...um, yeah...have a good day!

Comments (17) | Permalink

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Warning: thanks, sleep, yesterday, baseball game, sorry/busy/college, & amv

*hugs hugs* Wow, thanks so much for the comments! I didn't think I'd get over 10. ^^; Cause I posted way earlier, and despite that, when I checked late in the afternoon, I only had 6! Hah, but thanks to everyone that commented! *hugs* Lots of people I haven't heard from in a while (I'm including some people from the previous post, too): innocent heart, Effie-san, Kiyo-chan, kyolover05, filo, and Curse! And if there were others, sorry for not mentioning you, but I'm just as happy to hear from ya. Don't worry about your lack of commenting on my site...really. ^^; I haven't been fair with visiting to you guys lately so don't worry! *hugs* Anyhoo, thanks for the encouragement with the orientation thing, college, my brother...and everything else. Also thanks to those that checked out my wallpaper! It was featured yesterday so thanks! Effie, I'm a bit afraid of driving, but I"ll need to learn sometime...^^; I don't mind being driven around by my parents, but that's great that you have your license! I'm sure lots of you guys do...and I don't, despite being 18. ^^; Anyhoo, thanks for the comments!

I'm tired...still. -__- I feel like I should still be sleeping...though I did get a pretty good sleep. I had my mind on nerve-wracking things though, and I didn't have very good dreams. I cried in one of them, and when I got up, I think I was crying a bit, too. *sigh* Umm...so, yeah, I slept, woke up a few times, had disturbing dreams...couldn't sleep well in the morning thanks to anxiety...and that's that!

Well, yesterday was quite the busy day for me...I woke up early-ish (early for a weekend) to get ready to go for that darn check-in. When we got there, the hall was set up with lots of tables, and dad and I had to go around to each one and try to find the info that a commuter needed. It was hard for my dad all yesterday because he hurt his legs while doing something, so it was hard for him to go up and down steps, get in and out of the car, and just anything...I felt like I was walking around with my grandpa. ^^; Anyhoo, so after information-gathering, I went into the room to get the picture taken for the ID...jeez, talk about low-budget! The lady just took the pic with some camera hooked up to her computer, and then it was printed out onto the card with my name on it... -__-; It's all PURPLE for goodness' sake! I look terrible to say the least. First off, I looked bad normally, and then they color is sooo screwed up that, like I said, I'm purple. *sigh* Oh, whatever. After that, dad and I walked around the campus to look for my classes so I'll be prepared come tomorrow...

After we found where my classes are, we left. It was sweltering in that heat (all day it was torture!!), and I already told that guy I wasn't going to stay for the rest of that crap. There's even MORE orientation crap TODAY!! Good thing I told him I'm on "vacation"...yeah, mandatory orientation crap on my last weekend...NO THANKS. So anyhoo, after leaving, we decided to drop by D's apartment (my oldest bro) to surprise him. Well, her certainly was surprised! *laugh* Actually, I scared the heck out of him because of the doorbell. ^^; He was like, "What are you doing here? How? Who's with you? I was so scared because the doorbell is so loud, and I wasn't expecting anyone!!" Well, we thought it'd make him happy...I don't know if he WAS, but oh well. Then we went home after a few more little errands. Then the day proceeded like any other, with me not getting any computer time, and Corey dictating what to do...-__- *sigh*

Then it was time to leave for the baseball game! It was about a 2-hour drive to get there...bleh. I'd have to say that it wasn't worth it. Phillies vs the Padres (Philadelphia, our home team, against San Diego, where my family's originally from). It was humorous because what I was wearing was the exact colors for the Padres...*laugh* I was afraid that I'd get beaten up! Hah, but of course that didn't happen. We had great seats, in front of third base, 11 rows up. But jeez...it was HOT! So darn hot and humid; it was torture...and the guys in front of us were sooo gross and sweaty!! XO I could smell beer permeating the air everywhere through the people's pores...in their sweat...it was gross. Beer, beer, everywhere...I'd say the majority of them were drunk already so the game seemed more fun to them or something. Baseball is boring; that's that. We left during the 5th inning...we ended up losing anyway. ^^; The food there wasn't what it was cracked up to be either...how disappointing. -__- It was a fun experience, but not worth the money it cost.

