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uhm... singing and dancing? :P
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Wednesday, December 1, 2004
Argh.... >w
Grrrrr! >w< >o<
I'm so dang pissed off right now! Ugh... I hate those type of guys who hits on you, says hi to you and touches you and you barely even know them. Argh... I curse them all!!! >w<
..... Nah, I'm too nice to curse them~ ;P But still, I hate 'em! >w< Mou, another reason why I'm so pissed off right now is the fact that Kreeya and Lhea were acting a lot like those rich snobs. Grr.. We were in the SM Supermarket that time and it was kind of crowded. >w< Lots of people were there and they can hear 'em using slang words and their 'kikay-ness' makes me want to hurl... Ugh... *vomits* *breathes* Luckily, they noticed me glaring at them. I didn't talk to them until we got out of the Supermarket. Hah... >w< Oh well... That was the time when I finally smiled and talked to them. I really can't take the sight of them acting like that... Errrr.... >o<
Hmm... 'tis the first day of December and am really, really pissed, angry, mad, name it! >w< I'm so not myself right now. *sighs* *rolls eyes* I can't believe I typed this one... LOL. I usually don't take out my anger on a keyboard. ;P
*takes a deep breath; sighs*
Hmm... I'm trying to color some lineart while waiting for my puppy to go online... *_* I hope she goes online tonight or else... >w<
Till then, Ja~
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Tuesday, November 30, 2004
nandemonai~ =^^=
I was really pissed off this afternoon! >w< It was all because of those students from Perpetual Help (a school here in Las Piņas). Well, I was walking along the sidewalks of SM Southmall and, for a student like me, am still wearing my uniform. Mind you, our school's uniform is weird. >w< The skirt is above the knee, black socks, and mary janes... Ugh.. @_@; and blazers too... ^^;; *breathes* Back to the story, while walking, some Perpetual guy said 'hi' to me and his group of friends were staring at my.. uniform... o.O wah... I'm so ashamed of wearing our uniform. Yes, yes, you read that one right... So ashamed of wearing our school's uniform. ^^;; Whenever I go to the mall or simply just go home, lots and lots of people are staring at me like I'm an alien. I can see through their faces something like, "From what school are you? Are you going to dance somewhere?" WAH~ >w< Although some say that our uniform is good and stuff... but then again.. I just can't... @_@ Grr... Oh well, maybe I'll get used to it someday~ =^^=
Ta-tah for now~ =^^=
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Monday, November 29, 2004
wai~ >w
Yappo, mina! I changed the color schemes and changed the picture thingy... Ooh... I love it's dullness. *_* Heheh... I like it this way! Oh well.. Am I the only person who thinks that way? *blink blink* ^^;;
Hmm... I went to our hangout-- Gamezone, this afternoon. When I got there, I only saw Jericho's elder brother-- Oliver and other two guys (I don't know them ^^\). Badly, my feet were itching to dance and play so I bought two tokens. =^^= I played EZ2Dancer. The two tokens are for the Hard Mode and the Dance Club mode (doubles ^^/) Should I state what songs I played? No? Okay~ =^^= heheh... Well, I got two extra stages! Yay! Those stages are for practice and stuff. >w<
After playing, I checked out the quantum area, hoping that Jonathan and the others are there. Well, I didn't see them... They weren't there yet... Mou... I just played Keyboard Mania.. Yay! =^^= Well, that was the time I saw Edward and Marielle-- Jonathan's girlfriend, they greeted me as usual. Edward approached me and asked if I'm going to play, so, I said 'Yes'. I played two games... Wah~ There are supposed to be three stages for me but Edward took the other two! Mou!! >w< Meh~ But it was okay~ I like that guy. He's fun to be with~ =^^= Afterwards, Jonathan came-- my oniichan~ (He's not really my brother but he's my brother at heart) Ah... such rendezvous.. lol! ^^;; Err...
