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Monday, September 18, 2006

Warning: fuschia, thanks, senior quote, horrible last night, crap to do, & guidance counselor

*laugh* I'm sorry guys!! Well, sorry to those of you that missed my long posts! *hugs* I'm glad I was able to please some of you though...that like the shorter posts. ^^; Anyhoo, first off...yes, fuschia is a purply-pink-maroon sorta color. Now you know! Today, I am also pretty darn fuschia...to match my nails. I'm wearing this shirt with this skirt with black leggings underneath. ^^ The skirt's color looks a bit different than how it is on the site though...it's more fuschia that how it looks there. Ok, anyway...thanks for all your comments! *hugs* Don't worry, nothing was wrong with me...I just didn't have the time to write a long post! I'm not dying or anything. *laugh* Oh, and I'd have to say my fave colors are blue, black, purple, and...well, I guess I'll have to say fuschia now. *laugh*

Ok, well, like most of the other times...I'm in 3rd period campus (free period) right now! I'm listening to some L'arc~en~ciel songs! ^^ Unfortunately, in about 15 minutes I have to go to the guidance counselor...*sigh* I hate her! I don't want to go see her!! >< She just makes things worse for me...makes me cry more. Ugh. So I hope I can finish this post by then. Before this, I was looking up quotes...because we seniors need to have a "senior quote" for the yearbook. So I was trying to find some that I like/applied to me. "With the gift of listening comes the gift of healing." ~ Catherine de Hueck. I really liked that one...and I think it has a lot to do with me...or something. ^^;

Yesterday was ok until the nighttime. My goodness, it's impossible to have more than a day or 2 without my brother being mean...it's really a Godsend if he's nice for over a full day. It's a Godsend that I'm happy for a whole day...so anyway, yesterday wasn't one of those happy days. He finds anything and everything (sorry, totally random...now I'm listening to Getbackers songs!)to blame me for. He gets mad at me and calls me names...see, we wanted this game that was on ebay, and he told me to bid on it...well, we won, but last night we checked and he asked, "Did the seller say it was complete with everything?" Well, it didn't say...so he got mad at me cause he thinks it'll only come with the disc. He told me that I can't do anything right...I always do something wrong. Nothing's ever good enough for him!!!! >< He's such a jerk!! THen he turns that argument into another one saying that I'm "greedy" because I play the games that he guys. Like, WTF??? He buys the games, and of course he can play them! But he usually doesn't...instead he gets them so I can play...so now, he says that I'm greedy. He's just so ridiculous. I hardly ever do anything for myself...I dont' even want to accept money that my mom gave me for doing all these chores and stuff. *sigh* He's the one that's selfish and greedy...he has such a warped sense of, well, everything.

Let's see...nothing has happened yet today (class-wise). I did, however, get another paper to do! >< I have a computer programming paper (at least 3 pages) due monday, along with having a test that day!! And, in English, I have my second memoir due monday, too! *sigh* It's horrible!! There should be a law against giving more than one paper/project on the same day, especially mondays. I guess I'll have to finish one ahead of time...ugh...this is just so horrible! Stupid! >< *sigh* Next period I have my quiz on that reading I did...oh, and I forgot to say that I didn't do too well on my first quiz for comp programming...I got a 79%. *sob* I never get C's!! *sob* Ugh...this is horrible...

Well, I hope this post is longer. ^^; I have to go soon to the guidance counselor...so I'd best end the post now. I hope it doesn't go too badly. Ok, well, I hope you all have a great day! Hopefully nothing bad will happen! *hugs*

P.S. Ok...this was obviously written later in the day! Now I'm in Japanese (I finished watching the class), so I'll tell you about my guidance visit. Duh, I ended up crying...like usual. I told her about my horrible summer and stuff. Since my counselor's pregnant, she's having this other lady take over for her...so she was there, too. Now that new lady knows what she's in for. ^^; Each time I go, I end up crying! >< So anyhoo, this meeting cut into my next class (english), so during my other free period (next) I have to make up the quiz. *sigh* Oh, another horrible thing...my counselor wants to start setting up weekly appointments for me to see some social worker. Can you believe that??? Now she thinks I have a problem or something...I don't want to talk to social workers every week...that'll just make things worse!! *sigh*

Comments (8) | Permalink

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Warning: short post...it's boring!

