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myOtaku.com: Angel Zakuro

Thursday, July 13, 2006

yet another dispiriting post...
Thanks for your comments, like usual. ^^ It was quite a lot this time, 15! That's the most in a while...so many of my friends have stopped updated and/or deleted their accounts. *sigh* I wonder why? It's really sad...a lot of them were people that would actually comment on my site, too...and I liked visiting them. Why are so many of my friends going away??? *sob* Oh well...I can't do anything abou it, I guess. I'm glad that I've gotten lots of great new friends though. *nods* Anyhoo, sorry for the post being much later...I was way too tired this morning to post like I usually do. Again, I was fraught with insomnia and had to take a part of a sleeping pill...*sigh*

Today I've been in an utterly depressed mood. I'm sorry, but I'll I've been able to write about lately is depressing crap...or just me complaining about the same stuff all the time. I doubt any of you want to read about the same crap everyday, especially in such long posts. I thank you for all your support and comforting words though...whether they're truthful or just hastily written shallow comments, I'm still grateful for them. *nods* Anyhoo, the reality of having to move has just been a great burden on me...pushing me down and making me feel overwhelmed with depressing emotions.

I suppose I won't talk about that more though...I know you're tired of saying the same stuff over and over to me, so I won't talk about it...it's just that that's all I have to talk about. I have a boring life...I'm a boring person that doesn't do stuff with friends or do stuff with my family. I've never once been to a theme park or ridden a roller coaster. I've been to the beach once with a friend, and a few times with my family when we'd go to CA to visit relatives...other than that, nothing. This has been the worst summer of my life, and I actually just want it to be over with. I know this sounds selfish and childish, but whatever. I haven't had one day yet this summer that was thoroughly fun, nor have I had one day where there was no yelling/arguing in the family.

Tomorrow my dad's going to the doctor to (hopefully) get some medicine to deal with his sudden outbursts of anger. We all think he's bipolar. If he is, then I hope that he can get some medicine that'll work and that'll make him more "normal." I doubt it though...cause a lot of the anger recently has all been because of the stress from the house and money situation. The only way he'll be stress-free and yelling-free is if someone hands him at least 4 million dollars for no reason to keep.

Alrighty, sorry for the solemn post yet again. I'm typing this in a down-trodden mood anyway...so it's only right that it shows through. I haven't visited anyone's sites but Harvey's yet, and I see that not so many of you updated...I'll try to visit, but I'm not so sure I will. I'm just not in the mood right now...I'm sorry...and thank you for taking the time to read this and comment if you did.

P.S. As you can see, I jus changed my bg...is it ok? I'm sorry if you can't read the text well. I can't find a color that you can see any better than black. ^^; It's from Sakura Taisen...of Sakura.
P.P.S. I just made the bg lighter, so now you can read the text better! Thanks, Rachel, for telling me it was hard to read! I hope it's ok now.

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