Other things happened yesterday, like me crying because my dog bit at me...bleh, but I won't go into details. Instead, I'm going to talk about from tomorrow on...T___T So tomorrow's my first day of college...at my university...noooo...*sigh* I'm not looking forward to it. I'm sure it won't be that bad, but new experiences are just so nerve-wracking! I'm afraid, and I'm sure I'll be panicking later. The one good thing is that I won't have to wake up as early as I had to in high school...some days (tuesday) I only have one class, and it starts at 11:35am! What I'm worried about is the friends aspect, homework, getting books, what books I'll need, how I'm going to be picked up (my mom doesn't want to let me go. ^^; She wants to stay there in the library all day while I'm in my classes and then get me! Or meet me for lunch. I love her to death, but I don't know about that...), and just everything else...like computer time! I have NO CLUE how much time I'll get to be on the internet and when. I have to apologize now majorly because I don't know...*sigh* Who knows when I'll be able to post? Maybe I won't even get to some days! O__o So please forgive me. I've already done a horrible job of visiting lately, but now things will be even busier...sorry. *hugs* Thanks to those that stick with me.

Is this post too long? I don't know...it's taken forever to type...here's an amv. I've shown it before, a few times maybe...it's my favorite Marimite amv, that's why. ^^; If you don't want to see two girls kissing (happens twice in this video), then don't watch...otherwise, enjoy! I love this song, whatever it is!

Thanks for visiting me...sooo much. *hugs* I can't guarantee much commenting from me or posts from now on...thanks to college, but I'll try my best! ^^; Have a wonderful sunday!

Comments (10) | Permalink

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Warning: thanks, busy today, yesterday, wp, & other stuff

[written ahead of time so no paragraph on sleep! ^^; If you're wondering, I was too nervous thinking about today to sleep well...]
Well, thank you very much for the comments! *hugs* Of course...I'm always thankful for them. ^^; I've never had a post yet (well, except for my very first ones EVER, when I had no friends commenting!) that didn't have a thanking part. *hugs* I never want you guys to think that you're unappreciated here. Anyhoo...I'm writing this ahead of time, so I won't do any specific replies today! Sorry! :( But thanks for all the sweet comments about my feeling badly...nervous...etc. And also the congrats and whatnot on my bowling score. XD 105 isn't too bad I guess! It was pretty amazing for me...especially getting those two strikes! Thanks to those that said you'd visit Iruka Sensei, and also thanks for the advice and whatnot with other friends...I'm going to PM them. ^^; It just makes me feel sad when I think I'm being a great friend to them...yet it doesn't seem like it when they don't visit or anything...anyhoo!! That's not important. I have wonderful friends no matter what...I hope I can have wonderful friends in person, when I start college, too. -__-; Bleh. So thanks again for the comments everyone...hopefully that depressed feeling will go away; your words do help a bit.

So today I have that check-in for my university (I feel really nervous). We're going to have our photos taken for our ID's...and do other things that I'm not quite sure of! Umm...I think things like filling out forms for parking passes (though I don't drive yet ^^;) among other forms. After that is when the rest of the huge orientation day continues...-__- WELL, thank goodness that I emailed that guy about it and told him I was unable to go to it! I looked at the schedule for it, and it lasts all day...till midnight!! O__o Though I'm hoping/thinking that that stuff is just for the residents who are moving in...not us commuters...because that would be totally pointless. It doesn't matter because I'm not doing all that anyway! Hah! I'm leaving right after check-in!! XP I got an email from my friend Madii, who's also going to the same place as me, and she was all panicky about the orientation thing. "OMG, another TWO day thing?? Are you kidding me? They're stealing away out last weekend!!" Well, I replied back telling her my plan. *laugh* So now she says that she's going to skip out on the rest, too. Hah. Well, we'll see...I hope I see her there...