Gao...I don't have much time to post today (again). *sigh* Sorry...well, I'll just have to make this super quick (and there really isn't much to talk about today anyway, sorry). Thanks to all of you for your comments! ^^ They were all very interesting to read. Rachel...umm...I was a bit confused at the one line you said, "i that show... it's so stupid XD". I'm guessing that you meant "I hate that show"...and "that show" being Xiaolin Showdown? I think...maybe. Anyhoo, everyone else seemed to pick up on my sleeping troubles and Chinese food. Hehe. ^^ Thanks, Kilwoon...I had a happy day that other day, yes I did. Not everyday is like that though, that's for sure. ^^; Mota, *sends you money* There you go! I hope you can buy those pants now! *laugh* Sorry...I wish I really could help out your cause. Hmm...Yug...I wonder why you don't like jam? I made it homemade so you should at least try it! ^^; Ok, well, everyone else (sorry for not mentioning you specifically) thanks a ton! *hugs*

Hmm...we didn't go to a movie yesterday...we really didn't do anything. ^^; It was an ok day as far as family members getting along. I wasn't as happy as the other day...but still pretty good. My brother got on my nerves a bit, but not a lot. I finally got to try my homemade peach jam. ^^ It was yummy...so I'm gonna have toast with it again this morning! Soon it'll be all gone! >< Then I'll have to make more. Last night, I painted my nails (well, I painted my left hand and my mom did my right). I painted them with "Fuschia Flash". *laugh* It's awesome though...cause right now, I'm totally fuschia (sp?). My pajamas are all fuschia and my hair-tie is, too. *laugh* I guess that's my favorite color at the moment...or lucky color...*laugh*

Today, again, I don't know if we'll do anything. I know I have some homework to do. I have to read this thing for English and take notes on it to use on the quiz tomorrow. I think that's all I have though...maybe...I hope. ^^; So, yeah, I'm out of things to write about at the moment, sorry!!!!! Some of you will be like, "YES! A super short post! Finally! Something I can read!"...others will be like, "What?? This is it?? It's so short! Why??? ><" So, I'm sorry...*sob* No visiting time today and a crappily short boring post! I hope you all have a super sunday! ^^

Comments (11) | Permalink

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Warning: shout-outs, no visiting, more jam, wallpaper, sleep annoyances, & nothing

^^ *smiles* Thanks, you guys! I can't seem to read your comments without smiling...isn't that a great thing? I think it is. *nods* Thanks to all of you that congratulated me on my wallpaper being in the featured section!! ^^ It wasn't up there all day though. *sigh* At night it was taken off of there...I wonder why...oh well, but it's not like it was taken off the site! ^^; Skomie, yes, I read about Malcolm X, so you were right about that tile! NNM...hehe, yes, I know you don't like yaoi. Mota, I hope that someday you'll get enough money to buy those pants! They're super cute...so, yeah. Spirit, I've never even seen Shaolin Showdown. ^^; I assume I'll hate it...it's just that the comic the person made was hilarious. EmilySadako! Yay! ^^ You could finally read my post! Thanks so much! DistantLuv, thanks to you for mentioning my wallpaper was in the featured section...if you hadn't, then I wouldn't have known! ^^; And everyone else, Yug, Perios, Rachel, Reki, Saijinto...thanks for your comments as well! *hugs*

There, I did a pretty darn thorough job of shout-outs. *nods* I didn't miss anyone! Sorry if I didn't say anything specific to you though...I'm just running out of time! *sigh* Now I hate the weekends (other than sleeping late)...cause I never get time to myself. It sucks. So, yeah, I'm gonna have to make this post quick...no visiting time, sorry. *sob* Here. *hands you more stuff with jam on it* I hope that makes up for it...speaking of jam, I still need to try it! ^^; I'd better have toast after this with it. *nods*

Yesterday, well, I already told you about my school day...but at home, it was pretty darn good. I was in a happy mood after seeing my wp in the featured section. ^^ It really made my day! So after that, I was just having a good time...even with my brother being annoying. I just tried to ignore stuff he said and whatnot. But, he wasn't that bad yesterday anyway. ^^; Probably cause he didn't work, he was in a better mood. He even complimented me and my wallpaper! Well, he should...cause SuiginTou is his fave character from Rozen Maiden. ^^; The quote I put on there, I made it up...but it just applies to the situation she was in/felt in the anime. Hmm...let's see...we had Chinese last night, yummy. ^^ Other than that, well, more laundry (of course)...and I had to make my mom separate stuff for her dinner cause she doesn't really like Chinese food. ^^; So, yeah, that's it...that was my day yesterday.

