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Akabane Rain
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Friend and Advice-giver, but really a college student
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getting distinguished honors every year in high school, i guess that's it.
Anime Fan Since
my brothers had me watch Fist of the North Star...and My Neighbor Totoro...way back in 1996 or something
Favorite Anime
Air, Oofuri, Claymore, Peacemaker Kurogane, Monster,Initial D, Hajime no Ippo, 12 Kingdoms,City Hunter, Gunslinger Girls,Rozen Maiden, Marimite,Haibane Renmei,MagiPoka, Death Note,One Piece, Loveless
to find my purpose in life
watching anime, reading (manga and novels), playing video games, computering, walling, watching sports (baseball ftw).
| Angel Zakuro
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Umm...lots of complaints! RIP Blaise, sports, and other stuff.
Hi there, guys! ^_^ How are all of you doing? Thanks sooooo much for visiting me last time. :) I really appreciate it, as usual. I wasn't expecting many visitors because it was such a late post, so thanks to those that did comment: Steph [welcome back!! Don't worry about it, ok??], Oli-chan, anna-chan, jamo, lala, and Samantha! Thanks so much. ^^ Hehe, Lala, that one vid was so hilarious!! XD The Shige & Keii-chan one, lol. And yeah, I'm not sure if I like their new song, but whatever. Hehe, thanks again. Steph, don't worry about commenting or posting much. That feeling just sucks so I hope it goes away soon. *hugs* Thanks to everyone that viewed the photos I took on our walk! And arigatou for the birthday wishes to my dad. ^__^ <3 Very sweet of all of you~
My internet is being poopy today. Slow, freezing up. :/ It wouldn't connect for a while either. >< But here I am! Finally getting to post. I was going to post earlier in the afternoon, but then I just felt ~__~; I've been getting into these slumps of things lately! Not wanting to wall, comment, post, etc. Argh. I don't know what to blame it on either, lol. I need a scapegoat!! D: Uhh...I warming! Yeah, just like all the other problems in the world. v__v No, I don't know. I just blame my mind. *punches it* Ow. I shouldn't do that...haha..but yeah, anyhoo~ If you didn't see those photos I took, go to my last post. :) You'll see cherry blossoms, a random Adam tag, and muddy water! :D I took more, but I didn't upload them. Perhaps I shall make one of the cherry blossom ones my theme...whenever I decided to change it. ^^; I've been too lazy to do that yet. So until then *hugs dark flower theme*
We have another death in our fish family. We knew it was coming. Poor Blaise. He was never quite right...I would call him a tard, and say he'd look like he had mental problems cause he always had this stupid look on his face. ^^; And he was just a bit odd...well, these past couple of weeks he was even weirder. He wasn't eating was almost as if he couldn't eat. So I was worried about and I figured he wouldn't live much longer. I didn't think he'd make it through this weekend, and nope, he didn't. I found him sucked to the filter...body wrapped around could see everything in him cause he was so skinny. Yes, fish can be deathly skinny. Like you could see his bones. :( It was very sad. He was still breathing while stuck on the filter, but it wasn't enough. .___. So dad and I decided we should just let him die. It was sad seeing him yes, another dear fishy of ours has passed on to fish heaven. *sigh* Here's the best photo I took of him. It's a bit blurry, but you can see him. ^_^
RIP Blaise. Well, he was technically Blaise II...we had another one that died a while back. T__T
Umm...anyhoo...*thinks* Sad things in my teams have been losing. Bah. I'm not too worried about my Phillies (baseball) because the season is incredibly long, and I blame most of it on the passing of Harry Kalas since they were all so close to him. But my Flyers (hockey) have lost the first 2 games of the playoffs! Not good!! In the playoffs, it's a best of 7 to move onto the next round...and we've already lost 2. ~__~ We could've won last night, I swear it!! But they got some really stupid penalties (in overtime). :/ As for my Phillies, they honestly should've won last really. We were up 7 to 1, and yet somehow our pitching totally blew it. We lost 8 to 7. What a bunch of bull!! >.< That upset me a lot last night! I take it very dearly when my sports teams lose. I know most of you don't care, so I'll stop there!
I have lots of homework to do this weekend. Ugh. My stupid teachers didn't manage time well during the year. "Oops, you haven't had as many hw assignments that you were supposed to this year! :D I think I'll assign you lots in the last couple weeks!" -__-; Stupid teachers. I have a 2-page thing to do for accounting, a take-home chemistry TEST, and a take-home art quiz. I also have to somehow finish all that fashion project in 3 classes--sewing, etc. etc. etc. Monday I have my meeting with my adviser to discuss what classes I'll be taking next semester. I really don't want to go. I don't want to. I'm afraid of all the courses I need to somehow make up. I'm behind in credits...and I just don't know how I'll do it. I'm deathly afraid of taking certain classes, too, but mostly this economics course. And I dont' think there's any way out of it. I've heard all about it from the girls that already took it...and the final project is a big business thing. You have to come up with your own business and do a HUGE presentation for it. A 10 page paper, logo, business plan, poster, etc. and present with a 15 minute or something speech. T____T Kill me now. I'd much rather die than do that. I swear. I always freak out with presentations...and something that huge will make me faint. Ugh. So I'll see if there is ANY way that I can take something else to replace it, but I doubt sucks...
I've been working a very tiny bit on my wallpaper. I'll see if I can do some tonight as well as work a little on my homework. :/ I went on AP for like 5 minutes today and yesterday, and that was enough to make me feel depressed again. I don't know why. I just hate it now. I'm not going to go on there until I finish this wallpaper. Looking at walls and stuff there makes me feel like a bad person since I haven't made one in over a month. Makes me feel guilty and pressured. I almost never want to wall again. I know that won't happen, but sometimes I just feel like that. Like it's a hassle. *sigh* And I showed this preview to one of my "friends" on there, and all she had to say was, "Did you draw that crow? Lol. It looks too high or something...I don't know..." and she kept questioning my decision to have a crow in there. :/ Instead of complimenting or anything, that's what I get! Bah!! And there's a crow in there cause it's a major theme of Haibane Renmei, darn it!
My face is still bothering me. Stupid itching and burning. It's retarded. ~__~ I'm stuck putting anti-itch cream all over it, lol. Anyhoo...let's see if there's anything POSITIVE to talk about! ^^; Corey has been going out a lot lately. It's weird for him to be social at all, yet friends he's made at work have been wanting to do things! I don't know if it's always GOOD things they're doing, but at least it gets him out of my way sometimes. *thinks* Sorry, I can't think of anything else! Cause today all I've done is play Persona 4, take Totoro for a little walk...and enjoy the wonderfully warm weather! It's so beautiful!! <333 Though I don't like it TOO warm. Haha, whenever it gets above 73 degrees, I start complaining, lol. Like today. "It's hottt..." My mom said, "I was wondering when you'd start complaining!" *laugh* Sorry! XD I'm very sensitive to the heat! I have terribly sensitive skin, so anything that isn't just perfect will annoy me.
*huggles* I'll try to comment some, but sorry again if I don't get to you all. I need this mood to pass...and I need school out of my hair first and foremost. Ugh, and this wallpaper. Sometimes I Just want to hate life, but I know I shouldn't because I'm even more afraid of death. >_> Anyhoo, gomen, I love you guys!! Take care~
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