As for yesterday...hmm...nothing earth-shattering happened, of course. I felt like crap. -__- I had a major headache, and I still sort of do. Also, that darn feeling of being depressed and whatnot lingered...bleh, but anyhoo...mom, Corey, and I went to K-mart to make use of these coupons she had. Yeah, woot, real exciting...she and I had a tough time with Corey, as usual, because he's just a natural-born jerk, annoyance, baby, and ...jerk. But anyhoo, he ended up getting two games: Rogue Galaxy and Persona 3 (brand new). I'm probably going to play them though...but there's always stupid arguments over games because lately he's been buying them himself (FINALLY), but I play them, he doesn't...so then he says he "owns them all"...blah, blah, whatever. That doesn't matter. After that little trip, we went home.

When home, we watched some anime...re-watching Midori Days (midori no hibi) and Samurai Champloo. Then it was time for him to leave for his acupuncture (yay, freedom), during which I made a new wallpaper. ^_^ It's an Air one, of Kano. It's not as good as my last one of Belldandy, but oh well. I hope you like it. Please download/comment!

Hosted By theOtaku.com.

When Corey got home, it was past dinnertime so he was eating...and I got more time to myself! He and dad went night fishing. ^_^ My lucky day. I haven't had space from my brother in a good while...*sigh* So yeah, I played more FF12 and visited some sites...also uploaded more songs onto IMEEM. Overall it was just a normal day...nothing special, of course. Today, however, WILL be special...or at least busy. Like I said, I have that check-in thing to do...but then at night, my family and I are going to a baseball game! I've never been to one before. I sure hope that it's fun. Sooo...I'm really sorry again if I can't visit much. :( Please forgive me...I get to who I can...and the people I don't get to, I'm sorry!! T__T *hugs*

Hmm...I guess that's all I have to say...ugh...last weekend...before school...tuesdays will be good because I only have one class on those days, but mondays and wednesdays will suck horribly. *sigh* Well, I just hope...things go ok...anyhoo, no amv today, sorry. *hugs* Thanks for reading my posts, visiting, downloading my wallpapers, and just everything. Have a good day!

Comments (12) | Permalink

Friday, August 24, 2007

Warning: thanks, sleep, friends, bowling/yesterday, bleh, & amv

Thanks for the comments, you guys! ^_^ Argh, I've gotten a late start to posting...I was doing some replying here and there...and visiting a couple of sites...sorta. ^^; Anyhoo, I'll try and make this quick. Thanks for the comments about everything. I'm glad a FEW of you actually went to my drawing and commented/voted. -__-; It was sort of depressing to see that so few actually did...oh well, thanks anyway! *hugs* Thanks for the congrats on finishing that blasted course and also for sleeping well! Moon Fangs, Darknessdancer, Angel Leila, and Iruka sensei, so nice to hear from all of you again!! *huggles* It's no problem, really. Hehe, I'm glad that some of you watched that cosplay vid and enjoyed it! Yes, I wanted to steal them all away! *laugh* So darn cute! >_< Anyhoo, thanks again for everything!

Well, I slept yet again! Naturally and without too much trouble. I don't know how...but I'll take it! Thanks to the girls with the extra sympathy for that time of month. XD Anyhoo...I had more weird dreams of course; this time they seemed sort of scary...except the first one was just, umm, sad? Kind of? I was back at my high school (though very different looking), and I was saying hi to favorite teachers of mine...and seeing friends that I didn't get to really say goodbye to (Narret included). :( The next dream was just scary...with some sort of monster thing trying to get into the house (old house) and get me because I had some sort of figure it wanted...I don't know. -__- And another disturbing dream...but, well, at least I slept! That's all I can say.

Ok, umm...for those of you that are friends with Jungy (JungWoo) and read yesterday's post, well...just don't take it absolutely seriously!! *laugh* Jungy and I aren't REALLY formally engaged. XD We're just sort of RP-ing as if we are. At least that's what I think...but anyhoo, it's all in good fun. [if you guys aren't friends with her, and have no clue what I'm talking about, then just ignore!] Now another thing regarding a friend on here, Iruka Sensei. She's going through some really tough times lately. :( Like really...I suggest reading her post and giving her encouragement, ok? She needs it. Thanks. And while I'm on the topic of MO friends...certain friends, I feel, are neglecting me...chances are, if you're reading this and commenting, then you're not who I'm talking about. XD I just feel bad when I see certain friends not posting but still commenting...on other friends' sites but never mine. :( I always thought I was a good friend of theirs...I understand that they're probably very busy, and don't have time for me...but even one sentence would be nice...anyhoo, sorry, this isn't the end of the world.

