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Akabane Rain
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Friend and Advice-giver, but really a college student
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getting distinguished honors every year in high school, i guess that's it.
Anime Fan Since
my brothers had me watch Fist of the North Star...and My Neighbor Totoro...way back in 1996 or something
Favorite Anime
Air, Oofuri, Claymore, Peacemaker Kurogane, Monster,Initial D, Hajime no Ippo, 12 Kingdoms,City Hunter, Gunslinger Girls,Rozen Maiden, Marimite,Haibane Renmei,MagiPoka, Death Note,One Piece, Loveless
to find my purpose in life
watching anime, reading (manga and novels), playing video games, computering, walling, watching sports (baseball ftw).
| Angel Zakuro
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
warning: thanks, schedule, fish, sunday, back to school
Hello and good day to you all. ^_^ Provided it IS a good day for you. *laugh* If it isn't, well, I really hope that it gets better!! You all deserve it! Thank you very much for the comments. Sinny, yeah, I remembered you having fish!! I remembered you having a betta. ^^ What colors? Mine's red/blue/purple. And, and you have swordtails? I wanted some of those. :/ But dad mostly wanted Discus. >< Oh well. Thanks though! *hugs* Thank you darke, angelbest (welcome back!), anna-chan, bored-chan, xaos, and Jace!! <3 Thanks very much for commenting my site, complimenting my new theme, etc. :3 I really appreciate all of you!
Well, in case you didn't know...I'm back to the grind. Back to school. ~__~ So I'm currently posting at the library here. Yes, yes, back to schedule! But speaking of schedule...I'm not sure when I'll be posting now. ^^;; Well...then again...I might just post like I was during break. Tuesdays, thursdays, and saturday? You think that's ok? Possibly. Although saturday will be contingent on whether I have lots of homework or whatever. Actually, each day except tuesdays will. XD And yes, I do have fridays off! But I can't post then since my brother ALSO has off work. ~__~ So that means a less amount of computer time, blah, blah, blah. >> How stupid. Of all the days for me to have off! *sigh* Maybe he'll change his schedule?? I hope so. He needs to work more. Um, so yeah. Sorry I always end up writing about the most mundane things like this. ^^; You probably don't care WHEN I post. That makes me sound so self-centered or something. :( Sorry~ But yes, I think I'm laying out these plans for myself as much as anyone else! *laugh*
First, before talking about my classes, I'll give the fish report! ^^;; Oh, and just so you know, yes, my dad knows VERY well the conditions for the tropical fish he's raising. Warm water etc. So that wasn't the reason why they all got sick. They got some sort of parasite called "velvet," and I'm guessing it was from the log that he put in the tank. D: I kept telling him to take it out, but no!! See, he just found driftwood...out in a dirty stream. He didn't clean it. It was probably filled with the parasites, and I'm sure that's what killed them. *sigh* Last time, I mentioned that Danny was on his last breaths...yes, he died as well. :( Sooo, now we only have 4 discuses left [Lupul, Knuble, Bossman, and George], and then 2 tetras [started out with 12!], the two catfish, Ram, and Todd the angelfish. Oh, and my betta Seyonne (he's in his own tank anyway). Knuble is always bossing Lupul and George around, biting and chasing them into corners, but Bossman is aptly named. XD *laugh* He's the only one that can then chase Knuble around. It's just a shame he's so agressive (discus are supposed to be docile...) since we might have to put in him a separate tank. D: Anyhoo, yes, now they're all healthy at least. ^_^; Just...a lot less...