I was soooo tired...and I slept...ok. I woke up so many times though cause of stupid dreams! They were all so realistic and bad! *sigh* BAD! So it seemed like I didn't even sleep at all. Ugh...and it was a nice rainy night and day to sleep, too. Another thing that'd wake me up was my mom's mini fridge (yes, she has one upstairs). It kept on making this loud high-pitched humming sound! >< So I woke up each time it did that, too...tired...

I don't think anything'll happen today. We probably won't go out or do anything...maybe we'll see a movie, I don't know. So, yeah, nothing of importance here! Thanks for stopping by, my dear friends! *hugs* I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! ^^

Comments (10) | Permalink

Friday, September 15, 2006

Warning: thanks, no visiting time, school, funny comic, and new wallpaper!!

Hi-hi! *hugs all* Thankies for all the comments! ^^ Thanks for taking the time to even look at previous posts of mine...those of you that did that. *hugs* I'm glad that you like my friend Mika's site. Hehe, yeah, it's overly cute and pink. Yug, thanks for the cake! Yummy! Hehe, yes, Midnight-chan! I think "chan" is cuter anyway...so, yeah. ^^; Sorry, Skomie! I listen to you...but I just can't seem to believe that what I write isn't boring. Everyone else, whether you had time or not to fully read my post, I thank you for your advice/hugs/hellos, too. You guys are the best. *nods*

I'm in Japanese class right now...on fridays, we have a quiz (and later, we'll have conversations where we have to call in and talk to this lady)...so I just took the quiz (super easy), and now I'm on the computer (obviously) typing this! Unfortunately, since it's friday...I won't be able to visit people today. *sigh* I'm really sorry! I don't like this now...now the weekends suck. My brother no longer works the weekends (he just works 3 days during the week), which is actually what I liked...I got more time to be with my other brother (Derek), and it would've been convenient now that I have school!!! *sigh* So, today, tomorrow, and sunday...I won't have visiting time. I'll try my best to post though. *sigh* Stupid...stupid...stupid!!!!

Ok...hmm...sorry about that...again...anyhoo, today was an ok day. It's been going really quickly. This week went waaaay faster than last week (which is definitely a good thing). So, today, we made peach jam in gourmet. ^^ We got to decorate the jars, too (with fabric and ribbons and stuff). *hands you all a biscuit or toast or whatever the heck you like with the peach jam on it* It's really yummy! Let's see...other than that...I started working on my second memoir in English class. This time it chronicles my hilariously horrible trip to Florida a few years back. *laugh* So it's not a depressing, low self-esteem, emo subject this time. ^^; I have no clue what my others will be about though...My crabby unapproachable pregnant English teacher seemed a bit nicer today. We had to show her our outside reading novel, and she seemed pleased with my choice (Night of the Wolf), being a sequel to the book I read in the summer (Silver Wolf). I guess she likes seeing people reading something they really like. ^^;

All of my other classes were just plain old boring...like usual...nothing to report on there. Next, I have dance! Hehe!! My dance pants I'm going to wear are from hot topic. ^^ They have this pretty fairy on the top part, with a moon in the background. I got them during the summer...and I haven't worn them yet...so I hope they fit! *laugh* I just hope so!!! Oh, about that whole 8th period thing, well, it's still messed up. No one can get in and get it to work right...and apparently, all the stuff I signed up for was erased...so sometime I'll have to try again and get in! It hasn't worked all day for me. *sigh* It's so stupid.