We went back to the EZ2Dancer area and I, the dance addict, played again... But I played with Edward this time :D He's such a good dancer~ *_* Err...? Don't get me wrong, you people.. :P Am not drooling over him~ >w< Just admiring him, but, mind you, he's not my crush. He really plays those kinds of games too good... meh~ >w< Well... Playing with Edward made me kind of competitive... I wanna have an A+ grade on those games.. He's always getting the A+.. >w< oh well... I can only have the A's.. That is, if the certain dance song is my favorite, Arcturus' Open your Eyes for instance... Ed's always choosing the hard ones... That's why I never beat him! >w< Mou.. Doesn't matter... o.O It doesn't matter but why am I rambling like this? LOL! ^^;; Ahem.. Of course, I, too, played with Onii-chan. Wai~ He taught me how to play doubles. Ahem... He's the reason why I got hooked on those dance machines! >w<
Mou.. It is unevitable that I, the dance addict would have to leave the hangout and go home... >w< My okaasan fetched me there... >w< Wah~ We arrived at home around 8:30 in the evening... *_* Tha's SO not me... :P
Dinner? No, not in the mood for that. Am gonna feed my stomach with net gizmos, for I, too, was once known as the internet addict. =^^= .Hmm. Ba
Bad news this day... O.o
Pat texted me and I got this message from her:
Hey Desi-chan, I'm really sorry. I have a very big problem right now and it's personal... I'll be back on January-- maybe.Please tell the others... 'til then, bye! P.S I can't really tell you about it right now... -Pat-chan
o.O geez! i'm so worried about her! >w< How can she just leave like that... Well, I replied to her and sent her this message =^^=:
Aw.. Pat-chan... Okay then, but you'll tell me 'bout it someday, ayt? I'm worried about you! Just take care of yourself as always, 'kay? Don't worry, I'll tell Kuya (onii-chan) and the others about it. Take care. Luv ya, girl!
I waited patiently for her reply but there was none... T_T wah~ pat-chan~ if you're reading this right now, contact me will ya! >w< I'm so dang worried... >w<
Additional info's: o.O
Vanessa, introduced me to her guitar teacher last night through the YIM thingy. It so happens that this guy gave me the creeps. @_@ You ask the reason why? Well, first, he asked me if I am Desiree. I said 'Yes, I am'. Then he asked me for the clarification that I play guitar. So like... I was thinking how that guy knew stuffs 'bout me... Plus, the fact that he knows that there was a cat on our roof last night... >w< I asked him how he knew such things, guess what he told me? One answer... "It was a full moon last friday." o.O err..? connection?
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Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Mou... X_x
Wahhhh!!! It's been a long time since I last updated my blog. *_* *dies* Mou... Anyway... Ahem.... Just want to tell to minna that I'm back after a looooong time. ^_^vP *hugs everyone*
Got lots and lots of problems these days but.. oh well.. I'm too lazy to write anything that happened to me! Maybe next time.. 'til then.. ja matene! ^_^
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Friday, August 6, 2004
Exams are finished! YESSSS!!! Will be posting the results of my exams as soon as I possibly can. ^_^
Hmm... Just an ordinary day today. I'm kinda sleepy right now... Oh well... The usual day.. We went to the mall... Ate our lunch there... Supper too.. Nya~ Why? We're in the mall for 6 hours. Really. :P
Argh... I'm too lazy to type... >_< I don't know what to type... Sigh... I guess I'm just tired. I'm missing a certain someone right now... *sad sigh* Me stop if I continue I'll ramble again... ^^;;
I have nothing to say.. I wonder why... Maybe I'm just depressed or something... My mind is going blank and stuff... Blah...
Quiz Result...
![nature]( Your style is... Nature lover! Your a caring and kind girl who cares for plants animals your an awsome chick! You should be proud~
*~*~*~*~*~~ Whats ur Style?? (with 20 different cute pics!) ~~~*~*~*~* brought to you by Quizilla
Me stop type now. Me say bye bye. Bye Bye.
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Tuesday, August 3, 2004
Waaaiiii~ First day of exams! Got a hard time in Filipino. Geez! I am a Filipino and yet I can't understand our lesson in Filipino. >_< Oh well.. It happens. ^^;; Other than that, Our test in Values Ed. and Chemistry was just easy. Hah.. Easy then when I get to see my scores I fail?! O_o;; Nya.. Maybe. Lol! I'm being pessimistic again. T_T A bad thing...
After our exams, we went to the mall to eat lunch there. I was with Lea and Kreeya. Since we're just on half day classes because of the exams. ^^;; Anyway, back to the story. Kreeya, my bebe, that's what I call her. Nya~ She kept on dragging us to Game Zone so that she can take a glimps of The Cute Dancing Drummer Boy, again. Long code name, eh? His name is Marlon. Nya~ She just heard his friends call him by his name, and she's not sure yet if that really his name. ^^;; Hmm... Marlon's not there so I was laughing my head off! No! I'm just kidding.. ^^;; Just a relief because if he's there, she'll be begging us to stay there with her until Marlon leaves. @_@ Torture.... Oh well...