Onto yesterday...after much waiting, and a total delay from my friend, we finally met up to go bowling. We only got an HOUR. >> Because of her mom being late and whatnot...anyhoo, it was really fun though! We all sucked soooo badly...*laugh* But I was the best. XD I couldn't believe how badly they did!! (they = Karen, her twin sister Laura, and one of her brothers Scott; I was amidst their family! That's it!) Poor Laura...on the first game, gutterballed almost every one...she got a total of 5. FIVE!! Poor thing!! Karen got 26; Scott got 56 (or something); and I got 105!!! >_< That was so exciting for me. I got two strikes and two spares...I've never gotten over 100. *laugh* It's still a crappy score, but not for a total amateur that hasn't bowled in several years. Hah. The second game, for their benefit...we put the bumpers back up...so they could get a LITTLE more...so all in all, that was a fun bowling trip! It was filled with my sarcastic jokes about how "well" they were doing!

When I got home...no computer time. :( So I still haven't worked on much...or finished the wallpaper I started. The reason why is cause Corey and I watched Howl's Moving Castle again. ^__^ I love that movie! It's sooooooo good, and I love Howl. Sooo cute...Miyazaki's films are always masterpieces! *nods* Which is your favorite? I love Howl's, Spirited Away, Kiki's Delivery Service, and Totoro the best...I can't really say which is THE BEST though. So yeah, watched that...and then after dinner I played some FF12 and died after a good half-hour or so of playing...game over...T___T I hate it when that happens.

I felt rather depressed last night as well! For multiple reasons! And one of them is the fact that summer is almost over...and I'm very nervous about tomorrow. It's another stupid thing for my university. I have to go there to "check in" and get my picture taken for our ID's and whatnot. That's in the morning...and then theres MORE orientation. Well, I got out of that...claiming to already have a "family trip" set up. It's somewhat true because we're going to a baseball game that evening! I've never been to one before. Anyhoo, so I felt like crap yesterday, and I'm still feeling a bit depressed...and dizzy. -__- I don't know; whatever...*sigh* Umm...here's an amv...I showed this one before, too. I haven't found any good new ones yet, so sorry. It's a Tokyo Mew Mew one. "Animal Instinct" by the Cranberrries.

Sorry, this post was...I don't know. ^^;; Not very fun I suppose...I don't think I mentioned everything I wanted to either...oh well. *hugs* Thanks for visiting me, and sorry again if I'm not visiting you as frequently as I should. :( I'm such a hypocrite...jeez...>< Sorry. Do have a good day!

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Thursday, August 23, 2007

Warning: thanks, sleep, old drawings, yesterday, today, cosplayers & amv

Aw, thanks for the comments you guys. ^^ People are busier and busier now, thanks to that darn school...that sucks. :( But anyhoo, thanks to those that used their precious time to visit me! *hugs* So only a few of you had Albhed Panda on your list...and no one knows what happened to her. Oh well. :( I hope she's ok though. Thanks for the encouragement with that stupid online course; I'll talk about it later in the post! Hah, I liked some of your suggestions though, about dating. XD Mota, yes, put heavy stuff in your purse, and if the guy tries to touch you, smack him with it! *nods* Now why didn't the course tell me THAT info? Anyhoo, thanks for the comments on my wallpaper...though no one else downloaded it. T__T Oh well. I was just so darn proud of that one...boo. Kaisap, don't worry. *hugs* It's still amazing that you comment on almost all of my posts! Not many people do that. Ninja Lover, nice to hear from you again! It's seemed like a while. Same with Angelbest, Yug, and ulterego! sweetdevil, that's awesome you finished that vector! I can't wait to see it. *hugs* Go see Rush Hour 3 if you haven't!! And just thanks again to everyone!

