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Akabane Rain
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Friend and Advice-giver, but really a college student
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getting distinguished honors every year in high school, i guess that's it.
Anime Fan Since
my brothers had me watch Fist of the North Star...and My Neighbor Totoro...way back in 1996 or something
Favorite Anime
Air, Oofuri, Claymore, Peacemaker Kurogane, Monster,Initial D, Hajime no Ippo, 12 Kingdoms,City Hunter, Gunslinger Girls,Rozen Maiden, Marimite,Haibane Renmei,MagiPoka, Death Note,One Piece, Loveless
to find my purpose in life
watching anime, reading (manga and novels), playing video games, computering, walling, watching sports (baseball ftw).
| Angel Zakuro
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Warning: thanks, camera/me, yesterday, anxiety, goodies
Hello, guys!! *hugs* Thank you soooooo much for all the comments!! ^__^ I'm ever-so grateful! Happy new years again! Like omg though! Only fox commented twice. O__o So I really got 16 people to visit?? Wow! I'm stunned! That's like the most ever. *HUGS* Who says that myO is dead?? HUH?? I THINK NOT!! So arigatou! ^__^ So many wonderful friends. And so many welcome backs as well!! OLIVIA!!! <3333 And omg, Capri-chan!!! *hugs* Kita, and everyone else, too! Thank you so very much for everything. I enjoyed reading all of your wonderfully long comments, and even if you didn't get to write a lot, I'm still thankful. :3 I appreciate all of the RIP's for Joe...the poor vertical fish. Indeed, it's sad he died. :( I hardly got to know him...other than his awesome verticalness. *laugh* And thanks for the encouragement with my resolutions!! I wish you all the best as well! :D Arigatou again~
Teehee~~~ Guess what? I got that gift that my dad was saving. ^_^ And indeed! It's a camera!! Now I have one of my own. <333 And it's soooo cool~~ It's an Olympus FE-20 (click there to see a pic of it). It's soooooooo little!!! So light! I love it!!! ^__^ It's all black and shiny and compact. <33 And I've been taking pics with it the whole time now that I've gotten it~~~ THANK YOU DAD. Here's a bad pic of me I just took! Beware! It's a major close-up!! You can see my straight teeth, my crooked eyes, any pimples I might have, and whatever hair on my face is there as well! *laugh* I'm quite the mess. XD But hey, I'm lazing around the house!! I don't have to be all dressed up. *nods*
[quick, hide your eyes!! ><]
And I've taken some pics of Totoro and outside~ It's such a cute camera!!! >__< And I'm currently chatting with Oli-chan (sweetdevil) who has finally returned from her trip~ My, how I've missed her!! *hugs her*
So how are all of you doing today?? Happy new year again!!! You know, the Japanese are major celebrators of the new year! It's very important. So they keep saying "happy new year" to people all throughout January, not just the first. :3 Anyhoo...I hope you're all doing good. It's quite cold out there...and I'm rather tired. XD I didn't sleep tell well last night, even though I thought I would since I was so exhausted (mentally and physically) from being over Christine's house! Yes, so I went over my friend's house yesterday. ^^;; We've known each other since elementary school, and she hasn't changed...and her house is still as dingy and gross and dirty as ever. *sigh* It's like torture being over there!!! Their yard is like a junk yard (with old, broken cars in it), and their whole house is covered in dust. ;__; Everywhere you look...huge amounts of dust...totally covering everything. They just got Rock Band for Christmas, and the drums were already soaked in was torture to my sinuses. My allergies were horrible yesterday, and her house didn't help. XD I think I mostly go over her house and do things with her just to be nice. ^^;; To do a good deed, if you will...although it's not like I don't have fun there, it's just...tough...her mom is still as creepy as ever. *shudders* But I just wish, out of all things, that they cleaned their house....and!!! AND!! I wish they had actual FOOD. D;
So anyhoo, it was snowing a bit yesterday when she came to pick me up. I was slightly afraid to be in her car during that, since it's rather broken down anyway. XD But we made it to her house safely!! Once there, I was forced to greet her crazy mom, who looked a mess (as always), and then we proceeded to tour the house again. I looked at all of her dad's fish (SO MANY TANKS), and then her horrible can't walk anywhere in it!! >< And then we went to play some games. :D First we tried Rock Band, which was actually quite fun! *laugh* I'd never played it yeah. First I tried the drums, which was horribly hard for me. XD I failed. FAILED. Hahaha, so then I tried the guitar, which again, I did pretty bad!!!!! The only thing I was good at was singing. XD So I played it safe with the singing for a while. *laugh* Then we got her dad and mom to play with us. Her dad on the drums, mom on bass, me on guitar, and Christine sung....but then we switched and I sung [EYE OF THE TIGER <333], and she played guitar. :3 So it was a lot of fun! And then we had a "snack." *sigh* Her house has no food whatsoever...all that they have is super health food with no sugars, fats, or I was starving. I didn't have lunch, and I basically didn't eat at all yesterday. ;__; So I sang and sang and played and had nothing in me!!