Well, again, nothing too important to talk about other than school. ^^; At home, I just do laundry, cook, and watch anime...and play video games...so there's nothing unusual. Everyday I have a lingering depression feeling...it just never goes away. I do manage to feel happy and laugh at certain things, but that usually only lasts like 10 minutes. ^^; Like this morning, my friend showed me this hilarious comic on devart...and it just cracked me up. Apparently, the guy in Shaolin Warriors (I've never seen it), Rick Spicer (or something) is extremely wussy and stuff. *laugh* So this girl made a comic with him totally acting gay with this other guy...and, well, this girl missinterprets what they're doing. *laugh* She hears them talking like, "Oh, it hurts! Ok...I'm going to stick it in now..." and all that sort of naughty/nasty stuff *laugh*, and well, it turns out they were just carving a pumpkin. Hahaha...that was so hilarious. Sorry, if this makes no sense to you whatsoever...you'd have to see it to laugh and I have no clue what the link would be. ^^;

Alrighty, I'd best go now...since it's almost the end of class. I must go to dance! Sorry again for not being able to properly visit today or the weekend. *sigh* I hope that all of you have a great day...well, great weekend and everything!! *hugs* Oh yeah, and I made my first wallpaper on GIMP yesterday. It's from Rozen Maiden...Suigin Tou. If you've seen the anime, then you'd know why I put that little quote there. So, click here to view and comment! Thanks!!! Oh, and OMG!!! I just noticed...it's in the "featured wallpaper" section! >_< That makes my day!! So happy!!

Comments (9) | Permalink

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Warning: shout-outs, DAI, Mika, school so far, yesterday, & boring!

Hi, all! ^^ *hugs* Thanks a ton for the comments! I got comments from friends that I haven't heard from in a really long time (Icefang, boredteenager, EmilySadako), and of course, I heard from friends that almost regularly comment (Reki, NNM, Saijinto, Spirit, Ayumi-chan)...so thanks! *hugs* Even if you didn't have time to read all my post, like I've said a ton before, I appreciate whatever you say...just dropping in to say "I don't have time to comment." or whatever. ^^ Thanks for all the hugs, too. Lots of you gave me hugs, yay! *hugs back* Hehe, NNM, your comment was hilarious. *laugh* I'll take that chloriform (if you have any left) and also...make the voodoo doll! I'll have to request several probably. *laugh* Awesomely long comment, boredteenager! Yeah, it does feel horrible to be out of the loop for so long...so, if you ever have time (but if you don't, I completely understand) just read up on my previous posts. Nothing too important has been happening. Icefang!!! It's been, like, forever! Thanks for dropping by to give me a hug and all. ^^ I'll always be here for you. I'll be here for all of you guys! Or, at least, I want to be. ^^;

Alrighty, I'm in the library right now...during my free period, of course. I'm listening to one of my Do As Infinity CDs. ^^ I love DAI...they're such an awesome group...too bad they broke up. I've gotten all of my CDs of theirs from my good friend, Mika. I met her online years back...I think it's been 4 or 5 years now. I visited her Furuba site and emailed her a question about the soundtrack...and, well, it all started there! She lives in Canada and is Japanese. She has a livejournal (which, unfortunately, I never visit), username is yuzu mikan. Her site, which she never updates, is super cute. ^^ Check it out if you want. Ok...that sure was random of me...advertising my friend like that...*laugh* I wonder what she'll think. ^^; Oh, and our "anniversary" of our meeting is on the 19th. ^^

Anyhoo...let's see...since this is 3rd period, nothing has happened yet. I had my quiz/test in computer programming. It wasn't too bad...I might've gotten some wrong though. ^^; Law and Justice was boring. We talked first about our new "flexible schedule", which is like half block-scheduling on some days...and this mysterious 8th period that appears (we usually have 7 periods in a day). We have to choose activities to do then, but the thing is that there's hardly any choices! You can only enroll in a certain "help" class if you take that class...and I don't take any of them! *laugh* So I chose to do "cooking for friends" for every one except one, which I chose to go to my counselor (though I really don't want to). This school is just so messed up and retarded...so stupid. Anyway, back to law and justice...we just went through the Constitution (yeah, fun...). Next, I have English (with the crabby unapproachable pregnant teacher), where I have a quiz on this reading. We can use our notes though (if we took them, and I did).

Hmm...yesterday...let's see...it wasn't too bad of a day. My brother wasn't too annoying. He got his new monitor (LCD 19"), so he was setting that up and stuff...ugh...as if he needs that. *sigh* Umm...I really didn't do anything but play games/watch anime and do homework. I actually got to visit some of your sites though. *nods* So, yeah, thanks for commenting and everything!! And visiting...and reading my post if you did! (Wait, that all seemed a bit out of order. *laugh*) I'm a boring person today, so I won't say anymore. ^^; Sorry!! If something comes up...I'll update later. Have a fantabulously great day!

