![I'm a spiritual person!](http://images.quizilla.com/Y/YinYangTwins/1057234817_uresquiz11.jpg)
You're the spiritual / gentle soul! Pure in mind,
body, and heart, you are either a member of a
religious order of some sort or simply a very
caring and loving individual. In either case,
you more than likely possess a strong sense of
spirituality, radiating hope from your entire
being. You tag along with the hero in his/her
journey out of a desire to help those suffering
because of the forces of darkness that have
been plaguing your world as of late, and
although you more than likely have no real
offensive abilities to provide, you have the
largest of array of healing spells and/or
medical knowledge to make up for that lack and
this alone makes you a valuable traveling
companion. You tend to be kind and
compassionate, even to enemies, and normally
possess a quiet sort of personality. Your true
strength lies in this kindness, and you
miraculously hold onto it despite what you may
encounter in your perilous journeys. Your
friends know that they can rely on you whenever
they require aid, and you give your help to
anyone in need without a thought of getting
anything in return.
What Female Fantasy Archetype Are You? (For girls-->Results are anime pics!) brought to you by Quizilla