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Akabane Rain
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Friend and Advice-giver, but really a college student
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getting distinguished honors every year in high school, i guess that's it.
Anime Fan Since
my brothers had me watch Fist of the North Star...and My Neighbor Totoro...way back in 1996 or something
Favorite Anime
Air, Oofuri, Claymore, Peacemaker Kurogane, Monster,Initial D, Hajime no Ippo, 12 Kingdoms,City Hunter, Gunslinger Girls,Rozen Maiden, Marimite,Haibane Renmei,MagiPoka, Death Note,One Piece, Loveless
to find my purpose in life
watching anime, reading (manga and novels), playing video games, computering, walling, watching sports (baseball ftw).
| Angel Zakuro
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Hey my dear friends!! *hugs* I love you guys!! >3 So how have you been? Good, I hope. And if you haven't been...well, hopefully you'll feel better soon. Thanks so much for the great comments~~ Welcome back Lory!! <333 Haha, it's fine! I don't mind. ^^ I'm glad to see you again. Welcome back to Kiyo as well~ It's been quite a while for you two. :D And to everyone else, it's wonderful reading your comments again. <3 Britty, I'm totally amazed and pleased that you've been commenting more often! Woot! ^^ Sinny, since your question was really the only real one [that I could find] I'll just answer it here~ If I were to visit someplace, of course I'd like to go to Japan, but also...France, Germany...uh, even other states in the country! *laugh* I haven't really been anywhere, so it'd be great to travel a lot, if I were a traveling person. ^^; Arigatou again to all of you~~
I know it's a much later post! I wasn't even sure if I'd get to post today. >_< Cause my brother didn't work since he did yesterday, and tomorrow he also doesn't it's a major pain to me. :/ I have to put up with him, and I don't get to be on the computer much. ARGH. But I'm managing to get a post on here now~ Some of you are probably like, "Ah man. I wish she didn't..." WELL SORRY. XD And sorry again I didn't comment everyone yesterday~ I said I'd try, but I ended up not. >.<' Gomen!This weekend I'll try harder. :/ Thanks as always for putting up with me and my long posts and poor friendage! That's totally not a word, but I don't care! Lol.
I was just suddenly hit with a feeling of bleh! Of being down! Argh. *slaps down feeling* I hate that. ;__; It just seems to happen out of nowhere that I get this overwhelming feeling of total helplessness and like depression crap. D; Sorry~ *listens to Vacancy by Kylee* I love that song. Anyhoo, uh...if you didn't read my post on my world, well, I'll tell you about some of it! I finished my wallpaper, and many thanks to those of you that already gave me sweet comments on it. ^^ I'll put it in this post, too. And I also mentioned that I got promoted on AP to senior member!! That's like being an otaku legend here or something cause it's the highest you can be. I worked very hard to get that, and I'm so very happy about it...even though right now I'm not feeling that happy. XD I've gotten lots of good comments on it there, but I have some "friends" on there that I just don't get. :/ This one girl...she almost never adds my wallpapers to her favorites, and even if she supported me on through making it and said she really loved how it looked (and couldn't wait for it to be finished)...she doesn't add it to faves, and she also says she has a list of critiques on it. ~__~ I just don't get it. [real friends would at least give me a pity fave, lol] She can just piss me off sometimes because she's really an amazing artist but she doesn't wall that often, and yet she has the gall to tell me all sorts of things wrong with my art. I'm NOT PERFECT. But come on, because it's not totally perfect, does that give you the right to dismiss it as not good enough?
Whatever. Sorry again. I rant a lot about that place, lol, and yet I still stay there. XD I've gotten used to it, and I really do like it. I've made lots of new friends there [none as good as you guys], but some of them, like the one I mentioned, I just don't understand. She didn't even tell me any of the critiques. I kind of don't want her to tell me since it'll probably be a huge list of nitpicky things wrong with it. -__-' Anyhoo, here's the wallpaper in question in case you haven't seen it yet.
I love it, and I spent so many hours on it that I don't care what people think. Lol, that might just be really hardheaded of me to not want to change anything, but whatever!
I take stuff like this way too seriously...I have no life if grades on wallpapers and things that people say that I don't even know in person affect me...
I have other art related things to show you. Last night I spent a lot of time trying to take photos of some of my fish! *laugh* It's very hard to do, in case you didn't know. XD Fish love SWIMMING around...and it's not easy to get them still. :/ Also, you can't (at least as far as I know) take a photo with the flash on or else it looks really bad, so you have to be super still to not get a blurry pictures. ^^; So out of the many I took, I really only got 2 good ones. I submitted them to dA. Both have Blueberryhead, lol, and one has Tony the Tiger (who I drew before) in it, too. So feel free to look~
¢¾B & T
Yesterday...was a pretty good day. I did nothing but play video games really...and go online. Darn it, I have so many emails I need to reply to. ;__; It's been weeks. I get into these moods where I just want to be antisocial and not reply to anything. >> Or comment...or do anything in general, and I'm kinda getting into one of those right now. *sigh* The new season of America's Next Top Model started last night, woooot. And guess what? Next season...they're taking participants under the height of 5'7"!! Isn't that so cool? FINALLY SHORTER PEOPLE AND NOT GIANTS WILL BE ON THERE. And it makes me really want to try out, lol. But I'm looking at the application now...and the requirements...and I know I wouldn't be picked, and I don't even have a driver's license yet. Haha...also, I'd be way too shy and panicked...I get so nervous just doing speeches for class, so how would I be able to do this? I don't know, but sometimes I wish I could be a model. I'm an odd one...I have terribly low self-esteem, yet I wish and think that I could be a model. And I hate doing social things or performing, yet I've always wanted to do something like that. But yeah, if any of you lovely ladies (age of 18+) always wanted to be on the show, maybe you could try out?? There will be tryouts somewhere somewhat close to my area...but not quite...but it'd be tomorrow anyway. XD LOL, a bit of a short notice!
Umm...*thinks* I had other stuff I wanted to mention, but now I really don't remember. :/ Nor do I care. Sorry!!! My mood just totally shifted since I started writing this post. ^^;; This usually happens when I confront thoughts of the future and just what I'm doing I'm wasting my life. v__v Uhhh...I'll spare you any more! Thanks for visiting me, and sorry this was a really boring (and shorter) post! Sorry! *hugs* I love you guys though~ You're all awesome sauce in a box. :D Take care~ [and it's almost the weekend! Meaning I gotta go back to school next week]
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