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myOtaku.com: Angel Zakuro

Friday, August 11, 2006

*hugs* I'm running out of ways to begin my posts! *laugh* That is...I'm running out of the first thing to say other than "thanks for the comments"...hmmm...well, obviously, this time around it's different! *laugh* Now I'll say...thank ya very much for all the comments, you sweet and dear friends of mine!!! (really...are you guys tired of me thanking you all the time? well, even if you are, i'm still gonna dedicate a whole paragraph to thanking you guys!! ><) First off, I have to explain...*laugh* No, JungWoo, the xbox stuff didn't really come in the mail box. ^^; The box was placed by the door...cause even though we have a huge industrial sized mailbox, there's no way that the xbox stuff would've fit. ^^; I see that lots of you are the same way as me (when it comes to friends)! Yay! I'm glad I'm not alone with my anti-social-ness. ^^

Anyhoo, we had a great time yesterday! *nods* Like usual (I should never expect any better...) Kupo got here a half-hour late. ^^; I should always tell her to get here an hour or half-hour earlier than I really want her to be over...cause then she'd be on time! Her mom makes her late all the time...even at school! She's gotten many detentions for lates. ^^; So right when she got here, my dog started barking like a madman (like usual)...we went up to the "green room" (the room in my house that's painted all green w/green carpeting, it's where the game systems are) to put her dance pad there. After that, I took her to my horribly messy room to show her my piles of manga! Then we started playing games...for a long time...^^ Thank goodness we got that xbox the day before or else we wouldnt have had as much fun (I think). We played Karaoke Revolution for quite a while...though we were both sorta embarrassed of our singing. She was waaaay better than me though. *sigh* She got such great scores!!! I swear, Konami games were made for her! Anyhoo, before that we played DOA volleyball for a really long time, too...she had fun with the buying of swimsuits and whatnot (and of course the playing of volleyball).

After about 3 1/2 hours of playing DOA, Karaoke Revolution, and DDR, we then went up to the pool. That was right when my bro got home from his interview. Of course, being the jerk that he is, the first thing he says to me is, "Man, you stink!" Well, duh! We just played DDR for an hour or whatever!!! He didn't need to say that in front of my friend...stupid jerk! >< So anyway, we go up to the pool and we ate our snacks (it was around 5, and we didn't even have lunch! we were so in-tuned to the game playing...that our game inertia carried us through all that playing!). We got in the jacuzzi and splashed my dog (yes, he's still limping...) while talking about school stuff and such. She's planning on going to Britain for college and studying linguistics...or something like that. ^^; It's amazing! Going overseas for college! But she has family there, so it won't be too strange. She's lucky she knows what she wants to do in life...*sigh* But she continuously encouraged me (she always does, no matter what...like when we play DDR, she's doing songs on heavy and getting As while I get Cs on standard...but she still says, "wow!! you did great! you got a C! that was a tough song, too! etc...she's so nice...). ^^ So, yeah, I'll end my time talking about yesterday now...just saying that it was an enjoyable time.

As for today...hmm...we might go see a movie, that Will Ferrell (sp?) movie...whatever it's called. ^^; Where he's a racecar driver or something. I don't really want to see it, but my mom is sorta insisting...since it got such good reviews and whatnot. Hopefully my brother will get a call from the vet saying that he got the job...he didn't really tell me much about the interview, so I'm not sure how it went. ^^; He works tomorrow (yay...but not...), but unfortunately it's not his usual schedule! He works from 8:30am to 3 or 3:30 or something...so I really won't get as much time as I usually do to be on the computer!!! >< Stupid!!! Cause I certainly don't get up that early...I get up around 11...so I won't get much time to myself. *sigh* So sorry, no visiting time today...and I will get some tomorrow but not as much!! *sob* I'm sorry!!!

Well, I'll end this post now. I hope it was sorta interesting for you to read about my day with my friend yesterday...it was probably really boring for you guys to read, but...whatever. Sorry! I was thinking of a poem to write, but I didn't quite get it done in my mind...so no poem today either. I'm thinking that this school year I'll finally be courageous enough to submit some of my poetry to our literary magazine. ^^; Hopefully...anyhoo, I hope that all of you have a better-than-fantastic day today! Remember, my thoughts are with all of you...whether I can visit your sites or not!!

P.S.JungWoo! What's your gaia account name? Is it the same?

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