So after more singing, I had her take me home. When I got home, I just wanted to collapse from starvation and exhaustion...too much socialness. DX That taught me to see friends twice in one week! It's too hard on me. I get such social anxiety before. ^^; So like yesterday, in the morning, before she came to get me, I was SO NERVOUS. I feel sick to my stomach, etc. As I've said before, I always panic whenever I'm doing something matter who it's with! Even a friend I've known for years and years!!! D: Stupid anxiety. But I don't take meds for it...I doubt my mom would want that. She's anti meds for mental things...she thinks they won't help...she thinks that you'll get better on your own. *sigh* Oh well. I'll just have to keep putting up with my anxiety!!! >< for our fishies, well...they're ok. No one else has died yet, aside from Joe. [who didn't get a proper burial!!! I yelled at my dad about that. He just put him in the trash can!!!!] :( Dobby is still alive, although he's still got the parasites and isn't looking that great. But now...other fish have parasites, too, and they're not eating. ~__~ And they're just hiding behind rocks!!! So my dad got some medicine and put that in the thank today. I hope it helps. Yes, the other, thursday? We went out to buy more fish. :3 Two more discus, a ram, and another angel fish to be friends with Todd. ^_^ *laugh* And yes, I name all the fish. XD We have 8 discus, and they all have names...same with the 2 rams, 2 angelfish, and 2 little catfish. But no, I haven't named the tetras (there's too many). *laugh* I love naming things~~ Animals, stuffed animals, anything!!! If I Have it, chances are it has a name. XD It makes them more personal that way. ^_^ Parts of the family!!! And my dear Seyonne is all better, too. :3 He's soo energetic and hungry all the time now. *laugh* So cute. :3 But yes, all of the fish in our big tank need to get well! I hope the medicine and water change works for them.
*enjoys new camera* ^_^ Hmm...yes...other than those things, I haven't done much other than watch new anime and play new video games! Like I said before, I'm enjoying Toradora, and now I really like Natsume Yuujinchou. So I recommend them!! :D Sparkle, indeed, you must watch more anime!! Same to anyone that hasn't been. XD Well *thinks* I don't know if I have anything else to mention really. I've been trying to comment everyday, and goodness, it's a lot of work!! I've been commenting more than posting these days, and I think I'm becoming more obsessed with it...which isn't I should probably take a break sometime!! So I'm sorry if I don't visit a lot this weekend!! Though, knowing me, I'll probably still try. XD Thank you so much!! Oh, I haven't done any art recently (other than those cards). I'm too lazy and uncreative to work on another wallpaper yet. But here are some things that OTHERS MADE ME. <33333 Like Anya's drawing of me, Meg's card of Mihashi for me (kyaa~~~), and an Oofuri wall that Valcryst (a friend from AP) made me. ^_^ So check them out if you haven't seen them, for they are wonderful gifts!!!! :D
Thanks so much for everything!! I hope you didn't mind this shorter post. ^_^ At least, I THINK it's shorter. XD I never know!! Haha, but I think it was. It might be boring, too, but oh well. Arigatou for being so wonderful~ Take care! And good luck to those that go back to school soon!
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