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Akabane Rain
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Friend and Advice-giver, but really a college student
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getting distinguished honors every year in high school, i guess that's it.
Anime Fan Since
my brothers had me watch Fist of the North Star...and My Neighbor Totoro...way back in 1996 or something
Favorite Anime
Air, Oofuri, Claymore, Peacemaker Kurogane, Monster,Initial D, Hajime no Ippo, 12 Kingdoms,City Hunter, Gunslinger Girls,Rozen Maiden, Marimite,Haibane Renmei,MagiPoka, Death Note,One Piece, Loveless
to find my purpose in life
watching anime, reading (manga and novels), playing video games, computering, walling, watching sports (baseball ftw).
| Angel Zakuro
Thursday, March 12, 2009
the usual nothingness that is my life~
Hiya, my dear friends! <3 *hugs* How are all of you doing today? I really appreciate all of your comments~ I was very glad to read them all and see your wonderful faces (?) again! ^_^ Welcome back Sam, Anna-chan, 3pointshooter, and anyone else that hasn't been here in a while~ And even those that have visited me somewhat often, THANK YOU and welcome back! More of you commented on my music last time around. :) Which songs did you hear? Cause you know I have about 300 on there, and it's on shuffle!! XD I listen to my playlist everyday without fail, lol, and I keep adding songs I love~ Anyhoo, thanks for the support with that AP girl. Indeed, she had no life if she had the time to write so much to me...that just made me feel worse!! D: So stupid. Steph, I needed that massage! I wish that was in real life! XD Haha, well, thanks again everyone~
Ah. It's so great to only have 4-day school weeks!! I don't know how I'll go back to having classes on fridays next semester...seeing as I probably will!! ~__~ Argh, haha, I just have to do what I've been doing every year previous to this semester. ANYHOO, it's cold. It's back to being cold. We had those nice spring days last weekend, but now it's wintry again, but hopefully spring will come soon!! :) Yup, so...uh, first off, I just made an e-card so if you could take a look that would be great! ^_^ Thanks ahead of time or to those that already commented~

It's Tajima and Mihashi...waking up from a nap! XD I'm already missing having Miha on my avi, lol, so I might change again soon!!
Ok, so today...I had accounting and chemistry. Well, remember I said I thought I'd get an 80% on my accounting quiz? Well, I guessed right. ~__~' What I didn't count on was the two questions that I did in fact get wrong! I totally guessed on the first two which were totally new...nothing like on the worksheet we had, and so I thought I would get them wrong...but no, I got two OTHERS wrong that I swear I had right!! *laugh* See, I thought ALL the other questions were identical to the ones on the worksheet. ^^; But no, those were worded differently. [I immediately saw the same answers and figured it would be the same] That just goes to show that you must always read questions carefully! Never assume anything! I usually don't fall into that trap, lol, but oh well. Erica even did better than me!! D: Well, good for her!! It's nice for her to get an A when she's used to C's! :) I'm not upset about my grade (it isn't bad), but I'm just mad at myself for not being more careful. XD
Then chemistry...barely anyone was in class!! Dr.Bob asked us, "Is anything up? Do any of you know why no one's here? There were barely anyone in my last class, too..." T__T He sounded so sad! Like...he even said something about thinking it was his fault or that the kids don't like his class. :/ I know...a lot of kids have complained about it though, and most of the girls in my fashion class that have him always debate whether to go or not. "Erica, should I go to chem today? I don't want to..." "I'm not sure if I want to go either. I don't wanna get my test back or get another quiz..." So yeah, he's boring, but I don't think he's bad! We (those that were in class) just told him maybe they're sick, or apparently there was a play going on? I don't know, but I just felt a bit bad for him. ^^; Tempestt didn't come since she was sleeping, and Jenae was sick, but as for everyone else. *shrugs* So anyhoo, we just took notes.
Um, yesterday. Well...I had fashion, philosophy and art. In fashion we did more of the same slave labor of creating those pattern pieces--tracing, cutting out, bleh. It's so horrible for my neck! Constantly looking down while sitting on these stupid stools with no backs!!! >< Ugh. My neck hurts now, too. Hah. Then just more notes in philosophy. We usually have funny conversations. Our room is set up with 3 long tables--front, middle, back. I sit in the front like I usually do (can't see the board, plus I feel claustrophobic if I sit in the middle or back), and of course, I happen to sit up there with the other "good" kids. XD And so the "bad" students are all in back. Why does it always happen like that?? Lol, so our prof always talks to us the most, and he tends to get off-track with conversations by some of the other kids in my row. I'm sure I hear the others (that sit behind us) always grumbling and kind of making fun of us. XD Like "nerds, that isn't funny!" Hahaa. Or "what a waste of time! shut up goody-goodies!" But I don't care~
Oh, speaking of nerds, I had chem lab on tuesday. It was a simple one, and I was paired with Tempestt...lucky her! Anyhoo, I was probed about my chem test grade by Erica etc. -__-' I got a 98, like I said, and as usual they make somewhat of a big deal about it. "Oh, of course you would, Kelsey. She's perfect! You never get a bad grade EVER." And Jess said "I hate you!! I hate people that barely have to try and always get good grades. I try really hard, and I just can't do it." Well, I'm just blessed...I suppose. I don't know, but I wish they wouldn't make a big deal of it so much. :( I don't brag; in fact, I don't like being noticed much, lol, so I try to be as modest as possible! I only tell when asked, and sometimes I even say that I got a lower score. ^^; Ah well. I just...I don't know! Then after the lab I was double-checking what we did and if we had to do more, and Tempestt was rushing me, "No, girl! I told you that's it! We're done! Come on! Let's go, nerd!" She calls me a nerd...she has often. ^^; I don't mind cause I know she's just being silly, not like a serious mean. *laugh* But tis a shame that students that excel are usually made fun of or whatever. :/ Or I'm just used for help/answers...
Anyhoo...that was tuesday. Back to yesterday, I had art. My long art class. I gotta say I don't find my teacher cute anymore! *laugh* HE SHAVED HIS HEAD. Ugh! D: He looked great with his dark hair! Sorry, but I'm not one for the bald look! When I came into class I was like O___O WHO IS THAT. Bleh. And now he's like best buds with one of my classmates/semi-friends Samantha cause they went on the art field trip to Italy together. XD They talked with each other like best friends! It was rather funny since as I've said, Justin (our prof) doesn't talk much at all. But he's been opening up more lately...and it's just odd when he starts talking gangsta out of nowhere or tries to be funny when he isn''s still hard to talk to him, but whatever. :/ Uh, so we painted still lives. Woot. I painted a woodblock next to an orange. <3 Then after school, nothing special. The end.
Sorry this is really long~ Or at least I think it is. ^^; I'll try to comment some today. *hugs* But sorry again if I don't. Take care, my dears~
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