Afterwards, we went to the Foodcourt to eat. I can't remember what I ate. ^^;; All I know is that I drank Iced Tea. ^^;;
Hmm... We went to the Video City after eating our lunch. As usual, I rented a vcd. Woah.. Watching movies during exams? ^^;; Nyaaaa.... Bad thing, ne? Hey, I focus!!! I know how to focus!!! ^_^ Well, I rented the movie called, "Thirteen". It's about a smart straight - A student, Tracy, --if not a little naive (it seems...she smokes and she cuts to alleviate the emotional pain she suffers from having a broken home and hating her mom's boyfriend, Brady.) She befriends Evie, a popular girl in her school who has the hottest looks. T_T This Evie girl, taught her stuffs, drug use... sex and crime. Argh.. Just watch it. LOL! It's a 2003 movie, I think. ^^;; The movie teaches you a lesson.. At least, for me it has a lesson. ^_~ Oh well..
Oh, and yeah, I got home around 3o'clock in the afternoon... Went straight to studying. Finished reviewing around 8pm. Watched "Thirteen". Got a message from my 'meliane. WAAAIIII!!! I <3 MY 'MELIANE! Err... Ahem.. ^^;; And then... My mom asked me to buy some load for my cellphone, next door. Then.. I'm here. Online. ^_^ After I finish writing this, Ima gonna sleep. I promised 'meliane that I'll sleep early, too. ^_^
Tests for tomorrow...
World History
Yay! Easy tests for tomorrow! Yay! Yay! Yay! ^___^ Erhm... ^^;;
Qoute of the Day...
"A past is good for the lesson it teaches."
Quiz Result...
![mysterious]( You have a mysterious kiss. Your partner never knows what you're going to come up with next; this creates great excitement and arousal never knowing what to expect. And it's sure to end in a kiss as great as your mystery.
What kind of kiss are you? brought to you by Quizilla
I can't think of any good quizzes to take so I decided to put this one. ^^;;
So then... It's BAI BAI time. Me gonna go to sleep. Good night to you all! ZzZzZzZzZz...
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Sunday, August 1, 2004
Site Update: New Layout (Lavender)
Start Off...
I'm in a terrible mood tonight! I'm angry.. I'm mad.. I'm insane... I'm going ballistic! >_<
First off, I'm online... But the person I'm waiting for is not here.. I understand it though... But.. I really miss that certain person! @_@
Message for Ameliane...
Hey, 'meliane... I'm not mad at you, okay? It's just that I'm really in a terrible.. BAD mood tonight... ^^; Don't hate me for this... Oh.. And there's just TOO many questions that I want to ask.. T_T
Nothing special today. I know it's been a long time since I updated this thing. I'm sorry fellow otakus... T_T
The Preliminary Exams are just ahead... Sigh.. I hope I'll make a good score... And I just hate Trigonometry! But I love it.. Nya~ That doesn't make sense, does it? @_@
Qoute of the Day...
"Wheresoever you go, go with your heart."
Current Music...
Unwell (acoustic version) by Matchbox 20
My Deviation Gallery
Quiz Results...
![Goddess]( You are a goddess!
Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You? brought to you by Quizilla
![The Regular Jo(e)]( Category III - The Regular Jo(e)
You are the quintessential standard conjured by the word 'Friend'.
What Type of Social Entity are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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Friday, July 2, 2004
Ara? X_x
![Blue Eyes!]( Blue like the sky...
~* What Anime Eyecolor would you have? *~ brought to you by Quizilla
![Green Hair!]( Green Hair! Famous Green Heads: Setsuna from Sailor Moon & Lyserg from Shaman King!
~* What Anime Haircolor would you have? *~ brought to you by Quizilla
![Your weapon is a Bo!]( Bo! The chinese Wood Stick!
What's your Weapon? .._..contains Anime pictures.._.. brought to you by Quizilla
![Classical Beauty!]( Classical Beauty! A true beauty. You're the perfect example for that what every young girl wants to be or what a boy wants to marry, a princess. Of course you're pretty but you also have many qualitys which are as important for you as you looks.
What kind of beauty are you? .._..contains Anime pictures.._.. brought to you by Quizilla
Oookaaaay.. That's enough. ^.^ *ahem*
Blog for July 1, 2004
Nyanyanya~ First day of the month, ne? As usual, tired. Me and my classmates went to a school visit. First off, we went to my former school. Oh yes! I get to see my former classmates! ^.^
When we have arrived at the school, Christine, was the first one who saw me. She hugged me and asked this and that. Asked me about.. everything! ... I guess. ^^;; Well.. everybody else hugged me too! They greeted me also. ^.^ There were a few transferees at my former school... But I wasn't able to get their names. ^^;; Other part... I wasn't able to REMEMBER their names. ^^;;;;; Gomen... We roamed around the school for a tour. Then after that, we bid farewell to them.