Comments (7) | Permalink

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Warning: thanks/shout-outs, anime bakery!, memoir & unapproachable teacher, my day, & GIMP

*laugh* I was scrolling through my comments (thanks, all!) and then...well, it seemed as though Angel Asuka's was neverending! *laugh* No offense whatsoever though! And I did read it all! ^^ Kilwoon, wow, I was totally amazed that you actually commented 2 days in a row! We'll see if you can make it a 3rd! Now then, I'm glad that you all "liked" my muffins I handed out! If for some reason you didn't get any...*hands you blueberry muffin* Here you go! Enjoy! ^^ I'm amazed at how many of you also baked something and "gave" me some, too! We're all bakers here! *laugh* Let's just all start an anime-themed bakery! That would be really cool...there'd be cosplay and everything! And since there's also a lot of writer's here, we'd figure some way to incorporate that (and the artists' drawing skills)into this bakery! Too bad this is probably impossible...here...but not in Japan. ^^; Ok, that was a bit off-topic...sorry! Yay for most of you liking FLCL (or at least the music)! It's quite the weird anime indeed, but it's awesome. About my memoir, I feel really...uh...well, I'll write about it in the next paragraph. ^^;

Yeah, so I wrote 8 pages for my memoir, and it turns out it really didn't matter how long it was...like, in other words, we're not just going to copy and paste these memoirs together to form the autobiography...we might not even use stuff from them! >< So I feel like I wrote all that for nothing...and that I'm going to get a bad grade. *sigh* My writing style wasn't very descriptive...and it seemed pretty elementary. It was basically me moping about, complaining about previous bad friendships and how I think people view me (negatively). I doubt she'll even want to read it. *sigh* She's not a very amiable teacher. She's pretty strict, and I just don't get the...hmm...how to put this...I just don't get that comfortable feeling with her. ^^; Hmm...that might've sounded wrong...what I mean is, I don't feel like she actually wants to listen/help/talk to me at all...cause I ask her questions a lot...She's not like the teachers I mentioned before, whom I could talk with, joke with, and pretty much go to with my troubles as if they were my parents or something! Ah, approachable! That was the word I was looking for. She's not very approachable. ^^; *sigh* Sorry, Kilwoon, I just have very low self-esteem...and the subject I wrote on is what I know best...unfortunately.

So, like most of the time, I'm here sitting in Ms.Jones's room in my free period. She's so cool. ^^ Anyhoo, this day was ok...in gourmet class, we made peach preserves/jam. Next class or the one after that we'll be able to eat/use it. I have an AP Java test/quiz tomorrow. *sigh* I'll have to study...it's mainly just stuff from the book cause my teacher really doesn't teach much. ^^; *laugh* NNM, I loved your comment. Hehe, especially about java and about you wanting to be a Katamari. ^^ Anyhoo, in psychology, extremely boring...we just filled out worksheets. English, we read stuff on how to make our writings more descriptive. "Show, don't tell." aka SDT...which sounds like a a disease. *laugh* Rearrange the letters and you have an STD! Sexually transmitted disease! And we don't want that! *laugh* Anyhoo, we also read some memoir by some highschool student. Oh, and this is also what I'm talking about with "not being approachable", she wouldn't let me go to the bathroom.

Umm...nothing of interest in any of the other classes...I don't even remember them actually. ^^; Maybe I mentioned them all...well, whatever. It's a dark and possibly rainy day (yay). I just want to sleep...*sigh* Sorry, but I don't have any visiting time today! My bro doesn't work, so, yeah. *sighs again* Sorry!! *hugs to all* Oh, in case you didn't notice, I changed my avi to another one of Misuzu. My upstairs computer no longer has photoshop on it...so I had to download the GIMP. It took me forever just to make that avi (which only involved cropping that part of the pic off into a 125x125 square). *laugh* Pretty pathetic. Well, I hope you all have a great rest of the day!! Mine probably won't be that good...like usual...but oh well. Got to study and stuff...