Well, I somehow managed to sleep naturally again! It took longer than the other night, but I still slept...despite bad cramps. -___-; BLEH. Being a girl sure sucks sometimes...anyhoo, my dreams were weird this time, somewhat scary...but at the same time, they were entertaining. The dream I can sort of remember involved having to catch this ghost in a vacuum cleaner, and then all of a sudden the rest of the house turned into an old-fashioned Japanese house...and samurai, shinsengumi, other guys with swords were everywhere! Fighting, and I think I was fighting, too...I don't remember exactly, but there sure was action going on. ^^; I had another dream, but I don't remember it! Oh well. Now I'm awake (duh), feeling crappy, and well...posting, of course. *laugh*

I've been looking through those old drawings of mine, and I suppose I should submit more of them, despite them being SO OLD. XD And also, like none of them are colored...I've always just preferred the pencil-sketch look. So I just submitted ONE of them...I explain who she is in the description. Man, I'm envious of my former drawing talent. *laugh* I couldn't do the same now!! I even found a drawing of Sailor Mercury from 2001! And it was darn good! O__o Like "holy crap" good. I haven't submitted it yet...but I'm just surprised that I was so good...so long ago...^^; Anyhoo, please vote/comment! It'd be much appreciated; remember, I drew this 4 years ago. XD

Goddess Artemis

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So...yesterday...*thinks* Yesterday was just one of those boring, do nothing days, which have occupied the majority of my summer...Nothing special happened, just the usual watching anime and whatnot. I FINISHED that darn online course (AlcoholEdu, it's a course that's supposed to teach us the effects of alcohol and all that crap; colleges "everywhere", or so they say, are starting to use this...), and I took the exam. Thank goodness I copied and pasted the info into Word from it. *laugh* So I could cheat during the exam...hehe. Well, it didn't do me all that good. I got an 85% so I passed, yay!! Too bad it wasn't an A, but oh well. It's over, and that's all that matters. -__- Now I just have to go to that check-in on saturday (I got out of the rest of the orientation, though the guy said that I'll still have to get the information from it...>>), and then monday is my first day at my university. Oh joy.

My friend Karen (who I went to the mall with before) called me yesterday to set something up to do. It was supposed to be me, her, and other friends like the mall trip, but due to certain circumstances...it's going to be me, her, her sister, and one of her brothers. Well, I guess I'm the odd one out. XD But anyhoo, it should still be fun. We're going bowling! I haven't gone bowling in a few years...and I've never been good at it, but it should be entertaining at least. Are any of you good at bowling? I think the highest score I've ever gotten was MAYBE 80-something...^^; Hahah...yeah, that sucks. So yeah, I'm actually doing something today.

Yesterday I was entranced by these slideshows of the "best cosplayers" on youtube. XD Most of them are of Japanese cosplayers, and *laugh* each one made me go >_< "I want one! I'm going to go there and steal them!" cause they were so darn good-looking and cute!!! Especially the L cosplayers and Final Fantasy ones. So if you want to see those (and you haven't before), just click that link a few sentences back. Here's an amv...I showed this one before, but I'm showing it again before summer ends for me. :( "Boys of Summer" by DJ Sammy, and there's lots of anime in it. Enjoy!

Thank you very much for visiting me!! *huggles* It means so much to me. Even if you don't visit everyday or read all of my posts; I don't mind.. ^_^ Sorry if I can't get to you as often as I'd like to either. :( Have a good day!

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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Warning: thankies, sleep, friend, rush hour 3/yesterday, same wp, & amv

Thanks for the comments, you guys! I guess people are really getting busy with school now, or maybe my lack of commenting has caught up with me! Aw, but it's fine. *huggles* Thanks for the wonderful comments. Steph, that just shows how quickly you get to my post! *laugh* I noticed those strange symbols (they came up whenever it was supposed to be an apostrophe) and almost right after I posted, I went and edited it. XD You must not have even waited 5 minutes before getting to me, so thanks a lot! *hugs* ^_^ Thanks for all the comments and downloads on my wallpapers. I'd say that's one of my faves yet; it's a shame it wasn't featured...oh well. I'm putting it in this post again because I didn't make a new one. ^^; Mota, Arduous, littlemiko, Ali-chan...and probably others, too, it's been quite a while!! I've missed you. *hugs* And yes, the rain and cooler weather can be nice; I hope those of you that want it can get it soon! About Narret, I can get in touch with her via the internet and whatnot, so that's good. I just wish she didn't have to go to another state. :( Asialonewolfe, we're both going to universities, but mine's in PA while her's is in NY. Well, thanks again everyone!

