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Akabane Rain
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Friend and Advice-giver, but really a college student
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getting distinguished honors every year in high school, i guess that's it.
Anime Fan Since
my brothers had me watch Fist of the North Star...and My Neighbor Totoro...way back in 1996 or something
Favorite Anime
Air, Oofuri, Claymore, Peacemaker Kurogane, Monster,Initial D, Hajime no Ippo, 12 Kingdoms,City Hunter, Gunslinger Girls,Rozen Maiden, Marimite,Haibane Renmei,MagiPoka, Death Note,One Piece, Loveless
to find my purpose in life
watching anime, reading (manga and novels), playing video games, computering, walling, watching sports (baseball ftw).
| Angel Zakuro
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
thanks, battery dead, compliments/standing out, busy, pets, & card
Hey guys! <33 Well, guys and gals. ^_^ *hugs* How are all of you doing? Thank you so very much for commenting last time! And thanks for everything, really. Even if you don't get to comment, I still appreciate you all. >< Like YOUR posts and whatnot. So yeah, thanks for the comments~~ Welcome back, xaos! It's been a while. XD Don't worry about it though. ^^ I don't mind. And Hiko! Wow! You actually commented here! O__O Amazing, and you like hockey?? Sweet. Well, I'm hoping my Fylers keep winning, lol. And also many happy returns to Sinny and Lala, sparkle, and anyone else. :) Thanks for the compliments on my hair and the progress of my wallpaper. As for my brother in the tournament, well, he lost. I posted about this in my WORLD, but yeah. He did make it to the semi-finals though. :) And won a headband/tie thing like Ryu wears (red, you tie it around your forehead). Tis ok though! He did really well~ Yup, thankies for everything! *hugs* Lol, even the remarks about my stalking Todd. XD
Awwwww CRAP. ~___~ My mp3 player just died. Low batter. Shi-bags!! >< How will I love without my music?? D: Crap. First it's dying because of the sound going in and out, and now it's just battery dead. :/ I thought it was charged up enough! Poo. Oh well. I'll have to just put up with the sounds of my typing for now...the sounds of typing and my inner thoughts.
Ok, so yes, I'm still enjoying my new haircut!! XD I think it's really cute, and I've been getting lots of compliments. ^^ And I'm surprised! Like I thought most of my classmates wouldn't even notice. Well, those that I don't really talk to or see often, like in philosophy, didn't say anything, and I don't care. But yesterday, when I went into fashion, Erica and the others were like *___* "OMG!! Look at Kelsey's hair! Look at her! That's so cute!!" *laugh* So that was a pleasant surprise. XD I didn't tell any of them that I was getting my hair cut. Hahaa. So I was worried they wouldn't even notice, but they did!! So I got lots of compliments about how it suits me, how healthy it looks, how cute...etc. ^///^ I'm not used to that kind of attention! In fact, I like NOT demanding attention. I prefer not really being noticed...or standing out. Be as low-key as possible. ^^; Like my mom takes me to school and picks me up, and she drives: a black Cadillac or red Corvette. Now, both are very fancy cars, but at least the Cadillac isn't I'd rather be driven in that, but when my mom wants to driver her Corvette, then I'm like NOooooo. ~__~' Cause everyone stares etc....Lots of people would probably be the opposite, wanting to be taken around in a cool car and whatnot to show off, lol, but I'm not like that! XD I had accounting. We mostly took notes and answered questions. We have homework due thursday that'll take a while. ~__~ Argh. And also thursday, I have a Chemistry TEST. >< Noooo. That'll be our first test. I hate having stuff due on the same day! You know?? Like having a ton of things all due on the same day. :/ In chem, we also just took notes, and I got more compliments on my hair from Tempestt and the girl I sit next to. ^^
Yesterday in fashion, we did more stuff...making more pattern pieces. It's like slave-labor, seriously. And tomorrow we HAVE A TEST. ARGH!! Tests 2 days in a row!!! D; So I'll have to study a lot for that; I'm pretty sure it'll be harder than the first time. We have to make 3 of the patterns that we worked on before by memory. One with with button holes...and something else. Now, we're not sewing or making the garments, just making the pattern pieces with paper that we'd use to make the garment. It's really hard. >.< Tonight I also have a little art homework to I don't know. I'd like to work on my accounting hw ahead of time, but I might not have time with all this other studying! Ugh, so I'm sorry that I probably won't get to comment much today. :( Sorrrryyyy. *hugs*
The other day, I think sunday, we (mom, dad and me) went to this pet store to look at the doggies, lol. XD SO CUTE!!! There were all sorts of mixes (cocka-poos, boston terrier/beagle, etc.), and I just had fun watching them. :3 Some of them, that were part lahsa apsa (bad spelling) looked like Ewoks!!!! XD *laugh* Like from Star Wars?? Haha, it was just really funny. Um, we also went to the other pet store with this really pretty bird that I liked...that liked me...but he's $600. ^^;; So no luck there. I wonder if anyone will buy him?? He's soooo cute!! If I could, I would have SO many pets. I'd have one of almost any kind, except for snakes...or like tarantulas...ew, no thanks. But I love animals. Especially doggies. <3333 And I love my fishies, but I can't really pet them. ^^; Oh, SAD NEWS regarding fish. :( Our other little catfish, Reggie, died. *sigh* He got sucked into the filter...he was still somewhat alive, but some of the other fish must've pecked out his eyes. -__-; real...chance of living. He died soon after. It's very sad. T__T We'll have to buy more. I've got lots of fishies in fish heaven now.
Hmmm...*thinks* What else? Oh yeah! I made an e-card last night, and I worked a tiny tiny bit on my wallpaper. I started to paint the bg's walls, and I added a painting on her wall where I had that rough frame sketched. This e-card is dedicated to Twist-chan, but she never goes on theO to check artwork or anything. XD But yeah, just cause it's in the spirit of the baseball season. ^^ Featuring Oofuri~ Please take a look if you haven't!! <3

I'm really at a loss for words right now! I can't think of anything to say. >< I could rant on certain things, but I'll spare you for now. I'll just let you go early. Haha, "early", as if this were class...but yeah, I'm blanking. Sorry this was such a boring post!!!! D: Thanks for visiting me!!! And I'll try to get to you if I find the time. Love you guys~ Take care!
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