Comments (6) | Permalink

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Warning: visiting, thanks/shout-outs to all, FLCL, long memoir, cold, boring so far, weird yesterday, & the end

Posty, posty time...I just spent some time before this actually visiting some sites (only Harvey has updated so far)...his and some people who updated yesterday or the day before that a missed. *hugs to all* Thanks for commenting!! Kilwoon, I haven't heard from you in a while! (Though I'm sure you won't read this post today...2 days in a row usually doesn't happen.) Thanks for the super long comments, Yug and Midnight-chan! ^^ I didn't die from either, so dont' worry. And don't worry about rambling on about other stuff or just talking about your day or whatever...I don't mind at all! I enjoy reading whatever you guys write. ^^ Yug, I hope you get your poster to stay put! Midnight-chan, I think your interpretation of the poem was right on! NNM, sounds like you had some good teachers, and thanks for explaining to me about the whole mountain thing! Skomie, you're awesome. Thanks for complimenting my wallpapers! Grifter, very inspiring words of advice there about the memoir. I'll remember that. And last but not least, Reki! *eats cake* Yummy!! Thankies!!

At the moment, I'm in 3rd period campus (free period), listening to my good ol' FLCL soundtrack. Yay for the Pillows! ^^ I love their songs. Anyhoo, so I wrote my memoir last night...I worked on it for 2 hours. ^^; And, wow, I hate myself!!! I always write waaaay too much!! *sigh* It was supposed to be at least 3 pages...and guess how many I wrote! *waits for guesses* 8! I wrote eight pages! ^^; I was just on a roll with that topic. I wrote about the "friends" that have betrayed/left/ignored/mistreated me. The topic was "how do you think people view you?"...well, so I talked about that through the experiences I've had with those so-called friends...I actually could've written a lot more cause I only mentioned 2 examples of friends, not all of them. ^^; Too bad we still have to write 4-5 memoirs first...cause I'm already over half-way through the amount of pages the final autobiography has to be (15)! But at least now I have a good bumper zone, because if I decide to just write the minimum of 3 pages for the others, it'll be no problem as far as length!

For service club, I just decided to go with Ms.Jones cause, well, I really like her...and I already go to her room almost everyday for free campus anyway. ^^; She said that she wants to get a hot chocolate machine, too. It'd be awesome. Oh, no, I'm not getting hot chocolate everyday now. That was last year with Madame Carlini. So, yeah, anyhoo, nothing has happened yet today in school. I've just been freezing cold! The teachers can't control the air conditioning at all! So it feels like it's 30 degrees F at the most! ^^; It's like, come on! It's 58 degrees outside, not 80...so you don't need to pump up the AC! Hmm...my law and justice class was, like usual, extremely quiet and uneventful. No one ever speaks up. *laugh* So Mr.Bellavance just stands there, trying to coax us to say something, anything...but no one does. *laugh* It's pathetic! But then again, that's how it was in his last in 10th grade, too...I guess his classes just aren't condusive to talkativeness (sp?). First period was my AP Java (computer programming) class. Nothing too interesting to mention...we did this roleplay thing to start to learn about "classes" and "methods" and stuff in programming. I was "dice". *laugh* It was just really stupid so I won't even bother explaining what we actually did...it'd bore you to death.

Well, I guess this post will end here...being all short and all. ^^; Sorry about that. I just don't have anything of interest to say seeing how only 2 classes have gone by so far! Yesterday, at home, I was in a pretty weird mood though...like I was actually sorta hyper and stuff at first. ^^; That's not normal for me. Then, though, when my bros came home, I got all crabby and depressed. *laugh* I just turn on a dime! Let's see what today will bring! Ok, sorry, I said I'd end the post now...anyhoo, I hope you all have a fantabulous day (wherever you are...the mountains, school...whatever)!

P.S. Yesterday, I made blueberry muffins! *hands them out* Sorry I forget to mention them earlier in the day in my post! I forgot...so those of you that already commented, well, I'll give you yours tomorrow. ^^

Comments (10) | Permalink

Monday, September 11, 2006

Warning:a lot of thanks, shout-outs, service club and teachers, introspection, memoir, & wallpapers