^__^ I can't believe it...but I actually slept well last night. *laugh* It's great! I don't think I even laid there for an hour! I was finally comfortable enough (though chilly) and/or tired enough to sleep. XD I sure had interesting dreams, too. This time they weren't bad, they were actually somewhat entertaining and fun! (I haven't had good anime dreams in a while!) The Princess Tutu dream was fun for me because I was dancing in it (I don't remember if I was Ahiru, Rue, or just me being with them), and we were dancing in a department store. ^^; I wish I could really do those ballet moves! And Mytho was there, but he had bunny ears! *laugh* So cute! Fakir also had some animal ears, but I don't remember which. XD Anyhoo, that was a fun dream! Then I had Naruto meets Digi Charat, some odd EVA one (very strange since I'm not a fan), and others...it's crazy. *laugh* But I'm glad I slept.

Random question, sort of, but do any of you know what happened to Albhed Panda? (spelling might be wrong) I'm sure some of you had her as a friend; well, I'm just concerned because she just sorta disappeared...she deleted her account or turned it off, and I don't remember her ever mentioning going away. Do any of you know? It seems like friends keep disappearing more and more from here! :(

Yesterday, like I said, we went to see Rush Hour 3. I say that it was very good! *nods* Humorous and action-filled. It seemed really short though...which isn't bad I suppose. It's better than having a movie go on for tortuously too long. XD I thought it was interesting that they really revolved this movie around the theme of "brotherhood" or having a brother, blood-related or not. Cause at first I was like, "wait...how can Jackie Chan have a Japanese brother?" But then they explained it...and I then remembered, "Hey, Jackie Chan can speak Japanese!" I read that somewhere that he's fluent in Japanese as well as Chinese, English (those two, of course), and others...maybe Korean? I don't remember, but that's cool. ^^ Anyhoo, so we saw the movie; I liked it, but my mom and brother were nit-picky about some aspects of it...I don't know why. ^^; It was still raining when we got out of the movie! It rained all day yesterday, too...so that's been...3 days of constant rain/drizzle? ^_^

When we got home, after watching another Survivorman episode, I set off to do more of that blasted online course. -__- It's engraving in my mind facts about alcohol, drugs, and sexual assault...*laugh* It's driving me crazy!! And ugh, the sexual assault section was the worst. >.< Thank you very much for making me even MORE afraid to do dating!!! Jeez, this course is ridiculous. The good news is that I've finished the information modules...and I'm on the last section!! "Review and Exam"...oh yeah, that sounds fun. -___-; We're actually graded on this crap. So I gotta do that exam today or tomorrow...I obviously didn't make a new wallpaper, so here's the same one from yesterday (cause i love it so much); if you didn't download/comment, please do so!!

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I'm taking longer to type this post up...weird...^^; I don't think it's longer though...is it?? Well, ummm, I don't think anything else happened yesterday...not much anyway. I tried finding one of the Karaoke Revolution games on PS2 (very rare) at the game place near the theater, but no luck. :( Oh well. As for today, I'm not sure...it's a surprise I guess. Alright, amv time. It's hard to find a Princess Tutu amv whose embedding ISN'T disabled. >< "How can I not Love you?" by Joy Enriquez. It's a sappy love song one, but pretty. (revolves around Ahiru and Mytho; I'm more of a Fakir x Ahiru person though) Enjoy!

Well, thank you so very-very much for visiting me. *hugs* THANK YOU. You're the best. I'm sorry again if I can't visit all of you. :( The time I get isn't much, and now I'm staying up later at night to try and visit...^^;; Sorry again. Have a good day!

