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Akabane Rain
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Friend and Advice-giver, but really a college student
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getting distinguished honors every year in high school, i guess that's it.
Anime Fan Since
my brothers had me watch Fist of the North Star...and My Neighbor Totoro...way back in 1996 or something
Favorite Anime
Air, Oofuri, Claymore, Peacemaker Kurogane, Monster,Initial D, Hajime no Ippo, 12 Kingdoms,City Hunter, Gunslinger Girls,Rozen Maiden, Marimite,Haibane Renmei,MagiPoka, Death Note,One Piece, Loveless
to find my purpose in life
watching anime, reading (manga and novels), playing video games, computering, walling, watching sports (baseball ftw).
| Angel Zakuro
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas, some things on my mind, arts!

Yup, just made a new card for your guys. :3 *hugs* So please take a look when you can. ^__^ Merry Christmas!! Well, just about~ Since it's Christmas Eve. And happy holidays to everyone! From Hanukkah to Kwanza and everything in between. :D Thank you for being such wonderful friends. I'm so glad to have you guys...really. Only a few comments, but that's ok. I don't mind. ^_^ I'm sure everyone is really busy during these holiday times!! So thanks Stixx, Meg, sparkle, and Cynthia! I really appreciate it. Meg, your comment was uberly sweet and encouraging. Thanks. :3 And of course thanks to everyone. ^^ Sparkle, I guess I'll have to talk to chibi about Kato then. Hopefully I can claim him, seeing as I only wanted Yamapi...who keeps getting stolen! XD Anyhoo, arigatou everyone for all the stuff you said about my fish, my past friends, etc. <333
I promise you this will be a short post. I'm posting later [almots 4pm], and I haven't even had lunch yet. Yeah, I know. XD Bad! I had breakfast past 1:00, so I figure it's ok. *laugh* :3 So yeah, it's Christmas eve. I just made a funny card for my brother Derek to go along with his gifts...since his gifts aren't very good. XD I'm sure he'll find it amusing. You can see it here. Sagat is one of his favorite characters to play as in Street Fighter, and I thought it'd be amusing to put a santa hat on him and whatnot. XD So he now has a hat and is carrying a sac of gifts. Hahaha. I thought it was funny. Um, usually every year I draw a chara for my brother Corey...but I'm not sure if I'll be able to this time. :/ Not enough time, and I just don't know...too lazy...but I might. We'll see. ~__~ The thing is that he likes my drawings a lot at the time, but then he just doesn't care...he puts it somewhere in a pile and is forgotten about! Or it goes in my room anyway, so it's like there's no point. Whatever. XD He's getting video games, so I think that's good enough. [edit: I did draw him something...Lettuce from TMM. Feel free to check it out~]

I'm not in a very good mood today...unfortunately! I'm feel down. And yet again, it's a friend problem...but this time it involves an online friend, and nothing to do with the past! But now it appears that I can't even keep friendships with people online. It's so much easier to just be anti-social. *sigh* :( So this really really really good friend of mine...or so I thought!! That doesn't go on MyO anymore, well, we've been emailing each other since she left. I'm just horrible at replying to emails. I'm the same with PM's and basically anything. I FAIL AT REPLYING. It doesn't matter to who...sometimes it takes me over a month. *sigh* It's bad. But anyhoo, because of that or maybe because of just who I am, she thinks that I think she's a burden...that emailing her is a burden, and that I don't really care. But of course that's not true! I sent her a message since I hadn't heard from her in a while, saying Merry Christmas. She said she wasn't even going to ever email me back because she was pissed off at me. .___. Well, I'm just horribly hurt. I thought we were great friends, but she spoke as if there was nothing between us...and as if I was just some shallow jerk that didn't really care. I replied back, but I have a feeling it'll do nothing...maybe just make things worse.
That's what I don't like...misunderstandings. I hate them. And it happens a lot online, obviously. All we're doing is reading and typing text!! *sigh* But gawd, she probably hates me now. I don't like it when people think that I don't care about them...or that I wouldn't miss them just because I get several comments or have lots of friends on here. People sometimes just don't comment my site because "well, you already get so many, you probably wouldn't miss me." THAT IS NOT TRUE. ;____; Why do people think that??? I'm not some jerk that forgets about sweet friends! Stupid, stupid. I hate myself. DX See, that's why I fail at friendships it seems. I just do! Thanks to those that still have stuck with me though. But man...being a hermit sure seems tempting.
Anyhoo, enough of that. Sorry!!! >.< I just had to get that out. I didn't mean to make this Christmas post all depressing or angry!! ^^; But...I did. Umm...about my fish Seyonne, he's doing a tad bit better! He ate more, and we got the medicine. He should be well soon. Stixx, I hope that he doesn't die like yours!! O__o Don't say that!! He'll get better!!! *nods* I have faith. As for our other fish, like Todd...*laugh* Well, Todd is doing great! He eats like a horse. But unfortunately some of the little tetras have died. :( Boo. Dad got this blue background for the fish tank, and this morning I helped him tape it to the back. Now we just see blue instead of the wall and wires!! :D Hah! Pretty cool.
I got my secret santa gift~~ From Ankoku24!! I was worried that my person would forget. XD So feel free to check out the gift they drew me. ^_^ Very cute~ [oh, and I don't know about you guys, but theO is acting up for me as far as comments go! I'm having trouble commenting and opening pages. They won't load. :/ So I'm terribly sorry if I don't get to comment much! *hugs*]

Ok!! I'll end this here. Sorry it's a sucky post, but I need to eat, work on more presents, and just take a break in general. I'm pretty sure I won't post tomorrow, so I hope you all have a wonderful day!! *hugs hugs hugs* Take care, my dears~ I'll tell you all about my Christmas whenever I can. ^_^
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