We went to another school, Academy of Jesus or also known as AOJ. It's the former school of my classmate, Kreeya. We waited for one and a half hours at the parent's waiting area. @_@;; Dizzy, dizzy, dizzy... Why? Because the oh-so-good security guard won't let us in. >_< Ooh! What a pain... We were like... Just sitting there... Staring at the ceiling... Counting lizards. ^^;; Nya...
I met Kreeya's best friend. Oh.. And I forgot her name... ^^;; What's wrong with me these past few days? ^^;; Ahh...
After some Introduction and goodbye's, we rode the bus and went to SM Southmall. Well.. JM and Hazel parted with us because they have this curfew thing.
When we finally arrived at SM, we went straight to Storyland. ^.^ Ahh... ^_^ Arcade!
Games we played:
1. Basketball
Kreeya - 31
Lea - 28
Joahnna - 34 (not quite sure w/ this one)
Me - 38 Yatta ne! ^.^
2. Motor Racing or something.. ^^;; I don't know...
I placed on First. Lea placed on 2nd. ^.^
3. Ridge Racer for Kreeya and Joahnna
Kreeya placed 1st and Joahnna placed 2nd. ^.^
4. HIDE AND SEEK! ^___^
FUN! FUN! FUN! Lea's always the IT. KUKUKU! It's so much fun hiding from her!
1. Ice cream
2. Softdrink
What? Something wrong with that?! ^^;;
Fun time interrupted due to some circumstances.. My mother was looking for me. Reason? My parents were also in the mall. ^.^ Sooo... We went on our separate ways after taling to my okaa-sama.
My otoo-sama was playing some kind of an online casino gaming. *rolls eyes* Err...??? My younger brother was playing some arcade game at the 3rd level of the mall.. I don't know what that arcade gaming place is called.. ^^;; I'm sorry...
Hmm... I don't remember all the stuffs, this and that... The things that happened in the mall.. ^^;; Gomenasai! Anyway, we arrived at home around 7pm. ^.^
Blog for July 2, 2004
Yay! Fun classes at school today! ^.^ SO happy. First of all, I got a perfect score in our 25 - item quiz in Literature. ^_^ Yatta! For Geometry... I only got 17 out of 20 points ^^;; Oh well.. Since WHEN did I get a perfect score in Math - related stuff? I hate numbers. >_< Well, that's all for the fun stuff today.
Weird things that happened today:
(I find it weird. ^^;;)
1. There's this guy, a sixth grader, I think he's 12 or something.. I don't know.. ^^;; Whenever I saw him, he keeps on staring into my eyes. >_< What's WITH him?!
2. Another thing related to that guy, my younger brother told me that his name is Francis. I think he's stalking me or something. O_o;; *guwaii yo*
3. During our breaktime, that was around 3o'clock in the afternoon, that Francis guy was waving at me. >_< What's gotten into him??? >_<;;; I was just knocking this transparent glass at the stairways. Then he saw me, maybe he thought that I was calling him or something.. Oh well... @_@;;
Weird, ne? No? Well, I find it extra weird! >_<;;;;
Hmm... I got home around 4:45pm. Waaaiii.. So tired. Surprised, my parent's car wasn't there. So, I went straight to the front door and unlocked it. Grumbling, I opened the door and guess what?! My younger brother frightened me! I was screaming at the top of my lungs!!! ^^;;; Then... Lyra's cousins were there, so, I was kinda... embarassed. ^^;; Oh well.. They're younger than me, anyway! ^.^
My mom bought an electronic 630 key piano. Yes.. it's for me. ^^;; I DO know some songs to be played in the piano. But I DON'T know how to play the piano THAT much. ^^;; Gomenasai.. okaa-sama! @_@;;
Dinner Time! Nope. Didn't eat anything.. Just a piece of pizza. ^^;; Well... It's better than nothing! >_<;;
Oh, and yes, it ain't the end of the day yet. ^^;; It's just 9pm on the clock. So... Maybe I'll go out later... KUKUKU!
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Wednesday, June 30, 2004
Oookay... This one's called "Untitled". I wrote this poem last night. For my.. shujin...
Oh this feeling I can't forget,
Oh this love that never sets,
Oh I love you
and that is true.
Believe in me,
I believe in you.
Fallacious arguments need not to stay
All we have to do is trust but don't betray.
I am here for you
A promise- that will be true.
Don't forget we have each other
We can make it to the end if we're together.
Not just physically,
but all at heart.
I promise you
We'll never be apart.
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Tuesday, June 29, 2004
![Priestess]( Preistess/Preist
What is your anime occupation? (pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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