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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Warning: internet down/thanks, sleep/rain, yesterday, wp, sorries, & today

[This post was written in Word this morning...while my internet was dead. T__T I got fixed now though...*sigh of relief* I was afraid it wasn't going to work all day! Sorry for the bit later than usual post.]

While the internet is down...I guess I'll type this on Word...-___- *sigh* So yeah, I bet you were all surprised that I didn't post at my usual time!! Well, as I said...my darn internet died. It says it's connected, but it isn't connected to the internet!! It must be comcast's fault or something....maybe they were down because of the rain...anyhoo, thanks for the comments, though I can't reply right now to any...thanks to those that looked at my sub-par wallpaper! It wasn't that great. I made another Belldandy wallpaper, and I like it a lot better...though much more sparkly and bright. Hmm...this will be an odd post indeed....thanks a ton for the comments though!!! I'll read them when I can. *nods* I love you guys.

Last night...was another rough night to sleep. It took me a few hours to lay there and figure "sleeping pill"...so yeah. I'm gonna force myself not to take one tonight. Maybe I'll go to bed earlier or something. But anyhoo, I slept with the wonderful sounds of the rain hitting my window. I love that sound. ^^ I love the rain sooo much. It rained all yesterday, too! And it's supposed to rain for most of today as well. That's crazy because we haven't had a good amount of rain in a while. ^_^ It's also quite chilly! Only 50-something degrees Fahrenheit. It went from 80+ and super humid to rainy and much cooler! It'll probably change soon though...oh well. Last night's dreams were weird, like usual, combining Princess Tutu-like characters with my arrival (or graduation? ^^;) to college...it was very weird: weird people, weird outfits, weird scenarios...but those are dreams for you.

Yesterday I was unable to contact or find time to see Lindsay (Narret). T__T She's probably already left this morning to go off to her university and move in. Boy, I'm going to miss her. I sure feel bad for not seeing her off, too...at least there's the internet (when working!!) to keep in touch. And I have her cell number...so anyhoo, mom, Corey, and I went to the mall. I didn't get any new manga; I did look through what they had though, and I see the truth! That, like I was talking about yesterday, Tokyopop is taking over some of the "left for dead" manga that ADV manga had. I only saw Peacemaker (I love the anime!) so far, but that's still nice to know...it's too bad that they have to re-release each volume. I preferably liked how ADV manga was...the covers were nice and shiny and smooth, different than most. ^^;; But yeah, whatever!! More meandering around, and I did come out of the mall with a new shirt from Hot Topic. It's really cute: light pink with a red fairy on it. Umm...on the way out of the mall, I bumped into a friend from school, not a good friend, but you know, one that I'd talk to in the halls or whatever. ^_^ I felt bad though...cause we had to leave, and I barely said a sentence to her... :( I felt rude...but I didn't want my mom and Corey to just stand around waiting while we talked...hopefully I can see her again somehow.

After that...watched some stuff...and then I went onto the computer. Due to that darn maintenance, I was unable to comment...though that was the same for you guys, right? It took soooo long! And of course Adam was doing it during the hours I would have computer time. -___-; So I'm sorry for not commenting...I got to like 4 people. So during that time, I just did more of that darn AlcoholEdu course...I swear, it lasts forever!!! And my dad agrees. He was down there while I was doing it, and he asked so many times if it was over yet. XD He even thought that it was repetitive and useless!! I don't need that stupid information!! But I have to get it done by this Friday...argh...this internet better work then!! T___T I made a new wallpaper, like I said...so please check it out!!! I'm quite happy with it...but I had to submit it really late last night so it's no wonder I barely have any downloads. :( Please download/comment!

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As for today, today we're going to see Rush Hour 3. Yay! I love Jackie Chan's movies, and the RH series has always been hilarious. So I'm sorry again for my lack of commenting...it's because of being busy, not getting computer time, and internet troubles. -___-; *hugs* Forgive me!!! That's it for today, no amv or anything since I'm typing this in Word...have a great day!!

[edit: So obviously my internet is fixed now, but still...no amv. XD Sorry. And sorry again for my lack of commenting...thanks so much for visiting me anyway!!!]

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