Lots of you read my post on theO, but if you didn't, here's the run down of events. :3 Sunday was my oldest brother's 30th birthday [this is Derek, not Corey, who still lives at home and annoys me]. We didn't do anything special...just had dinner at home and he came over. He didn't get very many gifts, but he didn't complain. I mean, come on. He's 30! XD Um, also on sunday, I finished my new wallpaper! But...unfortunately, I can't submit it on theO!! It's not letting me. I don't get it at all. :/ I keep trying to contact adam about the error, but no replies yet. *sigh* And it still isn't fixed! So I dont know why I can't submit it. :( I just get a white blank screen instead of a confirmation...I don't get it! Ugh!! So if you want to see it (until I get it to work here), you can view it at AP or dA (yes, that's my first time submitting one of my walls on my devArt). ^_^ Olivia (sweetdevil) Helped me out greatly with the vector, so I thank her again!! <333 *hugs her*
Alrighty, now onto the school front. I went back yesterday. For a first day, it really wasn't bad!! XD I had fashion first, which was fine since it wasn't any different from first semester. A few different girls in class (one of which was a lackey of my dreaded and horrible bully that tortured me throughout elementary school--high school; of course, I didn't talk to her), but everyone else was the same as before. ^^ And Sister Denise is just as spry (sp??) as ever! *laugh* Threatening to beat us and whatnot. XD This class is where we'll be making our own patterns...and writing the descriptions! ;__; Sounds so hard! She just gave us the syllabus and started doing some of the first stuff...but not much. Then I had lunch (in a short amount of time!), and after that I had philosophy. D; I didn't know anyone in class, so I just sat in the seat closest to the door in the front. >< That's what I do when I don't know anyone. *laugh* Closest to the entrance and exit so I don't have to confront anyone! Now then, as for my teacher, he's nice. He's pretty amusing. :3 It sounds like it'll be a more interesting class than I first thought...although the first class yesterday was a borefest. XD I was going out of my mind!!
Today I had accounting first. It's a much bigger class than I'm used to (though still really small compared to other college's classes!), so I walked in...looked lost...saw lots of seniors. ^^;; Then I finally found Erica and the bunch. Sat next to her...she didn't talk much to me though. :/ I don't know. Maybe we're not really friends?? ^^;; I'm not sure. Lol, but oh well! At least I sat next to people i knew (other girls from my fashion class included). We had to do one of those getting to know you exercises. DX Where you introduce the person next to you and say something about them. ^^;; Well, Erica didn't really tell me what to say about her...*laugh* So when it got to us, I say, "This is Erica. She's a sophomore and a fashion major...and she's...uhh...she's *looks at her* [u]AWESOME[/u]!" Oh dear. EPIC FAIL right there. Or maybe, epic win for laughter?? The whole class cracked up. XD Erica was like WTF?? and looked embarrassed. Oops, sorry, erica!! ^^;; She loudly said, "I DID NOT TELL HER TO SAY THAT." *laugh* Oh dear. But now the class will know her as the girl that is simply awesome. I couldn't think of anything else to say!! >< How stupid of me, right?? And then our teacher asked us things about the people in class, to see if we were paying attention. "Ok, you're all awesome, but who in this class was described as such?" *laughter ensues* ERICA. Oh dear. ^_^;; I sure made a mess of things. I wouldn't be surprised if awesome girl wouldn't want to sit next to me next time... I went to the bookstore to buy books. ~__~ First day ever I used my credit card!! XD It was exciting! And boy was it exciting to see the receipt! :D $414! D: Oh dear lord! Yes. My freaking accounting book was almost $200. >< It's ridiculous! Well, good thing it's just my parents' money! ^^;;;;; Yeah...anyhoo, then I had chemistry. My teach was supposed to be this Chinese lady, Zhang, but she wasn't there. We're having a sub for a while...dr.Weber...and he's soooo boring. I was dying. He started the chapter already and went so slowly! It was too easy. ;__; I wanted to oh well. He's not sure if he'll be permanent or if we'll get our scheduled teacher next time. After class, I came here! So now I'm posting, and then I'll eat and go to chem lab.
Tomorrow I'll have fashion and philosophy again, and then art...which will last a long time...until 5. I dont' know WHEN I'll eat lunch. >< So I hope my class will let me eat in it. ^^;;; Anyhoo, I have no homework yet, so I'll try to visit people today. ^_^ Sorry this is a long post~~~ As yeah. SORRY!!!! ;___; THANK YOUUUUUU. Take care, everyone!
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