Heheh. *Misuzu laugh* ^^ Thanks for the comments. For the 50 billionth time, I love you guys! *hugs* Thanks sooo much for taking the time to come here, read my posts, and comment (especially those of you who do that almost everyday: Reki, Skomie, Saijinto...and everyone else, of course!!). I'm glad that you guys liked my poem...and didn't think it was crappy. ^^; Though I still think that it is. *sigh* But then again, I have terribly low self-esteem, and I think that everything I do sucks! *sigh* Ayumi-chan! NOOO!! Your poems aren't crappy at all!! They're some of the best poetry ever! Waaaaay better than mine. *nods* But then again (again), I'm sure you'll say "no" to that...and we'll just keep on going back and forth complimenting each other and modestly saying "no, I'm not" each time. *laugh* It's the mutual admiration club!! That's what my dad says about me and my mom...cause we're always like, "Oh, you're so great at___." "No, I'm not...you are." etc...*laugh* So, it's pretty much the same. Anyhoo, NNM, congrats on being "on top"! ^^; What was all that about the mountain...? And being drunk at a bar? *laugh*

Okie-dokie, I'm sitting (at the moment), in this computer lab at school...where I had to go to get this paper for service club (a "club", or rather, thing that takes up a period where you choose a teacher you like or whatever and help them out with whatever they need for that period). I like so many of my teachers...so it's going to be hard for me to just choose one. ^^; Ms.Jones? Mrs.Carlini?? Mr.Bellavance? The library?? Writing center??? >< I don't know who to choose!! Ms. Jones is the teacher whom I've said is really cool, and I usually go to her room to use the laptops during my free period. Mrs.Carlini was my French teacher, and she was my facilitator for Japanese last year...she's probably the nicest teacher in the school...she gave us hot chocolate everyday. ^^ Mr.Bellavance said that he never wants another service club student ever again though...so he's out. ^^; And the other places are self-explanatory. So...who should I choose? I'll probably go with Ms.Jones though...cause I know she has an open period now. I don't know if Madame Carlini does though...and if she doesn't, then I won't want to be there when she has a class. ^^;

Wow, was that boring or what?? To read about me talking about service club and talk about my teachers?? Sorry about that! Ugh, today in psychology, we were reading this poem called "The Man in the Glass" or something...and it's all about being happiest when you're content with who you are. I completely understand what it means...but it doesn't make much sense. The way she put it, it made it sound like you should only think of yourself and what you want to do...instead of doing things for the benefit of others. It sounds so selfish to me. Maybe it's just cause of how I am...but...never doing things to satisfy others and what they want doesn't sound right to me. Sure, you should make sure that you're happy with who you are and everything you do...but what about others? *sigh* I guess I just sacrifice too much. I'm too used to always doing things to benefit others over myself. ^^; I guess that's why I say sorry so much, too...

Well, tonight I have to work on my memoir since it's due tomorrow. Goody...I hope I can make it long enough. ^^; *sigh* That's pretty much all I have to do though...and luckily my brother works till past 7 or whatever, so I get all that time to myself. Not many people have updated yet...so I can definitely visit the few that have, and I'm deeply sorry if you updated yesterday or you're going to today...and I didn't/don't get to it. *bows* I wish I could! *hugs* Well, I suppose I'd best leave now...it's almost time to go home! ^^ I hope that all of you had/have a wonderful day (at school or wherever)!
P.S. They put up my wallpapers! ^^ Finally! The summer Misuzu one, I tried to get it submitted like 20 times during the summer. ^^; And here's the Air one that I had up before. Take a look, thanks!! ^^

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Sunday, September 10, 2006

Warning: later post cause of church, what school blocks, thanks, boring yesterday, hw, & a poem

I apologize for the later than usual post! *bows* We went to church this morning (first time since summer started), and then I was waiting for my bro to leave (he's going to the mall to return a game he got that didn't work) to go on the computer. Anyhoo, thanks for the comments (of course!!). Yes, it's so stupid that my school blocked gaiaonline...well, they seem to block anything and everything!! Anything that's considered "games", "chat", "dating and personals", "nudity/adult content" (of course, I don't mind that being blocked), "drugs", among many other things are blocked. Gaia is considered "games" and myspace is "dating and personals". They even block anything with a forum...so MO works, but no the OtakuBoards (but I don't belong to it, so it doesn't really matter to me). Even the gmail chat doesn't work! They blocked that! You know, if you have gmail, there's a little chat box thing...well, you can't even use that anymore. Stupid school! I just hope they never block MO. *nods* I re-submitted my Air wallpaper (and another they never put on) so I hope they get it back up.

