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Akabane Rain
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Friend and Advice-giver, but really a college student
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getting distinguished honors every year in high school, i guess that's it.
Anime Fan Since
my brothers had me watch Fist of the North Star...and My Neighbor Totoro...way back in 1996 or something
Favorite Anime
Air, Oofuri, Claymore, Peacemaker Kurogane, Monster,Initial D, Hajime no Ippo, 12 Kingdoms,City Hunter, Gunslinger Girls,Rozen Maiden, Marimite,Haibane Renmei,MagiPoka, Death Note,One Piece, Loveless
to find my purpose in life
watching anime, reading (manga and novels), playing video games, computering, walling, watching sports (baseball ftw).
| Angel Zakuro
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
I said it'd be a shorter post, but it really isn't! But it's much later! ^^;
Hi, fellerz! ^_^ Thanks so much for the comments last time! Elves, Darke, Steph, Capri-chan, xaos, zeit, and Mizu-chan! *hugs* Welcome back and arigatou for the great comments. <3 I love you guys! Um, this is going to be a shorter post, so sorry for no specific replies. ;3 But you know all of your words mean a lot to me!
Wow, this is a really late post for me. O__o For some, it's normal, but not for me! It's 8pm! I just...kinda forgot to post today. ^^; Somehow...I know, right?? Well, I could never "forget" before because I would have a huge block of time in between my chem and lab classes on tuesdays, but last week was our last lab! So from now on, I get to go home after chem class. :) So like today! Because of that, I tend to...push off posting and computer stuff until later, and then like now, I forget about it until late! ^^; If I'm not on my usual schedule, then I'm totally thrown off. But I decided to post in case some [SOME] people freaked out that I didn't get to today, lol. Most of you probably don't care. XD But have no fear! I'll try to make it short.
Today I had accounting and chem class. Jeez, it felt like I haven't been in accounting forever! I wanted it to stay that way. -__-' But oh well. That's cause we didn't have class at all last week (teacher had a meeting, and then easter break). was nice to see Erica and the others again, though we didn't talk all that much. No Edward fangirling, lol. XD Our prof gave us this homework was supposed to be a one-page thing answering some questions on ratios, but now she changed it to be worth double the amount, and therefore making it be 2 pages. I couldn't think of how to answer the questions on ONE page, and now I somehow need to stretch it to 2??? D: Jeez! This lady is crazy. :/ Ugh. In chemistry, we just took notes etc. Nothing special.
After class, mom and I went to the mall~ I haven't been in a while, so I wanted to go to Borders and get me some manga! >D I knew they had a lot of ones that I wanted before, but I didn't get to get this time I was looking forward to buying more! It was a WTF moment. I went in, straight to the manga, and most of the shelves were very spare!! T__T I was like "Where is all the manga???" The only full series they had were of Naruto and other crap I don't read. :/ They didn't have the majority of the things I saw last time and wanted (Godchild, the next Twelve Kingdoms novel, Fairy Cube, and many many more that I can't think of; I had a list with me), and so we asked if there was a sale. :/ Nope. They had to take inventory, and so they got rid of most of the things so that there weren't as many to count or something??? I didn't quite get it, but it was retarded to me. So uh, "Are you going to be reordering them then" The lady said she didn't know...wasn't, great. Hello? I come here for MANGA so if I don't see ANY, then I'm not coming anymore!! T__T They asked if I wanted to place orders for any specifically, uh, NO. I'm just going to get them online. Much easier. I said, "No thanks...there's way too many I'd want..." Lol. So I ended up getting La Corda d'Oro vol. 10 and Tactics 6, and a new fantasy novel called Innocent Mage. Lucky for me the ONLY Tactics volume they had was 6, and that was the next one I needed. ^^;
After that, I had lunch...and mom and I didn't really do anything else. Just came home, and I played P4 for a while...then I worked on homework. I still have more to do. *sigh* Though it's just typing up the directions I handwrote for fashion. Gawd, that project is so hard!! I mean, come on!! Writing sewing directions for the dress I designed??? I can DESIGN it, but that doesn't mean I know how to put it together! ;__; I'm totally clueless, lol. I just made up stuff...and I hope Sister can read them and seriously fix them so they're right. I had to cut out my pattern pieces the other day, and I found that my back and front don't really match...somehow...they did when I had the prototype pieces, but when I made the final ones, somehow the back got longer! V__V I'm so confused. Notches, darts, I HATE YOU!!!! Bah, so I have that class tomorrow...and I also have to bring my very large canvas for art class. How annoying to have to lug that thing around with me for 2 classes first!! NOOOO!!! >>
I've been working on my wallpaper more. I haven't done the bg yet...didn't work on it today or much yesterday. I did finish painting Rakka though. I want to paint a crow in there cause crows are a major part of the theme of Haibane. I'm just'll be really hard. *sigh* I hope that no one walls this same scan before I finish it! If they do (and paint it), I'll be very upset.

Yesterday, I posted on theO...about a very sad thing. You can read it here if you haven't. It's about the passing of our great Phillies hall of fame broadcaster Harry Kalas. He died yesterday in the press booth before the game against the Nationals. RIGHT before the game...he was preparing for it up there when he collapsed. They didn't say if it was a stroke or something else, but I would figure as much. He was 73 and has been a broadcaster for the Phils since 1971. He really was our baseball team's voice. When I heard it on the news (Corey called me yesterday to tell me to listen), I was very upset. I even cried some! I didn't think I would since it's not like I ever met him, but when you're used to listening to someone's voice hundreds of games and seeing him, you get to know him...and get attached. Anyway, it's a sad thing...but our guys still had to play the game yesterday. The wonderful thing is that we won...and several homeruns were hit. And all the players said they did it for Harry. Of course. ^_^ They won it for him! So that, along with the tributes, did make me feel happier. He will always be remembered. :) As well as broadcasting, he did voice-overs for commercials and NFL films, etc. So anyway, this past week has been pretty sad! Lots of baseball-related people have died. ^^;
I said this post would be shorter...but apparently it isn't. Oh well. Easter! How was all of yours (if you celebrated it)? Mine was pretty good. I had depressing moments later on, but the earlier part was fine. We went to church (first time Derek and Corey have been in a long time lol), and then we went to Einstein Bagels for some food. We all went home and played Pictionary!!! *laugh* It was so fun. XDDD Corey and I were a team, and D and dad were. What made it most hilarious, aside from our crappy drawings and horrible guessing, lol, was Totoro. Whenever there's a party or we're at the kitchen table together...having fun, he wants to join in. ^^;; Uh, well, his joining in...involves humping legs. *laugh* I know! Gross! He's even neutered!! Hahaha!!! But it's just SOOO HILARIOUS. So he wouldn't stop mounting Derek's leg. XD He'd be like, "Totes! Stop that! Argh! i can't play when he's all over me like this!" Haha. At one point I was cracking up so much that I was tearing up and short of breath, lol. It was great. I haven't laughed like THAT in a long time. Too bad I got in a down mood later that night! But it was fun while it lasted~ Corey and I won the game, but it was mostly because of my superb guessing and drawings. ;3
Okies. Sorry~ I'll stop this now! I noticed not many people updated today...and I'm kinda glad! I don't have time to comment. ^^; Too much homework left, and my face it STILL bothering me. *sigh* Gomen, you guys. I love you though! <333 Take care everyone~
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