Yesterday, we didn't do anything. We didn't go to the mall or the movies like we thought we were going to. ^^; Just stayed home, did more laundry, went up to the pool, and lazy stuff like that. I'm sorry again that I couldn't visit sites...and even today, I don't have time. I unfortunately have a lot of homework again. *sigh* It sucks...so after I post this, I'm going to have to work on it. My memoir (shizuka, a memoir is basically a writing on a part of your life...the big project for this year is an autobiography, but first we have to write 5 memoirs, and those memoirs will go into the autobiography) is due on tuesday. So, I know tomorrow I'll be working on that! *sigh*

Hmm...such a boring life I lead...I can't even think up more stuff to write about. ^^; There isn't anything to say when all you do is stay home and do laundry most of the time! ^^; Maybe I can think of a poem right now...maybe...

The cerulean sky
Up above
The opaque clouds
Become a dove
Floating by
I sit there staring.
Memories that,
Like the clouds,
Are floating by
The cerulean sky
Of my life.

Yeah...ok...whatever. There's the crappy poem of the day! Not too hard to figure out. ^^; Sorry my poems are usually pretty short...and akward. Anyhoo, I'll leave you with that. I must go work on my homework now. *sigh* I hope that all of you are enjoying your weekends! Again, I'm sorry I can't visit you guys! *hugs*

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Saturday, September 9, 2006

Warning: thanks/shout-outs, my brother, lack of gaia time, lack of MO time, WTF??, yesterday's school day, & super short post (for me)

Arigatou, minna! *hugs* (Thanks, everyone!) I enjoyed reading all of your comments, like usual. ^^ It's ok if some of you couldn't comment the other day...and Yug, that sure is weird that you thought you did comment but it wasn't there. ^^; Hmm...strange, but thanks for commenting yesterday about why you hate doing laudry! I can completely understand! *nods* NNM, no actually, the autobiography doesn't have to be formal. My teacher has been telling us that we should write how we want to write and to get used to informal writing. *nods* Yes, my brother easily gets tired from his jobs...so he's already thinking about quitting this one. *sigh* I doubt he'll last another 2 weeks...he'd better find another one soon. *sigh* He doesn't work today, and crap, he's already downstairs!!! So I really have no time on the computer!!! ><

Argh!!! I won't be able to type much today...though I wish I could...and I can't visit anyone. Sorry!!! *bows* And I haven't been on gaiaonline in, like, forever! Saturday used to be my gaia day where I'd go on and reply to forums and stuff...and PMs, but crap, now I can't. I hate this! >< I wish my stupid school didn't block gaia...then I could go on during school! *sigh* Oh, yeah, I forgot to say up in my first paragraph...again, how stupid it is that they took off my Air wallpaper! It's like, WTF??? Nothing offensive, I didn't plaigerize, so why did they get rid of it?? I emailed them, but of course they won't reply. They're "not obligated to". Well, I guess I'll just have to submit it again...or something...but I have no clue why. Stupid MO.

Yesterday, the rest of the school day, we good as well. Like I said (I think), we got to work on our first memoir in English class. And, yes, it's an informal writing. ^^ I decided to write on the topic of how I think people view me....and what have people said in the past to make me think that way. So I'm doing on that's more contemplative/opinion-based than most of the others, which are based on a specific past event. *nods* I like it much better. I almost got a page done during that period. I took a while to think of what to say, so I didn't get that much done...and I was asking my teacher stuff about it. Other than English class...hmmm...psychology was more interesting than before. We had this little project/question thing to contemplate, and then when we were giving our answers it ended up being a full-blown class discussion. ^^; Mainly with these 2 kids doing it all...they're the types that feel they've been chained in by society's rules and that psychologists and other things (medicine) dont' help all the time. The topic was how to reduce/eliminate juvenile deliquency by using our field of psychology (environmental, clinical, industrial, counseling, etc...). Apparently, those kids have encountered what we were talking about. ^^; Most of the time, everyone was just complaining about how school doesn't do anything to help...and that all the stupid rules they have just make us want to "break them". I dont' really think so, but I do agree that there are a ton of stupid rules in my school.

Well...seeing how I really have no time here...I guess I have to end my post now. *sigh* Later today, we might go to the mall and then the movies! I'm not sure what movie we'll see, if any, but whatever. So, I hope you all have a ton of fun today (it's the weekend!), and again, I"m sorry I can't visit!!!! *sob*

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